4 research outputs found

    An unplundered chamber tomb on Ganos Mountain in southeastern Thrace

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    A salvage excavation at the Naip tumulus on Ganos Mountain in southeastern Thrace uncovered a stone-built, single-roomed chamber tomb with a dromos. The structure has a modest facade and corbeled roofing, which is semicircular in section over the burial chamber. It yielded a closed deposit that includes marble furniture and a silver sympotic set complemented by a Thasian amphora, as well as water vessels, articles for anointing and adornment, military gear, and lighting devices, all contributing to a banquet setting reminiscent of Totenmahl representations. From the aspect. of regional relations, strong connections with Macedonia stand out; in terms of chronology, precisely dated finds indicate that the tomb was scaled in the last two decades of the fourth century B.C. Finally, the single interment at Naip is associated with a high officer in the Macedonian army and is tentatively identified with Teres, son of Kersebleptes

    Chemical composition of minerals from rocks of the Utashud Island, off the Southeast Kamchatka

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    A brief review of various relationships connecting seismofocal zone and volcanic belts within the Kurile island-arc system is represented. Possibilities of manifestation of the submarine volcanic activity and associated relief of the hydrothermal systems on the Pacific shelf of the South Kamchatka are considered. We propose to consider Malko-Petropavlovsk zone of transverse dislocations as seismogenerating one. The phenomenon of ultrafast deformations


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