5 research outputs found

    On the decomposition mechanism of propanal: rate constants evaluation and kinetic simulations

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    The reactivity of aldehydes has been the subject of considerable interest in chemical kinetics, with propanal often chosen as the representative species. Despite its relevance, the reactivity of propanal is currently estimated from analogy and fitting of experimental data measured in limited temperature and pressure ranges, while the few literature theoretical studies have focused more on the exploration the potential energy surface (PES) than on the estimation of rate constants. The purpose of this work is to reinvestigate the propanal decomposition kinetics using the ab initio transition state theory based master equation approach with the intent of: (1) Determining accurate rate constants of key reaction channels; (2) Updating and validating an existing kinetic model by simulating available experimental data on propanal pyrolysis. It is found that propanal decomposition at the initial stages of pyrolysis occurs through four unimolecular barrierless reactions to form CHO + C2H5, CH2CHO + CH3, CH3CHCHO + H, and CH3CH2CO + H, and a termolecular pathway leading to the formation of C2H4 + CO + H2. High pressure rate constants were determined for each barrierless reaction channel using Variable Reaction Coordinate Transition State Theory and used to estimate phenomenological temperature and pressure dependent channel specific rate constants integrating the 1 dimensional master equation over the whole PES. The decomposition rate constants so determined are in agreement with the few available experimental data and significantly faster than previous literature estimates. The estimated kinetic parameters were finally implemented into the CRECK kinetic mechanism, leading to an improved agreement with shock tube pyrolysis data from the literature

    Acoustics of male rutting roars in the endangered population of Mesola red deer Cervus elaphus italicus

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    Mesola red deer are the only native red deer population remaining in peninsular Italy (Mattioli and Ferretti, 2014 and Zachos et al., 2014). Their peculiar morphological aspects and genetic makeup have earned them the qualification of Evolutionary Significant Unit (ESU), and the status of subspecies has recently been proposed. Despite this, their behaviour remains poorly documented. Because vocal behaviour, including rutting vocalisations, can provide useful phylogenetic signals (Cap et al. 2008), we present the first description of the main sexually selected male call. We find that roars of Mesola red deer are characterised by a relatively low average fundamental frequency (79 Hz) compared to that of most continental red deer populations, confirming the phenotypic originality of Mesola red deer and strengthening the case for its conservation. We also report that roars contain cues to identity, which could support individual recognition tools for monitoring this endangered population

    Differences between centers in functional outcome of patients with ADHD after 1 year from the time of diagnosis

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    Although the pharmacological therapy of ADHD has been widely studied, little has been done to compare the different therapeutic approaches (e.g., drug therapy vs. psychological treatments) and even less has been done to compare the outcome of the therapy between centers. This multicenter observational study aims to assess between-center variation in functional outcome of ADHD patients one year after the diagnosis, according to the treatment received. We used the Regional ADHD Registry data on 1429 patients enrolled in 16 ADHD centers in the 2011-2022 period. To evaluate the effectiveness of the therapy we used a generalized linear mixed model with the center as the random effect, including patient condition at diagnosis and center characteristics, weighting by the inverse of the propensity score of the treatment received by the patient. Between-center variation was expressed as the relative difference in odds-ratios between the observed and the expected number of patients whose condition improved, using the Clinical Global Impressions-Improvement Scale (CGI-I), and the relative 95% CI. Patients who received combined treatment were significantly more likely to improve compared to other treatment groups (65.5% vs 54.4% for methylphenidate alone, 53.4% for psychological treatment alone, or 40.5% for no therapy). Adjusted for patients and center characteristics, the log-odds ratio ranged from 0.85 (0.29-1.55 95% CI) to -0.64 (-1.17-0.18 95% CI). The mean expected probability of improvement after one year of therapy for an average patient with ADHD for each center was 47.7% in a center at the 25th percentile and 61.2% in a center at the 75th percentile of the outcome distribution after adjustments. The wide between-center variation in patient functional improvement one year after the diagnosis of ADHD could be largely explained by center-specific therapeutic approaches or attitudes. More careful and stringent work is needed to reduce differences in responses between centers, as could formal and periodic audit programs within and between centers