30 research outputs found

    Occurrence of polygyny in Acromyrmex subterraneus molestans Santschi 1925 (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)

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    Polygyny denotes the coexistence of two or more mated and fertile queens in the colony. A colony of Acromyrmex subterraneus molestans Santschi containing 14 queens was collected on campus of the Universidade Federal de Viçosa, Brazil, aiming to verify if they were all egg-layers and fertile . The volume of the fungus garden in the nest was about 500 ml with a large number of larvae and pupae. Observation of the ovarian development and spermathecae indicates that 13 queens had copulated and ovary did not show morphological differences among them. This could indicate that polygyny is not accidental and may represent an adaptative strategy to optimize the development of the initial colony in A. subterraneus molestans.O termo poliginia se refere à coexistência de duas ou mais rainhas férteis na colônia. Coletou-se no campus da Universidade Federal de Viçosa uma colônia de Acromyrmex subterraneus molestans Santschi contendo 14 rainhas, com o objetivo de verificar se todas elas eram ovipositoras e férteis. O volume do jardim de fungo no ninho era de 500 ml com grande número de larvas e pupas. Observações do desenvolvimento dos ovários e espermatecas indicaram que 13 rainhas tinham copulado e seus ovários não mostraram diferenças morfológicas. Isto indicaria que a poliginia não é acidental e pode representar uma estratégia adaptativa para otimizar o desenvolvimento inicial de colônias em A. subterraneus molestans

    Aspectos biológicos do parasitóide Chelonus insularis (Cresson) (Hymenoptera, Braconidae) criados em ovos de Spodoptera frugiperda (Smith) (Lepidoptera, Noctuidae)

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    Biological aspects of Chelonus insularis (Cresson, 1865) an egg-larval parasitoid reared on Spodoptera frugiperda (Smith, 1797) eggs Chelonus insularis (Cresson. 1865) has been cited in the international literature as a promissing biological control agent against the fall armyworm, Spodoptera frugiperda (Smith, 1797). Its field occurrence in Sete Lagoas, Minas Gerais (Brasil) has been increasing in the last years. For these reasons this experiment was conducted in the laboratory, at the National Corn and Sorghum Research Center, of EMBRAPA, under temperature of 25ºC. RH of 73% and photophase of 12 hours. Ten couples of the parasitoid were individually placed in a glass jar (5 liters capacity). They were fed on a 10% sugar solution. Each couple received one fall armyworm egg mass to oviposit during a 24-hour period. After hatching, the larvae were fed on artificial bean diet, up to the death caused by the parasitoid larvae. The total biological life cycle was 26.61 days on the average (larval period of 20.42 and pupal period of 6.19 days). The average weight of two days - old pupae was 0.02g. The adult longevity was on average. 10 days (8.4 days for males and 11.6 days for females). The greatest rate of parasitism occurred when the female was three days old, with a maximum of 92 eggs parasitized in that day

    Características biológicas e comportamentais de Neodohrniphora elongata Brown (Diptera, Phoridae), um parasitóide da saúva Atta sexdens rubropilosa Forel (Hymenoptera, Formicidae)

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    Foram investigadas as características da biologia e comportamento do forídeo Neodohrniphora elongata Brown, 2001 em relação às operárias do hospedeiro Atta sexdens rubropilosa Forel, 1908. Vinte e quatro fêmeas de N. elongata coletadas no campo foram liberadas, uma por vez, em uma cuba de observação interposta entre um ninho de A. sexdens rubropilosa e uma arena de forrageamento. As moscas realizaram de quatro a cinco vezes mais investidas sem sucesso contra as formigas do que ataques efetivos, quando elas ovipositaram na cabeça das operárias. Houve ataques em 426 operárias e desenvolvimento da larva do parasitóide na cápsula cefálica de 63,8% delas, sendo que emergiram 218 moscas. N. elongata ovipositou nas maiores operárias, ou seja, naquelas com largura da cápsula cefálica de 2,9 ± 0,4 mm, o que parece ser importante para o desenvolvimento do parasitóide, pois o fracasso na formação de pupas ou a não emergência do adulto ocorreram principalmente em formigas com largura da cápsula inferior a 2,9 mm. As moscas que emergiram em laboratório tiveram maior longevidade quando alimentadas com solução de mel 10% do que com solução de mel 50% ou somente água destilada. As fêmeas que emergiram no laboratório exibiram os mesmos comportamentos de voo e ataque das fêmeas do campo, mas não foi possível obter parasitóides de segunda geração. Estudos adicionais devem ser realizados para investigar a adequação de fontes naturais de carboidratos e proteínas sobre a longevidade e reprodução de N. elongata, visando à multiplicação deste e de outros forídeos de saúvas em laboratório.Characteristics of the biology and behavior of the phorid Neodohrniphora elongata Brown, 2001 in relation to workers of the host Atta sexdens rubropilosa Forel, 1908 were studied. Twenty-four field-collected females of N. elongata were released singly inside an observation chamber placed between a nest of A. sexdens rubropilosa and a foraging arena. Flies launched attacks on flies and failed four or five times before they would successfully attack ants and oviposit on the head of workers. Larvae of the parasitoid developed in the cephalic capsule of 63.8% of the 426 attacked workers; 218 flies emerged. N. elongata oviposited on bigger workers, or those with cephalic capsules 2.9 ± 0.4 mm wide. Capsule width seems to be important for the development of the parasitoid because failure in pupa formation and the non-emergence of adults occurred primarily among ants with capsules smaller than 2.9 mm. Flies that emerged in the laboratory had greater longevity when fed on honey solution at 10% than honey solution at 50%, or on distilled water only. The females emerged in laboratory had flight and attack behavior similar to those of field females, although second generation parasitoids could not be obtained. Additional studies on the impact of natural sources of carbohydrates and protein on the longevity and reproduction of N. elongate should be conducted to multiply this and other phorids of leaf-cutting ants in the laboratory

    Isolation of compounds attractive to the leaf-cutting ant Atta sexdens rubropilosa forel (hymenoptera: Formicidae) from Mabea fistulifera elaiosome

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    Mabea fistulifera (Euphorbiaceae)is a pioneer plant species with seeds dispersed by the ant Atta sexdens rubropilosa. Since the ants are attracted to the seeds to use its elaiosome as a source of energy, we investigated its composition. The elaiosomes from 13,000 seeds were extracted with a methanol:chloroform mixture (2:1 v/v) and yielded 22% of a residue. This residue was fractionated by column chromatography and its composition determined by infrared spectroscopy and chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC-MS). The elaiosome lipids are constituted mainly by free fatty acids, triacylglycerols and minor quantities of monoacylglycerols or diacylglycerols