485 research outputs found

    A test for asymptotic giant branch evolution theories: Planetary Nebulae in the Large Magellanic Cloud

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    We used a new generation of asymptotic giant branch (AGB) stellar models that include dust formation in the stellar winds to find the links between evolutionary models and the observed properties of a homogeneous sample of Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC) planetary nebulae (PNe). Comparison between the evolutionary yields of elements such as CNO and the corresponding observed chemical abundances is a powerful tool to shed light on evolutionary processes such as hot bottom burning (HBB) and third dredge-up (TDU). We found that the occurrence of HBB is needed to interpret the nitrogen-enriched (log(N/H)+12>8) PNe. In particular, N-rich PNe with the lowest carbon content are nicely reproduced by AGB models of mass M >=6 Mo, whose surface chemistry reflects the pure effects of HBB. PNe with log(N/H)+12<7.5 correspond to ejecta of stars that have not experienced HBB, with initial mass below about 3 Mo. Some of these stars show very large carbon abundances, owing to the many TDU episodes experienced. We found from our LMC PN sample that there is a threshold to the amount of carbon accumulated at AGB surfaces, log(C/H)+12<9. Confirmation of this constraint would indicate that, after the C-star stage is reached,AGBs experience only a few thermal pulses, which suggests a rapid loss of the external mantle, probably owing to the effects of radiation pressure on carbonaceous dust particles present in the circumstellar envelope. The implications of these findings for AGB evolution theories and the need to extend the PN sample currently available are discussed.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figures, 1 table, accepted for publication in MNRAS (2015 July 13; in original form 2015 June 9

    Evolved stars in the Local Group galaxies. I. AGB evolution and dust production in IC 1613

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    We used models of thermally-pulsing asymptotic giant branch (AGB) stars, that also describe the dust-formation process in the wind, to interpret the combination of near- and mid-infrared photometric data of the dwarf galaxy IC 1613. This is the first time that this approach is extended to an environment different from the Milky Way and the Magellanic Clouds (MCs). Our analysis, based on synthetic population techniques, shows a nice agreement between the observations and the expected distribution of stars in the colour-magnitude diagrams obtained with JHK and Spitzer bands. This allows a characterization of the individual stars in the AGB sample in terms of mass, chemical composition, and formation epoch of the progenitors. We identify the stars exhibiting the largest degree of obscuration as carbon stars evolving through the final AGB phases, descending from 1-1.25Msun objects of metallicity Z=0.001 and from 1.5-2.5Msun stars with Z=0.002. Oxygen-rich stars constitute the majority of the sample (65%), mainly low mass stars (<2Msun) that produce a negligible amount of dust (<10^{-7}Msun/yr). We predict the overall dust-production rate from IC 1613, mostly determined by carbon stars, to be 6x10^{-7}Msun/yr with an uncertainty of 30%. The capability of the current generation of models to interpret the AGB population in an environment different from the MCs opens the possibility to extend this kind of analysis to other Local Group galaxies.Comment: 14 pages, 6 figures, accepted for publication on MNRA

    Planetary Nebulae in the Small Magellanic Cloud

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    We analyse the planetary nebulae (PNe) population of the Small Magellanic Cloud (SMC), based on evolutionary models of stars with metallicities in the range 10−3≤Z≤4×10−310^{-3} \leq Z \leq 4\times 10^{-3} and mass 0.9M⊙<M<8M⊙0.9 M\odot < M < 8M\odot, evolved through the asymptotic giant branch (AGB) phase. The models used account for dust formation in the circumstellar envelope. To characterise the PNe sample of the SMC, we compare the observed abundances of the various species with the final chemical composition of the AGB models: this study allows us to identify the progenitors of the PNe observed, in terms of mass and chemical composition. According to our interpretation, most of the PNe descend from low-mass (M<2M⊙M < 2 M\odot) stars, which become carbon rich, after experiencing repeated third dredge-up episodes, during the AGB phase. A fraction of the PNe showing the signature of advanced CNO processing are interpreted as the progeny of massive AGB stars, with mass above ∼6M⊙\sim 6 M\odot, undergoing strong hot bottom burning. The differences with the chemical composition of the PNe population of the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC) is explained on the basis of the diverse star formation history and age-metallicity relation of the two galaxies. The implications of the present study for some still highly debated points regarding the AGB evolution are also commented.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRAS, 11 pages, 4 figure

    Gas and dust from solar metallicity AGB stars

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    We study the asymptotic giant branch (AGB) evolution of stars with masses between 1 M⊙−8.5 M⊙1~M_{\odot} - 8.5~M_{\odot}. We focus on stars with a solar chemical composition, which allows us to interpret evolved stars in the Galaxy. We present a detailed comparison with models of the same chemistry, calculated with a different evolution code and based on a different set of physical assumptions. We find that stars of mass ≥3.5 M⊙\ge 3.5~M_{\odot} experience hot bottom burning at the base of the envelope. They have AGB lifetimes shorter than ∼3×105\sim 3\times 10^5 yr and eject into their surroundings gas contaminated by proton-capture nucleosynthesis, at an extent sensitive to the treatment of convection. Low mass stars with 1.5 M⊙≤M≤3 M⊙1.5~M_{\odot} \le M \le 3~M_{\odot} become carbon stars. During the final phases the C/O ratio grows to ∼3\sim 3. We find a remarkable agreement between the two codes for the low-mass models and conclude that predictions for the physical and chemical properties of these stars, and the AGB lifetime, are not that sensitive to the modelling of the AGB phase. The dust produced is also dependent on the mass: low-mass stars produce mainly solid carbon and silicon carbide dust, whereas higher mass stars produce silicates and alumina dust. Possible future observations potentially able to add more robustness to the present results are also discussed.Comment: 27 pages, 24 figures; accepted for publication in MNRA

    Magnesium isotopes: a tool to understand self-enrichment in Globular Clusters

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    A critical issue in the asymptotic giant branch (AGB) self-enrichment scenario for the formation of multiple populations in Globular Clusters (GCs) is the inability to reproduce the magnesium isotopic ratios, despite the model in principle can account for the depletion of magnesium. In this work we analyze how the uncertainties on the various p-capture cross sections affect the results related to the magnesium content of the ejecta of AGB stars. The observed distribution of the magnesium isotopes and of the overall Mg-Al trend in M13 and NGC 6752 are successfully reproduced when the proton-capture rate by 25Mg at the temperatures 100 MK, in particular the 25Mg(p, gamma)26Alm channel, is enhanced by a factor 3 with respect to the most recent experimental determinations. This assumption also allows to reproduce the full extent of the Mg spread and the Mg-Si anticorrelation observed in NGC 2419. The uncertainties in the rate of the 25Mg(p,gamma)26Alm reaction at the temperatures of interest here leave space for our assumption and we suggest that new experimental measurements are needed to settle this problem. We also discuss the competitive model based on the super massive star nucleosynthesis.Comment: accepted for publication on MNRA

    AGB stars in the SMC: evolution and dust properties based on Spitzer observations

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    We study the population of asymptotic giant branch (AGB) stars in the Small Magellanic Cloud (SMC) by means of full evolutionary models of stars of mass 1Msun < M < 8Msun, evolved through the thermally pulsing phase. The models also account for dust production in the circumstellar envelope. We compare Spitzer infrared colours with results from theoretical modelling. We show that ~75% of the AGB population of the SMC is composed by scarcely obscured objects, mainly stars of mass M < 2.5Msun at various metallicity, formed between 700 Myr and 5 Gyr ago; ~ 70% of these sources are oxygen--rich stars, while ~ 30% are C-stars. The sample of the most obscured AGB stars, accounting for ~ 25% of the total sample, is composed almost entirely by carbon stars. The distribution in the colour-colour ([3.6]-[4.5], [5.8]-[8.0]) and colour-magnitude ([3.6]-[8.0], [8.0]) diagrams of these C-rich objects, with a large infrared emission, traces an obscuration sequence, according to the amount of carbonaceous dust in their surroundings. The overall population of C-rich AGB stars descends from 1.5-2Msun stars of metallicity Z=0.004, formed between 700 Myr and 2 Gyr ago, and from lower metallicity objects, of mass below 1.5Msun, 2-5 Gyr old. We also identify obscured oxygen-rich stars (M ~ 4-6Msun) experiencing hot bottom burning. The differences between the AGB populations of the SMC and LMC are also commented.Comment: 18, pages, 11 figures, accepted for publication on MNRA

    On the alumina dust production in the winds of O-rich Asymptotic Giant Branch stars

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    The O-rich Asymptotic Giant Branch (AGB) stars experience strong mass loss with efficient dust condensation and they are major sources of dust in the interstellar medium. Alumina dust (Al2_2O3_3) is an important dust component in O-rich circumstellar shells and it is expected to be fairly abundant in the winds of the more massive and O-rich AGB stars. By coupling AGB stellar nucleosynthesis and dust formation, we present a self-consistent exploration on the Al2_2O3_3 production in the winds of AGB stars with progenitor masses between ∼\sim3 and 7 M⊙_{\odot} and metallicities in the range 0.0003 ≤\le Z ≤\le 0.018. We find that Al2_2O3_3 particles form at radial distances from the centre between ∼2\sim2 and 4 R∗_* (depending on metallicity), which is in agreement with recent interferometric observations of Galactic O-rich AGB stars. The mass of Al2_2O3_3 dust is found to scale almost linearly with metallicity, with solar metallicity AGBs producing the highest amount (about 10−3^{-3} M⊙_{\odot}) of alumina dust. The Al2_2O3_3 grain size decreases with decreasing metallicity (and initial stellar mass) and the maximum size of the Al2_2O3_3 grains is ∼\sim0.075 μm\mu m for the solar metallicity models. Interestingly, the strong depletion of gaseous Al observed in the low-metallicity HBB AGB star HV 2576 seems to be consistent with the formation of Al2_2O3_3 dust as predicted by our models. We suggest that the content of Al may be used as a mass (and evolutionary stage) indicator in AGB stars experiencing HBB.Comment: 13 pages, 8 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA
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