40 research outputs found
The Kolmogorov-Sinai Entropy for Dilute Gases in Equilibrium
We use the kinetic theory of gases to compute the Kolmogorov-Sinai entropy
per particle for a dilute gas in equilibrium. For an equilibrium system, the KS
entropy, h_KS is the sum of all of the positive Lyapunov exponents
characterizing the chaotic behavior of the gas. We compute h_KS/N, where N is
the number of particles in the gas. This quantity has a density expansion of
the form h_KS/N = a\nu[-\ln{\tilde{n}} + b + O(\tilde{n})], where \nu is the
single-particle collision frequency and \tilde{n} is the reduced number density
of the gas. The theoretical values for the coefficients a and b are compared
with the results of computer simulations, with excellent agreement for a, and
less than satisfactory agreement for b. Possible reasons for this difference in
b are discussed.Comment: 15 pages, 2 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.
Comment on `Universal relation between the Kolmogorov-Sinai entropy and the thermodynamic entropy in simple liquids'
The intriguing relations between Kolmogorov-Sinai entropy and self diffusion
coefficients and the excess (thermodynamic) entropy found by Dzugutov and
collaborators do not appear to hold for hard sphere and hard disks systems.Comment: 1 page revte
Time-reversal focusing of an expanding soliton gas in disordered replicas
We investigate the properties of time reversibility of a soliton gas,
originating from a dispersive regularization of a shock wave, as it propagates
in a strongly disordered environment. An original approach combining
information measures and spin glass theory shows that time reversal focusing
occurs for different replicas of the disorder in forward and backward
propagation, provided the disorder varies on a length scale much shorter than
the width of the soliton constituents. The analysis is performed by starting
from a new class of reflectionless potentials, which describe the most general
form of an expanding soliton gas of the defocusing nonlinear Schroedinger
equation.Comment: 7 Pages, 6 Figure
Comment on ``Lyapunov Exponent of a Many Body System and Its Transport Coefficients''
In a recent Letter, Barnett, Tajima, Nishihara, Ueshima and Furukawa obtained
a theoretical expression for the maximum Lyapunov exponent of a
dilute gas. They conclude that is proportional to the cube root of
the self-diffusion coefficient , independent of the range of the interaction
potential. They validate their conjecture with numerical data for a dense
one-component plasma, a system with long-range forces. We claim that their
result is highly non-generic. We show in the following that it does not apply
to a gas of hard spheres, neither in the dilute nor in the dense phase.Comment: 1 page, Revtex - 1 PS Figs - Submitted to Physical Review Letter
Lyapunov Exponents from Kinetic Theory for a Dilute, Field-driven Lorentz Gas
Positive and negative Lyapunov exponents for a dilute, random,
two-dimensional Lorentz gas in an applied field, , in a steady state
at constant energy are computed to order . The results are:
are the exponents for the field-free Lorentz gas,
, is the mean free time between collisions,
is the charge, the mass and is the speed of the particle. The
calculation is based on an extended Boltzmann equation in which a radius of
curvature, characterizing the separation of two nearby trajectories, is one of
the variables in the distribution function. The analytical results are in
excellent agreement with computer simulations. These simulations provide
additional evidence for logarithmic terms in the density expansion of the
diffusion coefficient.Comment: 7 pages, revtex, 3 postscript figure
Self-assembly of DNA-functionalized colloids
Colloidal particles grafted with single-stranded DNA (ssDNA) chains can self-assemble into a number of different crystalline structures, where hybridization of the ssDNA chains creates links between colloids stabilizing their structure. Depending on the geometry and the size of the particles, the grafting density of the ssDNA chains, and the length and choice of DNA sequences, a number of different crystalline structures can be fabricated. However, understanding how these factors contribute synergistically to the self-assembly process of DNA-functionalized nano- or micro-sized particles remains an intensive field of research. Moreover, the fabrication of long-range structures due to kinetic bottlenecks in the self-assembly are additional challenges. Here, we discuss the most recent advances from theory and experiment with particular focus put on recent simulation studies
Largest Lyapunov Exponent for Many Particle Systems at Low Densities
The largest Lyapunov exponent for a dilute gas with short range
interactions in equilibrium is studied by a mapping to a clock model, in which
every particle carries a watch, with a discrete time that is advanced at
collisions. This model has a propagating front solution with a speed that
determines , for which we find a density dependence as predicted by
Krylov, but with a larger prefactor. Simulations for the clock model and for
hard sphere and hard disk systems confirm these results and are in excellent
mutual agreement. They show a slow convergence of with increasing
particle number, in good agreement with a prediction by Brunet and Derrida.Comment: 4 pages, RevTeX, 2 Figures (encapsulated postscript). Submitted to
Phys. Rev. Let
Lyapunov instability of fluids composed of rigid diatomic molecules
We study the Lyapunov instability of a two-dimensional fluid composed of
rigid diatomic molecules, with two interaction sites each, and interacting with
a WCA site-site potential. We compute full spectra of Lyapunov exponents for
such a molecular system. These exponents characterize the rate at which
neighboring trajectories diverge or converge exponentially in phase space.
Quam. These exponents characterize the rate at which neighboring trajectories
diverge or converge exponentially in phase space. Qualitative different degrees
of freedom -- such as rotation and translation -- affect the Lyapunov spectrum
differently. We study this phenomenon by systematically varying the molecular
shape and the density. We define and evaluate ``rotation numbers'' measuring
the time averaged modulus of the angular velocities for vectors connecting
perturbed satellite trajectories with an unperturbed reference trajectory in
phase space. For reasons of comparison, various time correlation functions for
translation and rotation are computed. The relative dynamics of perturbed
trajectories is also studied in certain subspaces of the phase space associated
with center-of-mass and orientational molecular motion.Comment: RevTeX 14 pages, 7 PostScript figures. Accepted for publication in
Phys. Rev.
Hamiltonian dynamics and geometry of phase transitions in classical XY models
The Hamiltonian dynamics associated to classical, planar, Heisenberg XY
models is investigated for two- and three-dimensional lattices. Besides the
conventional signatures of phase transitions, here obtained through time
averages of thermodynamical observables in place of ensemble averages,
qualitatively new information is derived from the temperature dependence of
Lyapunov exponents. A Riemannian geometrization of newtonian dynamics suggests
to consider other observables of geometric meaning tightly related with the
largest Lyapunov exponent. The numerical computation of these observables -
unusual in the study of phase transitions - sheds a new light on the
microscopic dynamical counterpart of thermodynamics also pointing to the
existence of some major change in the geometry of the mechanical manifolds at
the thermodynamical transition. Through the microcanonical definition of the
entropy, a relationship between thermodynamics and the extrinsic geometry of
the constant energy surfaces of phase space can be naturally
established. In this framework, an approximate formula is worked out,
determining a highly non-trivial relationship between temperature and topology
of the . Whence it can be understood that the appearance of a phase
transition must be tightly related to a suitable major topology change of the
. This contributes to the understanding of the origin of phase
transitions in the microcanonical ensemble.Comment: in press on Physical Review E, 43 pages, LaTeX (uses revtex), 22
PostScript figure
Localized behavior in the Lyapunov vectors for quasi-one-dimensional many-hard-disk systems
We introduce a definition of a "localization width" whose logarithm is given
by the entropy of the distribution of particle component amplitudes in the
Lyapunov vector. Different types of localization widths are observed, for
example, a minimum localization width where the components of only two
particles are dominant. We can distinguish a delocalization associated with a
random distribution of particle contributions, a delocalization associated with
a uniform distribution and a delocalization associated with a wave-like
structure in the Lyapunov vector. Using the localization width we show that in
quasi-one-dimensional systems of many hard disks there are two kinds of
dependence of the localization width on the Lyapunov exponent index for the
larger exponents: one is exponential, and the other is linear. Differences, due
to these kinds of localizations also appear in the shapes of the localized
peaks of the Lyapunov vectors, the Lyapunov spectra and the angle between the
spatial and momentum parts of the Lyapunov vectors. We show that the Krylov
relation for the largest Lyapunov exponent as a
function of the density is satisfied (apart from a factor) in the same
density region as the linear dependence of the localization widths is observed.
It is also shown that there are asymmetries in the spatial and momentum parts
of the Lyapunov vectors, as well as in their and -components.Comment: 41 pages, 21 figures, Manuscript including the figures of better
quality is available from http://www.phys.unsw.edu.au/~gary/Research.htm