169 research outputs found

    Complex Shepard Operators and Their Summability

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    In this paper, we construct the complex Shepard operators to approximate continuous and complex-valued functions on the unit square. We also examine the effects of regular summability methods on the approximation by these operators. Some applications verifying our results are provided. To illustrate the approximation theorems graphically we consider the real or imaginary part of the complex function being approximated and also use the contour lines of the modulus of the function

    On Shepard–Gupta-type operators

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    A Gupta-type variant of Shepard operators is introduced and convergence results and pointwise and uniform direct and converse approximation results are given. An application to image compression improving a previous algorithm is also discussed

    On approximation properties of Stancu-Kantorovich operators

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    Utilización de los desechos de la producción de hongos comestibles como co-digestor para obtener biogás

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    El presente trabajo plantea la posibilidad de utilizar los desechos de la producción del hongo comestible Pleurotus ostreatus en el proceso de biodigestión anaerobia. El uso potencial biotecnológico y en aplicaciones medioambientales de los hongos de podredumbre blanca (Pleurotus spp) para la biodegradación de la lignina se ha discutido ampliamente, y se han observado resultados favorables en el proceso de biodigestión. Los objetivos de este trabajo son: evaluar el proceso de co-digestión anaerobia con desechos de la producción de P. ostreatus cultivado en paja de trigo, caracterizar la producción de biogás y analizar la factibilidad de integrar la producción de hongos comestibles con la de biogás. Se utilizaron heces ovinas, paja de trigo y desechos resultantes de la producción de P. ostreatus. Se midieron variables físico-químicas, producción diaria y total de biogás. Los resultados permitieron evidenciar la importancia de la co-digestión para aumentar los rendimientos de los biodigestores anaerobios.This paper discusses the possibility of using waste from the production of edible mushroom Pleurotus ostreatus in the process of anaerobic digestion. Biogas production from lignocellulosic biomass requires the depolymerization of these materials into fermentable sugars by methanogenic bacteria responsible for this natural process. The potential use in biotechnology and environmental applications of white-rot fungi (Pleurotus spp) for the biodegradation of lignin has been widely discussed, and favorable results have been observed in the process of bio-digestion. The objectives of this work are: to evaluate the process of anaerobic co-digestion of waste production of P. ostreatus grown on wheat straw, characterize the biogas production and analyze the feasibility of integrating the production of edible fungi with biogas. Sheep feces were used, wheat straw and waste from the production of P. ostreatus. Physico-chemical variables and the total daily production of biogas were measured. The results revealed the importance of co-digestion and the feasibility of using wheat straw and wheat straw degraded by mushrooms to increase the yields of anaerobic digesters.Asociación Argentina de Energías Renovables y Medio Ambiente (ASADES

    Utilización de los desechos de la producción de hongos comestibles como co-digestor para obtener biogás

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    El presente trabajo plantea la posibilidad de utilizar los desechos de la producción del hongo comestible Pleurotus ostreatus en el proceso de biodigestión anaerobia. El uso potencial biotecnológico y en aplicaciones medioambientales de los hongos de podredumbre blanca (Pleurotus spp) para la biodegradación de la lignina se ha discutido ampliamente, y se han observado resultados favorables en el proceso de biodigestión. Los objetivos de este trabajo son: evaluar el proceso de co-digestión anaerobia con desechos de la producción de P. ostreatus cultivado en paja de trigo, caracterizar la producción de biogás y analizar la factibilidad de integrar la producción de hongos comestibles con la de biogás. Se utilizaron heces ovinas, paja de trigo y desechos resultantes de la producción de P. ostreatus. Se midieron variables físico-químicas, producción diaria y total de biogás. Los resultados permitieron evidenciar la importancia de la co-digestión para aumentar los rendimientos de los biodigestores anaerobios.This paper discusses the possibility of using waste from the production of edible mushroom Pleurotus ostreatus in the process of anaerobic digestion. Biogas production from lignocellulosic biomass requires the depolymerization of these materials into fermentable sugars by methanogenic bacteria responsible for this natural process. The potential use in biotechnology and environmental applications of white-rot fungi (Pleurotus spp) for the biodegradation of lignin has been widely discussed, and favorable results have been observed in the process of bio-digestion. The objectives of this work are: to evaluate the process of anaerobic co-digestion of waste production of P. ostreatus grown on wheat straw, characterize the biogas production and analyze the feasibility of integrating the production of edible fungi with biogas. Sheep feces were used, wheat straw and waste from the production of P. ostreatus. Physico-chemical variables and the total daily production of biogas were measured. The results revealed the importance of co-digestion and the feasibility of using wheat straw and wheat straw degraded by mushrooms to increase the yields of anaerobic digesters.Asociación Argentina de Energías Renovables y Medio Ambiente (ASADES

    Non-perturbative Test of the Witten-Veneziano Formula from Lattice QCD

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    We compute both sides of the Witten-Veneziano formula using lattice techniques. For the one side we perform dedicated quenched simulations and use the spectral projector method to determine the topological susceptibility in the pure Yang-Mills theory. The other side we determine in lattice QCD with Nf=2+1+1N_f=2+1+1 dynamical Wilson twisted mass fermions including for the first time also the flavour singlet decay constant. The Witten-Veneziano formula represents a leading order expression in the framework of chiral perturbation theory and we also employ leading order chiral perturbation theory to relate the flavor singlet decay constant to the relevant decay constant parameters in the quark flavor basis and flavor non-singlet decay constants. After taking the continuum and the SU(2)(2) chiral limits we compare both sides and find good agreement within uncertainties.Comment: 30 pages, 7 figures, version accepted for publicatio