19 research outputs found

    Social license and synthetic biology:the trouble with mining terms

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    In the wake of controversies over first-generation biotechnologies, the growing field of synthetic biology appears cognizant of the need to attend to the social, political, cultural, and ethical dimensions of innovation. Public engagement has emerged as an important means for attending to these dimensions. Here, we call attention to the problematic nature of one paradigm being drawn upon to conceptualize this public engagement for synthetic biology: social license to operate (SLO). After reviewing SLO's emergence in the resource extraction context and the existing critiques of SLO, we examine its current use in the synthetic biology literature. We argue that an SLO-derived model of engagement is especially inadequate for synthetic biology due to unique challenges posed by synthetic biology and the limited conception of engagement provided by SLO. We conclude by discussing alternative public engagement paradigms and examples better suited to inform synthetic biology governance

    Moving beyond narrow definitions of gene drive: Diverse perspectives and frames enable substantive dialogue among science and humanities teachers in the United States and United Kingdom

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    Gene drive is an emerging biotechnology with applications in global health, conservation and agriculture. Scientists are preparing for field trials, triggering debate about when and how to release gene-drive organisms. These decisions depend on public understandings of gene drive, which are shaped by language. While some studies on gene drive communication assume the need to persuade publics of expert definitions of gene drive, we highlight the importance of meaning-making in communication and engagement. We conducted focus groups with humanities and science teachers in the United Kingdom and United States to explore how different media framings stimulated discussions of gene drive. We found diversity in the value of these framings for public debate. Interestingly, the definition favoured by gene drive scientists was the least popular among participants. Rather than carefully curating language, we need opportunities for publics to make sense and negotiate the meanings of a technology on their own terms

    Guiding Ethical Principles in Engineering Biology Research

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    Engineering biology is being applied toward solving or mitigating some of the greatest challenges facing society. As with many other rapidly advancing technologies, the development of these powerful tools must be considered in the context of ethical uses for personal, societal, and/or environmental advancement. Researchers have a responsibility to consider the diverse outcomes that may result from the knowledge and innovation they contribute to the field. Together, we developed a Statement of Ethics in Engineering Biology Research to guide researchers as they incorporate the consideration of long-term ethical implications of their work into every phase of the research lifecycle. Herein, we present and contextualize this Statement of Ethics and its six guiding principles. Our goal is to facilitate ongoing reflection and collaboration among technical researchers, social scientists, policy makers, and other stakeholders to support best outcomes in engineering biology innovation and development

    Redefining Safety in Commercial Space

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    Atlanta Conference on Science and Innovation Policy 2011The significant move to shift NASA s mission into the private sector has sparked political debate, but much of the discourse focuses on impacts to safety. Although no one disputes the importance of keeping our astronauts safe, strategies for defining safety reveal opposing values regarding the privatization of U.S. space exploration

    How can policymakers and researchers develop effective insect resistance management guidelines? A quantitative and qualitative study of Brazilian farmers' perspectives and attitudes

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    Societal Impact Statement Today, over 80% of the US and Brazil row crop acreage has plants expressing insecticidal proteins to prevent the damage caused by caterpillars. These plants (crops expressing Bacillus thuringiensis, Bt, toxins) have brought several benefits to farmers, the environment, and society. However, these can be eroded when insects develop resistance to these toxins. Researchers and regulatory agencies have developed tactics that should be followed by farmers to avoid resistance but with limited efficacy. Our research provides recommendations for researchers and policymakers that are based on farmers' perspectives, thereby offering changes for current guidelines to successfully manage insect resistance and protect Bt crops' efficacy. Summary Genetically engineered crops expressing insecticidal proteins produced by Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) have brought numerous benefits; however, pest resistance evolution poses a threat to the sustainability of this technology. Insect resistance management (IRM) for Bt crops has been defined as a wicked problem as it involves sociobiological complexities. A main challenge in IRM is the adoption of non‐Bt refuge, which is one out of the few strategies amenable to human intervention. This study investigated farmers' perspectives on information sources and IRM practices in Brazil using quantitative and qualitative data collection. A total of 145 farmers responded to online Qualtrics surveys, and 13 farmers participated in person to open‐ended interviews. This study demonstrates that farmers rely on strong social networks for information exchange and that sources with expertise based on local field experience are the most reliable channels of communication. We identified new challenges for refuge adoption such as the need to spray insecticides for pests not targeted by Bt and the intangible aspect of resistance evolution. Based on results of sources of information and perspectives on IRM practices, we discuss strategies that may be successful in delaying insecticide resistance evolution based on local contexts. This is the first study to investigate Brazilian farmers' perceptions on information sources and IRM strategies using qualitative data. Our results provide important elements to orient research development and decision‐making in biotechnology policies for the agricultural sector in Brazil and other similar contexts

    Policy Pathways, Policy Networks, and Citizen Deliberation: Disseminating the Results of World Wide Views on Global Warming in the United States

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    Atlanta Conference on Science and Innovation Policy 2011"World Wide Views on Global Warming involved 44 citizen deliberations in 38 countries, focusing on questions of climate change policy addressed at the United Nations Climate Change Conference in December 2009 (COP15). Sponsors and organizers pursued numerous policy pathways to influence the COP15 negotiations, and this paper examines the success of such strategies in the U.S. context.National Science Foundatio

    Rodent gene drives for conservation: opportunities and data needs

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    Invasive rodents impact biodiversity, human health and food security worldwide. The biodiversity impacts are particularly significant on islands, which are the primary sites of vertebrate extinctions and where we are reaching the limits of current control technologies. Gene drives may represent an effective approach to this challenge, but knowledge gaps remain in a number of areas. This paper is focused on what is currently known about natural and developing synthetic gene drive systems in mice, some key areas where key knowledge gaps exist, findings in a variety of disciplines relevant to those gaps and a brief consideration of how engagement at the regulatory, stakeholder and community levels can accompany and contribute to this effort. Our primary species focus is the house mouse, Mus musculus, as a genetic model system that is also an important invasive pest. Our primary application focus is the development of gene drive systems intended to reduce reproduction and potentially eliminate invasive rodents from islands. Gene drive technologies in rodents have the potential to produce significant benefits for biodiversity conservation, human health and food security. A broad-based, multidisciplinary approach is necessary to assess this potential in a transparent, effective and responsible manner

    Core commitments for field trials of gene drive organisms

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    We must ensure that trials are scientifically, politically, and socially robust, publicly accountable, and widely transparent. Gene drive organisms (GDOs), whose genomes have been genetically engineered to spread a desired allele through a population, have the potential to transform the way societies address a wide range of daunting public health and environmental challenges. The development, testing, and release of GDOs, however, are complex and often controversial. A key challenge is to clarify the appropriate roles of developers and others actively engaged in work with GDOs in decision-making processes, and, in particular, how to establish partnerships with relevant authorities and other stakeholders. Several members of the gene drive community previously proposed safeguards for laboratory experiments with GDOs (1) that, in the absence of national or international guidelines, were considered essential for responsible laboratory work to proceed. Now, with GDO development advancing in laboratories (2–5), we envision similar safeguards for the potential next step: ecologically and/or genetically confined field trials to further assess the performance of GDOs. A GDO’s propensity to spread necessitates well-developed criteria for field trials to assess its potential impacts (6). We, as a multidisciplinary group of GDO developers, ecologists, conservation biologists, and experts in social science, ethics, and policy, outline commitments below that we deem critical for responsible conduct of a field trial and to ensure that these technologies, if they are introduced, serve the public interest. Includes Supplementary materials