165 research outputs found

    Studi e ricerche di scienze umane e sociali

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    [It] Gli studi raccolti in questo volume costituiscono il primo ‘Quaderno’ della nuova Collana di pubblicazioni della Scuola di Scienze Umane e Sociali dell’Ateneo fridericiano, promossa con l’intendimento di facilitare il confronto e il dialogo tra studiosi di varia provenienza, di sollecitare indagini trasversali e interdisciplinari sia su argomenti lontani nel tempo sia su temi di grande attualità che sono parte del nostro vissuto quotidiano. Il volume rappresenta una felice sintesi tra passato e presente, come ù prerogativa delle ricerche appartenenti alla cultura umanistica, che ha a oggetto lo studio dell’esperienza umana considerata nella sua globalità. [En] This book belongs to a new Series promoted by the School of Humanities and Social Sciences at Federico II University of Naples, in order to facilitate dialogue among scholars from different disciplines and to encourage interdisciplinary and cross-sectoral approaches on topics, both contemporary and historical. The studies collected in this volume offer a graceful synthesis of past and present, as is typical of the humanities, that study human culture in all its form

    Burocrazia e fisco a Napoli tra XV e XVI secolo. La Camera della Sommaria e il Repertorium alphabeticum solutionum fiscalium Regni

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    Il libro ripercorre i processi di “burocratizzazione” degli uffici finanziari del Regno di Napoli soffermandosi sulla prassi amministrativa della Regia Camera della Sommaria. Esso prende avvio dall’edizione critica del Repertorium Alphabeticum Solutionum Fiscalium Regni Siciliae, un manoscritto cinquecentesco prodotto dalla Sommaria, ricco di informazioni relative all’intera area del Mezzogiorno, divenuto particolarmente prezioso dopo la distruzione della documentazione aragonese dell’Archivio di Stato di Napoli nell’incendio del settembre 1943. La ricerca ha quindi origine dalla lettura “lenta” di un testo, dall’indagine sui suoi caratteri e sulla sua struttura, sulle sue fonti, sul contesto e sulle vicende che condussero alla sua redazione, sulle pratiche di lavoro amministrativo che esso intendeva descrivere e orientare. Il volume ricostruisce poi il lungo processo che portĂČ alla formazione dell’ufficio della Sommaria tra gli ultimi decenni del Duecento e primi del Quattrocento. Ne delinea in seguito le competenze e le modalitĂ  di funzionamento in etĂ  aragonese, per seguirne infine le vicende fino alla metĂ  del Cinquecento, sulla base di fonti edite e inedite, conservate in diversi archivi e biblioteche, italiane ed europee, senza mai tralasciare il confronto con un’ampia bibliografia internazionale


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    Lambda(4)-phage vectors of gene codifying for synthesis of Shiga-toxins are suspected to be involved in the virulence evolution of Vero-Toxin producing Escherichia coli(VTEC). Herds of domestic or wild ruminants are reservoirs of these bacteria, but excretion with faeces is more frequent in groups of heifers and feeder calves. Studies have shown that slurries produced by infected herds are often positive for VTEC and that Stx2 carrying lambda coliphages can be isolated. These viruses can induce lysogenic cycles only in some strain of Escherichia coli and the Stx gene is then integrated in the bacterial chromosome. When these bacteria also posses other virulence traits, like those responsible for the intimate attachment to the enteric mucosal cells (eae or saa) the recombinant strains might became pathogen for humans. Our research was aimed at detecting the coliphages form ten Stx2 positive strains isolated in our previous studies. We have included strains, possessing or not the 'eae' genes. In addition we have used other isolates originating from slaughterhouses, with the aim of evaluating their susceptibility to the isolated 4-phages. Following induction of a lytic cycle with mitomycin C, the strains were screened by hybridization of plaque blots with Stx2 probes. The purified extracts of eight of the ten strains produced plaque/halos of lysis in cultures of susceptible strains, thus showing these strains were infected by inducible phages, but only one proved to be Stx2 carrier. Attempt to obtain new lysogens using the purified Stx2 phage with other strains 'eae' positive and STx negative isolated from slaughterhouses were unsuccessful. Stx2 lysogens were obtained only using the reference strains DM1187

    Blast waves from violent explosive activity at Yasur Volcano, Vanuatu

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    Infrasonic and seismic waveforms were collected during violent strombolian activity at Yasur Volcano (Vanuatu). Averaging similar to 3000 seismic events showed stable waveforms, evidencing a low-frequency (0.1-0.3Hz) signal preceding similar to 5-6s the explosion. Infrasonic waveforms were mostly asymmetric with a sharp compressive (5-106Pa) onset, followed by a small long-lasting rarefaction phase. Regardless of the pressure amplitude, the ratio between the positive and negative phases was constant. These waveform characteristics closely resembled blast waves. Infrared imagery showed an apparent cold spherical front similar to 20 m thick, which moved between 342 and 405m/s before the explosive hot gas/fragments cloud. We interpret this cold front as that produced by the vapor condensation induced by the passage of the shock front. We suggest that violent strombolian activity at Yasur was driven by supersonic dynamics with gas expanding at 1.1 Mach number inside the conduit

    Pre-treatment high-sensitivity troponin T for the short-term prediction of cardiac outcomes in patients on immune checkpoint inhibitors

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    Background: Immune checkpoint inhibitors (ICIs) are an emerging option for several advanced metastatic cancers, but may have cardiotoxic effects. The prognostic value of high-sensitivity troponin T (hs-TnT) before treatment start has never been investigated. Materials and methods: Thirty consecutive patients underwent measurement of hs-TnT before starting ICI therapy (pembrolizumab, 23%; nivolumab, 12%; atezolizumab, 6%; durvalumab, 5%). The primary endpoint of cardiovascular death, stroke or transient ischaemic attack, pulmonary embolism and new-onset heart failure, and the secondary endpoint of progression of cardiac involvement according to the CARDIOTOX classification were evaluated after 3 months from the first cycle. Results: Patients (median age 68 years, 77% men, 13% with coronary artery disease, 90% current or former smokers, 67% overweight or obese and 43% hypertensive) had a median hs-TnT of 12 ng/L (interquartile interval 8-23). The primary endpoint occurred only in patients with hs-TnT â‰„ 14 ng/L at baseline. Therefore, only patients who had hs-TnT â‰„ 14 ng/L before the first cycle died had a stroke/TIA or new-onset HF. Furthermore, nine out of 13 patients with the secondary endpoint (progression of cardiac disease) had hs-TnT â‰„ 14 ng/L before the first cycle (P =.012). AUC values were 0.909 for the primary endpoint and 0.757 for the secondary endpoint. The best cut-off was 14 ng/L for both the primary (100% sensitivity, 73% specificity) and secondary endpoints (sensitivity 75%, specificity 77%). Conclusions: In patients on ICIs, baseline hs-TnT predicts a composite cardiovascular endpoint and the progression of cardiac involvement at 3 months, with 14 ng/L as the best cut-off

    Remote monitoring of building oscillation modes by means of real-time Mid Infrared Digital Holography

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    Non-destructive measurements of deformations are a quite common application of holography but due to the intrinsic limits in the interferometric technique, those are generally confined only to small targets and in controlled environment. Here we present an advanced technique, based on Mid Infrared Digital Holography (MIR DH), which works in outdoor conditions and provides remote and real-time information on the oscillation modes of large engineering structures. Thanks to the long wavelength of the laser radiation, large areas of buildings can be simultaneously mapped with sub-micrometric resolution in terms of their amplitude and frequency oscillation modes providing all the modal parameters vital for all the correct prevention strategies when the functionality and the health status of the structures have to be evaluated. The existing experimental techniques used to evaluate the fundamental modes of a structure are based either on seismometric sensors or on Ground-based Synthetic Aperture Radar (GbSAR). Such devices have both serious drawbacks, which prevent their application at a large scale or in the short term. We here demonstrate that the MIR DH based technique can fully overcome these limitations and has the potential to represent a breakthrough advance in the field of dynamic characterization of large structures

    chapter 9 thermal acoustic and seismic signals from pyroclastic density currents and vulcanian explosions at soufriere hills volcano montserrat

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    Abstract We show two examples of how integrated analysis of thermal and infrasound signal can be used to obtain, in real time, information on volcanic activity. Soufriere Hills Volcano (SHV) on Montserrat offers the opportunity to study a large variety of processes related to lava-dome activity, such as pyroclastic density currents (PDCs) and large Vulcanian eruptions. Infrasound and thermal analysis are used to constrain the propagation of PDCs and their velocities, which are calculated here to range between 15 and 75 m s −1 . During the Vulcanian eruption of 5 February 2010, infrasound and thermal records allow us to identify an approximately 13 s seismic precursor possibly related to the pressurization of the conduit before the explosion onset. The associated very long period (VLP) seismic signal is correlated with the gas-thrust phase detected by thermal imagery, and may reflect a change in the upward momentum induced by the mass discharge. Moreover, from infrasound and thermal analysis, we estimate a gas-thrust phase lasting 22 s, with an initial plume velocity of approximately 170 m s −1 and a mean volumetric discharge rate of 0.3×10 5 –9.2×10 5 m 3 s −1 . This information provided in real time gives important input parameters for modelling the tephra dispersal into the atmosphere

    occurance of histamine in fish products on market

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    Histamine fish poisoning is quite common and occur in consequence of microbial decarboxylase whose activity begin early in the post-mortem but are triggered in consequence of abuse in the shelf life of fish products. In this study forty-eight samples of tuna, mackerel, anchovies, sardines, fresh or processed were sampled from fish shops and supermarkets in the City of Bologna in the period from January to July 2010. Concentration of histamine was assessed using ELISA quantitative test and presence of psicrotrophic histamine forming bacteria was searched using a modified Niven agar medium which allow detection of suspect colonies that were confirmed by PCR for detecting the presence of the histidine decarboxylase genes in their DNA. The positive colonies were then identified on the basis of their morphology, Gram reaction and biochemical characteristics with API20E. The differential capability of the Niven agar was found to be low and approximately one fifth of the suspect colonies were confirmed by the PCR test, which however included both strong and weak histamine producing strains. The presence of Morganella morganii was associated with concentration of histamine 460 mg∙kg-1 above the allowed limit in a sample of tuna sampled from a fish shop. The same bacterium was found in samples of Atlantic horse mackerel (Trachurus trachurus). High histamine concentration (between 258 and > 300 mg∙kg-1) were observed in salted European pilchard and European anchovy (228 mg∙kg-1) sold loose in supermarkets. Because temperature abuse could occur when Tuna (fresh/defrozen) are hold on chopping board to sell fresh cuts and during shelf life of salted pilchard and pickled anchovies held in opened cans in chilled display cabinets for extended period, which might results in very high histamine concentration, controls on time and temperature at the retail, in addition to those done during the harvest and processing are needed. The studies aiming at quantitatively assess the prevalence and number of histamine producing bacteria in fish products that were not involved in histamine poisoning cases and/or do not show high level of histamine are rather complex , requiring many tests for confirming the histamine forming ability of the suspect isolated strains and further studies are needed to develop techniques for enumerating the histamine producing bacteria
