213 research outputs found

    Joan Maluquer de Motes en Salamanca: tarea y proyección

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    Presencia del topillo campesino ibérico, Microtus arvalis asturianus Miller, 1908, en la meseta del Duero

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    Up to date the lberian common vole, Microtus arvalis asturianus, it was considered as an exclusive inhabitant of some mountainous chains of Central and Northern Spain. However it has been found in pellets of Tyío alba from different localities of the Duero Plain (Tab. 1 and Fig. 1), where the annual rainfall is under 400 mm. and biological drought occurs for over four months of the year

    Biochemical and cytological studies of genetic transfer from the Mv genome of Aegilops ventricosa into hexaploid wheat

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    A double interspecific oross {Triticum turgidum (AB) var. rubroatrum H-l-1 x Ae. ventvicosa (DM°) AP-l} x T.aestivum (ABD) cv. Almatense H-10-1S was carried out in 1950 by M. Alonso Peña (Cuenca, Spain) and 70 Unes were devived from it by vepeated selfing (Unes H-93-1 thvough 70). Pveliminavy biochemical evidence indicated genetic tvansfev fvom the M° genome of Ae.ventvicosa into some of these Unes. A more detailed biochemical and cytological characteriza tion of the H-93- Unes was undertaken. A progress report of these studies is presented here. Fourten biochemical systems, each representing a set of up to 4 homoeologous loci, weve investigated in the vavental material, in the H-93- Unes, and in Ae. squavrosa (DD), Ae. comosa (MM) and Ae. uniaristata (M^-M11). Biochemical markers controlled by the A or B genomes of one or both wheat parents weve distributed in the H-93- Unes as expected if the egcells fvom the self-stevile ABDM0 hybvid, rescued by the ABD polen, cavvied the complete A and B genomes from T. tuvgidum. The distvibution of biochemical mavkevs contvolled by the D genomes of one ov both D genome parents indicated that most of the eggcells from the ABDM0 hybrid carvied most of the D genome, i.e. 3 out of 8 markers of the former tupe were absent in a few Unes each, ind.icating incomplete homology between the two D genomes, non-homologous transfer or deletion. Biochemical characters present in Ae. ventricosa (DM°), Ae. comosa (M), Ae. uniaristata (M11) and absent in T. aestivum (ABD), Ae. squarrosa (D) and T. tuvgidum (AB) were selected as M° genome markers. Two of these markers were not transmited to the H-93- Unes, three were tvansmitted with low fvequency and one with a high fvequency. Resistance to Erisiphe graminis was determined by Dosba and Doussinault at Rennes and was found to be transmitted with low fvequency. Somatic chromosome numbers of the H-93- Unes were counted and all weve found to be hexaploid. Meiosis was studied in Unes cavvying M° genome mavkevs and in their hybrids with the T. aestivum parent, to determine the máximum numbev of alien chvornosornespvesent in each Une. The joint considevation of the biochemical and the cytological evidence se^me to indícate that the genetic tvansfev has taken place by chvomosome substitution and by vecombination

    A spatula-idol on human radius in a megalithic tomb of the spanish central plateau

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    Se estudia un ídolo-espátula de hueso, sobre radio humano, que procede de una tumba colectiva neolítica de la provincia de Valladolid (España). Los autores formulan diversas hipótesis sobre su significadoThis paper studies the presence of a spatula, obtained from a human radius, in a neolithic tomb from Valladolid (Spain). The autors offer several hypothesis about its meaning

    Itinerario arqueológico de los dólmenes de Sedano (Burgos)

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    Since the excavations carried out in the 80´s, focused on several megalithic burials located in the Sedano area (La Lora, Burgos), the Junta de Castilla y León has promoted the enterprise of restoring the most attractive of them and creating around them a cultural diffusion project. This aim implies the restoration of these monuments and the creation of a didactic infrastructure (publication of a guidebook and building of a small museum in Sedano) which will be brought into service by summer 2000.Tras la excavación en los años 80 de una serie de sepulcros megalíticos de la comarca de Sedano, en La Lora Burgalesa, la Junta de Castilla y León ha promovido la iniciativa de recuperar los más vistosos y de crear en torno a ellos un proyecto de difusión cultural. Ello ha exigido la restauración de tales monumentos y la creación de una infraestructura didáctica (la edición de una guía y la creación de un Aula en Sedano) que está previsto entren en funcionamiento a partir del verano del año 2000

    Sobre la arandela de hueso de la tumba campaniforme de Villabuena del Puente, Zamora.

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    88 Jan.-Dez. 1978, p. 357-363

    La plena colonización agraria del Valle Medio del Duero

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    From the early first millenium BC, new forms of peasant life are gradually emerging in the Duero valley. On the basis of this and other lines of evidence, the transition between the Late Bronze Age Culture of Cogotas I and the Early Iron Age Culture of Soto is analysed here. The characteristics of the new type of settlements are examined, mainly with respect to site location, domestic architecture and livelihood strategies.A partir de los inicios del I milenio a.C. se documentan en el valle medio del Duero huellas de la implantación progresiva de nuevas formas de vida campesina; ello da pie, junto a otros argumentos, a analizar el tránsito de la cultura de Cogotas I a la del Soto y a discutir el porqué de tales cambios. Se analizan con posterioridad las características de los nuevos asentamientos en lo que concierne, fundamentalmente, a los emplazamientos, a la arquitectura doméstica y a las estrategias de subsistencia
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