2,007 research outputs found

    Područje primjene UNCITRAL-ova instrumenta o sudskoj prodaji brodova

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    This paper tackles the Draft Instrument on the Judicial Sale of Ships that is currently being prepared at UNCITRAL, focusing mainly on the conditions for the judicial sale of a ship conducted in one State Party to have effects in another Contracting State (including the definition of “clean title”, the notion of ship, and problematic aspects of the sale). The article considers particularly the background of the UNCITRAL Instrument and the conditions (scope of application) for the domestic judicial sale of ships to have international effect under the Convention, paying special attention to one of the most important requirements to issue a certificate of judicial sale (conferring clean title to the ship).Ovaj se rad bavi Nacrtom konvencije o sudskoj prodaji brodova koji je trenutačno u izradi u sklopu UNCITRAL-a, a uglavnom je usmjeren na uvjete sudske prodaje broda i pravne učinke, koje takva sudska prodaja provedena u jednoj državi ugovornici proizvodi u drugoj državi ugovornici (uključujući definiciju »čistog vlasništva«, pojam broda i pojedine problematične aspekte prodaje). U radu se pozornost usmjerava na pozadinu UNCITRAL-ova Nacrta konvencije o sudskoj prodaji brodova i na uvjete koje sudska prodaja u jednoj zemlji mora ispuniti kako bi proizvela međunarodni pravni učinak prema toj konvenciji (pitanje opsega primjene). Posebna se pažnja posvećuje jednom od najvažnijih uvjeta, a to je izdavanje Svjedodžbe o sudskoj prodaji (stjecanje čistog vlasništva na brodu)

    Management of Bilateral Condylar Fractures in an Edentulous Patient with Atrophic Mandible Using CADCAM Technology

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    Propósito: El objetivo de este artículo es reportar el caso de un paciente edéntulo con diagnóstico de fractura condilar bilateral, que fue tratado mediante planificación virtual. Métodos: Se utilizó tecnología CAD/CAM para el diseño y fabricación de una férula de Gunning, que se empleó para la reducción abierta de la fractura derecha y el tratamiento cerrado del lado izquierdo. Resultados: Se logró la reducción de la fractura condilar derecha proyectada en la planificación, así como el retorno de la dimensión vertical y la restauración de la función, tras 28 meses de observación. Conclusiones: En el caso del edentulismo total, la falta de guía oclusal y la atrofia ósea son variables importantes a considerar; sin embargo, herramientas como la tecnología CAD/CAM pueden ser utilizadas para tomar decisiones de tratamiento más predecibles y facilitar la ejecución de los procedimientos.Purpose: The objective of this article is to report the case of an edentulous patient with a diagnosis of bilateral condylar fracture, who was treated using virtual planning. Methods: CAD/CAM technology was used for the design and manufacture of a Gunning splint, which was employed for open reduction of the right fracture and closed management of the left side. Results: The reduction of the right condylar fracture projected in the planning was achieved, as well as the return of the vertical dimension and the restoration of function, after 28 months of observation. Conclusion: In the case of total edentulism, the lack of occlusal guidance and bone atrophy are important variables to consider; however, tools such as CAD/CAM technology can be used to take more predictable treatment decisions and facilitate the execution of the procedures

    Diagnóstico bacteriológico de tuberculosis bovina en bovinos reactores positivos a la prueba tuberculínica

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    Mycobacterium bovis es el agente causal de la tuberculosis bovina (TBB), enfermedad zoonótica que afecta la producción láctea y cárnica. En nuestro país, el diagnóstico se realiza a través de la prueba tuberculínica o intradermorreacción aplicándose en el pliegue anocaudal (PAC). Como complemento a la PAC se pueden llevar adelante estudios bacteriológicos a partir de diversas muestras biológicas como secreción nasal, leche y tejidos. A su vez, se puede observar el desarrollo de lesiones y su ubicación anatómica, además de colectar muestras para ser analizadas a través de bacteriología e histopatología. El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar la presencia de M. bovis en muestras de secreciones nasales, leche y tejidos pertenecientes a bovinos PAC-positivos y caracterizar lesiones macro y microscópicas compatibles con la TBB. Fueron procesadas 744 muestras pertenecientes a 572 bovinos, provenientes de 24 rodeos lecheros de las provincias de Córdoba, Santa Fe y Buenos Aires. Todos ellos se encontraban, durante este estudio, en etapa de saneamiento presentando una baja prevalencia (entre 0,5 y 4%). Se aisló M. bovis en 12,4% (71/572) de los bovinos examinados. Dicho agente provino de muestras de tejidos 36,5% (38/104), seguido de leche 10,7% (23/214) y, por último, desecreciones nasales 3,9% (10/254). Por un lado, el estudio bacteriológico a partir de las muestras de leche y secreciones nasales presentó una limitada efectividad. Por otro lado, el análisis de tejidos resultó de mayor utilidad como diagnóstico complementario, permitiendo confirmar los casos sospechados de TBB.Mycobacterium bovis is the causative agent of bovine tuberculosis (BTB), considered a zoonotic disease. In our country, the diagnosis is based on the application of the tuberculin skin test (TST). Conventional culture, from various biological samples, can complement the TST test results. Regarding this, it is possible to perform sampling and subsequent analysis of nasal discharge, milk and tissues. The latter allows the observation of macroscopic lesions, the anatomical location in addition to collect biological samples to be analyzed by bacteriology and histopathology. The aim of this study was to evaluate the presence of M. bovis in samples of nasal secretions, milk and tissues in cattle PAC-positive and characterize gross and microscopic lesions compatible with BTB. A total of 744 samples belonging to 572 cattle from dairy herds in the provinces of Córdoba, Santa Fe and Buenos Aires, were processed. All of them were, during this study, in stage of control of BTB showing a low prevalence (between 0.5 to 4%). About 12.4% (71/572) M. bovis isolations from cattle examined was obtained. These isolations were from tissue samples 36.5% (38/104), followed by milk 10.7% (23/214) and nasal secretions 3.9% (10/254). Bacteriology from milk samples and nasal secretions were of limited effectiveness. On the other hand, tissue analysis was more useful as complementary diagnostic, allowing confirmation of suspected cases of BTB.Instituto de PatobiologíaFil: Garbaccio, Sergio Gabriel. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Instituto de Patobiología; ArgentinaFil: Delgado, Fernando Oscar. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Instituto de Patobiología; ArgentinaFil: Zumarraga, Martin Jose. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Instituto de Biotecnología; ArgentinaFil: Rodriguez, Liliana Rita. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Instituto de Recursos Biológicos; ArgentinaFil: Huertas, Pablo Sebastian. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Instituto de Patobiología; ArgentinaFil: Garro, Carlos Javier. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Instituto de Patobiología; Argentin

    Blood stasis imaging predicts cerebral microembolism during acute myocardial infarction

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    Background: Cardioembolic stroke is a major source of mortality and disability worldwide. The authors hypothesized that quantitative characterization of intracardiac blood stasis may be useful to determine cardioembolic risk in order to personalize anticoagulation therapy. The aim of this study was to assess the relationship between image-based metrics of blood stasis in the left ventricle and brain microembolism, a surrogate marker of cardiac embolism, in a controlled animal experimental model of acute myocardial infarction (AMI). -- Methods: Intraventricular blood stasis maps were derived from conventional color Doppler echocardiography in 10 pigs during anterior AMI induced by sequential ligation of the mid and proximal left anterior descending coronary artery (AMI-1 and AMI-2 phases). From these maps, indices of global and local blood stasis were calculated, such as the average residence time and the size and ratio of contact with the endocardium of blood regions with long residence times. The incidence of brain microemboli (high-intensity transient signals [HITS]) was monitored using carotid Doppler ultrasound. -- Results: HITS were detected in 0%, 50%, and 90% of the animals at baseline and during AMI-1 and AMI-2 phases, respectively. The average residence time of blood in the left ventricle increased in parallel. The residence time performed well to predict microemboli (C-index = 0.89, 95% CI, 0.75–1.00) and closely correlated with the number of HITS (R = 0.87, P < .001). Multivariate and mediation analyses demonstrated that the number of HITS during AMI phases was best explained by stasis. Among conventional echocardiographic variables, only apical wall motion score weakly correlated with the number of HITS (R = 0.3, P = .04). Mural thrombosis in the left ventricle was ruled out in all animals. -- Conclusions: The degree of stasis of blood in the left ventricle caused by AMI is closely related to the incidence of brain microembolism. Therefore, stasis imaging is a promising tool for a patient-specific assessment of cardioembolic risk.This study was supported by grant PI15/02211, Rio Hortega (CM17/00144), and Juan Rodés fellowships (JR15/00039) from Instituto de Salud Carlos III; grant DPI2016-75706-P and a Juan de la Cierva fellowship (IJCI-2014-19507) from Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad; synergy grant Y2018/BIO-4858-PREFI-CM from Comunidad Autónoma de Madrid; the European Union - European Regional Development Fund; by the Spanish Society of Cardiology (ISBI-DCM); by the University of California,San Diego, CTRI Galvanizing Engineering and Medicine Program; American Heart Association grant 16GRNT27250262; and National Institutes of Health UC CAI grant CII4560. P.M.-L. was also funded by CIBERCV. P.M.-L., L.R., J.C.A., and J.B. are inventors of a method for quantifying intracardiac stasis from imaging data under a Patent Cooperation Treaty patent application (WO2017091746A1)

    Compendio tributario para estudiantes código tributario

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    El Compendio Tributario para estudiantes Código Tributario Ejercicio 2022 contiene una compilación normativa sobre el Texto Único Ordenado del Código Tributario, que reúne, en un solo documento, la ley y sus modificatorias, actualizada al ejercicio 2022, concordado con pronunciamientos de la SUNAT y precedentes jurisprudenciales de observancia obligatoria del Tribunal Fiscal

    Compendio tributario para estudiantes impuesto general a las ventas e impuesto selectivo al consumo

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    El Compendio Tributario para estudiantes Impuesto General a las Ventas e Impuesto Selectivo al Consumo Ejercicio 2022 contiene una compilación normativa sobre el Texto Único Ordenado de la Ley del Impuesto General a las Ventas e Impuesto Selectivo al Consumo, actualizada al ejercicio 2022, concordado con su reglamento, pronunciamientos de la SUNAT y precedentes jurisprudenciales de observancia obligatoria del Tribunal Fiscal

    Compendio tributario para estudiantes impuesto a la renta: ejercicio 2022

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    El Compendio Tributario para estudiantes Impuesto a la Renta Ejercicio 2022 tiene una compilación normativa sobre el Texto Único Ordenado de la Ley del Impuesto a la Renta, actualizada al ejercicio 2022, concordado con su reglamento, pronunciamientos de la SUNAT y precedentes jurisprudenciales de observancia obligatoria del Tribunal Fiscal

    Animal Models of Rheumatoid Arthritis

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    Autoimmunity is a condition in which the host organizes an immune response against its own antigens. Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is an autoimmune disease of unknown etiology, characterized by the presence of chronic inflammatory infiltrates, the development of destructive arthropathy, bone erosion, and degradation of the articular cartilage and subchondral bone. There is currently no treatment that resolves the disease, only the use of palliatives, and not all patients respond to pharmacologic therapy. According to RA multifactorial origin, several in vivo models have been used to evaluate its pathophysiology as well as to identify the usefulness of biomarkers to predict, to diagnose, or to evaluate the prognosis of the disease. This chapter focuses on the most common in vivo models used for the study of RA, including those related with genetic, immunological, hormonal, and environmental interactions. Similarly, the potential of these models to understand RA pathogenesis and to test preventive and therapeutic strategies of autoimmune disorder is also highlighted. In conclusion, of all the animal models discussed, the CIA model could be considered the most successful by generating arthritis using type II collagen and adjuvants and evaluating therapeutic compounds both intra-articularly and systemically