24 research outputs found

    Excitation basis for (3+1)d topological phases

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    We consider an exactly solvable model in 3+1 dimensions, based on a finite group, which is a natural generalization of Kitaev's quantum double model. The corresponding lattice Hamiltonian yields excitations located at torus-boundaries. By cutting open the three-torus, we obtain a manifold bounded by two tori which supports states satisfying a higher-dimensional version of Ocneanu's tube algebra. This defines an algebraic structure extending the Drinfel'd double. Its irreducible representations, labeled by two fluxes and one charge, characterize the torus-excitations. The tensor product of such representations is introduced in order to construct a basis for (3+1)d gauge models which relies upon the fusion of the defect excitations. This basis is defined on manifolds of the form Σ×S1\Sigma \times \mathbb{S}_1, with Σ\Sigma a two-dimensional Riemann surface. As such, our construction is closely related to dimensional reduction from (3+1)d to (2+1)d topological orders.Comment: 33 pages; v2 references added; v3 minor change

    Towards a dual spin network basis for (3+1)d lattice gauge theories and topological phases

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    Using a recent strategy to encode the space of flat connections on a three-manifold with string-like defects into the space of flat connections on a so-called 2d Heegaard surface, we propose a novel way to define gauge invariant bases for (3+1)d lattice gauge theories and gauge models of topological phases. In particular, this method reconstructs the spin network basis and yields a novel dual spin network basis. While the spin network basis allows to interpret states in terms of electric excitations, on top of a vacuum sharply peaked on a vanishing electric field, the dual spin network basis describes magnetic (or curvature) excitations, on top of a vacuum sharply peaked on a vanishing magnetic field (or flat connection). This technique is also applicable for manifolds with boundaries. We distinguish in particular a dual pair of boundary conditions, namely of electric type and of magnetic type. This can be used to consider a generalization of Ocneanu's tube algebra in order to reveal the algebraic structure of the excitations associated with certain 3d manifolds.Comment: 45 page

    Tube algebras, excitations statistics and compactification in gauge models of topological phases

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    We consider lattice Hamiltonian realizations of (dd+1)-dimensional Dijkgraaf-Witten theory. In (2+1)d, it is well-known that the Hamiltonian yields point-like excitations classified by irreducible representations of the twisted quantum double. This can be confirmed using a tube algebra approach. In this paper, we propose a generalization of this strategy that is valid in any dimensions. We then apply the tube algebra approach to derive the algebraic structure of loop-like excitations in (3+1)d, namely the twisted quantum triple. The irreducible representations of the twisted quantum triple algebra correspond to the simple loop-like excitations of the model. Similarly to its (2+1)d counterpart, the twisted quantum triple comes equipped with a compatible comultiplication map and an RR-matrix that encode the fusion and the braiding statistics of the loop-like excitations, respectively. Moreover, we explain using the language of loop-groupoids how a model defined on a manifold that is nn-times compactified can be expressed in terms of another model in nn-lower dimensions. This can in turn be used to recast higher-dimensional tube algebras in terms of lower dimensional analogues.Comment: 71 page

    On 2-form gauge models of topological phases

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    We explore various aspects of 2-form topological gauge theories in (3+1)d. These theories can be constructed as sigma models with target space the second classifying space B2GB^2G of the symmetry group GG, and they are classified by cohomology classes of B2GB^2G. Discrete topological gauge theories can typically be embedded into continuous quantum field theories. In the 2-form case, the continuous theory is shown to be a strict 2-group gauge theory. This embedding is studied by carefully constructing the space of qq-form connections using the technology of Deligne-Beilinson cohomology. The same techniques can then be used to study more general models built from Postnikov towers. For finite symmetry groups, 2-form topological theories have a natural lattice interpretation, which we use to construct a lattice Hamiltonian model in (3+1)d that is exactly solvable. This construction relies on the introduction of a cohomology, dubbed 2-form cohomology, of algebraic cocycles that are identified with the simplicial cocycles of B2GB^2G as provided by the so-called WW-construction of Eilenberg-MacLane spaces. We show algebraically and geometrically how a 2-form 4-cocycle reduces to the associator and the braiding isomorphisms of a premodular category of GG-graded vector spaces. This is used to show the correspondence between our 2-form gauge model and the Walker-Wang model.Comment: 78 page

    Crossing with the circle in Dijkgraaf-Witten theory and applications to topological phases of matter

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    Given a fully extended topological quantum field theory, the 'crossing with the circle' conditions establish that the dimension, or categorification thereof, of the quantum invariant assigned to a closed kk-manifold Σ\Sigma is equivalent to that assigned to the (kk+1)-manifold Σ×S1\Sigma \times \mathbb S^1. We compute in this manuscript these conditions for the 4-3-2-1 Dijkgraaf-Witten theory. In the context of the lattice Hamiltonian realisation of the theory, the quantum invariants assigned to the circle and the torus encode the defect open string-like and bulk loop-like excitations, respectively. The corresponding 'crossing with the circle' condition thus formalises the process by which loop-like excitations are formed out of string-like ones. Exploiting this result, we revisit the statement that loop-like excitations define representations of the linear necklace group as well as the loop braid group

    Computing the renormalization group flow of two-dimensional Ï•4\phi^4 theory with tensor networks

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    We study the renormalization group flow of ϕ4\phi^4 theory in two dimensions. Regularizing space into a fine-grained lattice and discretizing the scalar field in a controlled way, we rewrite the partition function of the theory as a tensor network. Combining local truncations and a standard coarse-graining scheme, we obtain the renormalization group flow of the theory as a map in a space of tensors. Aside from qualitative insights, we verify the scaling dimensions at criticality and extrapolate the critical coupling constant fc=λ/μ2f_{\rm c} = \lambda / \mu ^2 to the continuum to find fccont.=11.0861(90)f^{\rm cont.}_{\rm c} = 11.0861(90), which favorably compares with alternative methods

    From gauge to higher gauge models of topological phases

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    We consider exactly solvable models in (3+1)d whose ground states are described by topological lattice gauge theories. Using simplicial arguments, we emphasize how the consistency condition of the unitary map performing a local change of triangulation is equivalent to the coherence relation of the pentagonator 2-morphism of a monoidal 2-category. By weakening some axioms of such 2-category, we obtain a cohomological model whose underlying 1-category is a 2-group. Topological models from 2-groups together with their lattice realization are then studied from a higher gauge theory point of view. Symmetry protected topological phases protected by higher symmetry structures are explicitly constructed, and the gauging procedure which yields the corresponding topological gauge theories is discussed in detail. We finally study the correspondence between symmetry protected topological phases and 't Hooft anomalies in the context of these higher group symmetries.Comment: 38 pages, v2: minor revisio

    Dualities in one-dimensional quantum lattice models: topological sectors

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    It has been a long-standing open problem to construct a general framework for relating the spectra of dual theories to each other. Building on ref. [arXiv:2112.09091], whereby dualities are defined between (categorically) symmetric models that only differ in a choice of module category, we solve this problem for the case of one-dimensional quantum lattice models with symmetry-twisted boundary conditions. Using matrix product operators, we construct from the data of module functors explicit symmetry operators preserving boundary conditions as well as intertwiners mapping topological sectors of dual models onto one another. We illustrate our construction with a family of examples that are in the duality class of the spin-12\frac{1}{2} Heisenberg XXZ model. One model has symmetry operators forming the fusion category Rep(S3)\mathsf{Rep}(\mathcal S_3) of representations of the group S3\mathcal S_3. We find that the mapping between its topological sectors and those of the XXZ model is associated with the non-trivial braided auto-equivalence of the Drinfel'd center of Rep(S3)\mathsf{Rep}(\mathcal S_3).Comment: 24+7 page