2 research outputs found
Principes directeurs: prise de position
- Publication venue
- Santa Clara Law Digital Commons
- Publication date
- 01/01/1999
- Field of study
Putting the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals into practice: A review of implementation, monitoring, and finance
- Author
- Abbott
- Acharya
- Adams
- African Development Bank Asian Development Bank, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, European Investment Bank, Inter-American Development Bank, International Monetary Fund, World Bank
- Bank of England
- Bast
- Baumann
- Bebbington
- Bebbington
- Bebbington
- Becerra-Posada
- Bevan
- Bexell
- Bjørnholt
- Blanken
- Bunnell
- Büscher
- Caliari
- Caliari
- Camfield
- Chasek
- Clemens
- Costello
- Currie-Alder
- Curry
- Danish Institute for Human Rights
- Darrow
- Davidse
- Davis
- Delegation of Ecuador
- Delegation of Germany
- Delegation of Norway
- Delegation of South Africa
- Delegation of South Africa
- Delegation of South Africa
- Delegation of Switzerland
- Delegation of Tanzania
- Delegation of Thailand
- Development Initiatives
- Dunford
- Easterly
- Engelen
- Espey
- European Commission
- Fejerskov
- Ferguson
- Forester
- Fu
- Fukuda-Parr
- Fukuda-Parr
- Fukuda-Parr
- Fukuda-Parr
- G20
- Garcia-Arias
- Georgeson
- Gomelsky
- Hackenesch
- Hall
- Halle
- Herrick
- Hood
- Hsu
- Hulme
- Hulme
- Inter-Agency Task Force on Financing for Development
- Inter-American Development Bank
- Kadlec
- Kadlec
- Kar
- Langenhove
- Loewe
- Long
- Lucas
- Lucci
- Mawdsley
- Mercer
- Michel
- Midtgarden
- Miller-Dawkins
- Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores de Colombia
- Mohieldin
- Nilsson
- Nunnenkamp
- Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights
- Olsson
- Organisation for Economic Co-operation & Development
- Overton
- Pascual
- Pike
- Pingeot
- Rigg
- Røpke
- Sachs
- Sachs
- Sarwar
- Schmidt-Traub
- Silvey
- Slater
- Smith
- Soederberg
- Stuart
- Sustainable Development Solutions Network
- Sustainable Development Solutions Network
- The Economist
- The Lancet
- Thieme
- UN
- UN
- UN
- UN
- UN
- UN
- UN
- UN
- UN
- UN
- UN
- UN
- UN
- UN
- UN
- UN
- UN
- UN
- UN
- UN Conference on Trade and Development
- UN Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific
- UN Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean
- UN Statistical Commission
- UN Statistical Commission
- UN Statistical Commission
- Vandemoortele
- Waage
- Waage
- Wagenaar
- Watts
- Weitz
- Willis
- World Bank
- World Bank
- World Bank
- World Bank International Monetary Fund
- World Health Organization
- World Health Organization UNICEF
- Wunderlich
- Publication venue
- 'Wiley'
- Publication date
- Field of study