30 research outputs found

    Non-perturbative renormalization-group approach to zero-temperature Bose systems

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    We use a non-perturbative renormalization-group technique to study interacting bosons at zero temperature. Our approach reveals the instability of the Bogoliubov fixed point when d≤3d\leq 3 and yields the exact infrared behavior in all dimensions d>1d>1 within a rather simple theoretical framework. It also enables to compute the low-energy properties in terms of the parameters of a microscopic model. In one-dimension and for not too strong interactions, it yields a good picture of the Luttinger-liquid behavior of the superfluid phase.Comment: v1) 6 pages, 8 figures; v2) added references; v3) corrected typo

    Field theory of bi- and tetracritical points: Statics

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    We calculate the static critical behavior of systems of O(n∥)⊕O(n⊥)O(n_\|)\oplus O(n_\perp) symmetry by renormalization group method within the minimal subtraction scheme in two loop order. Summation methods lead to fixed points describing multicritical behavior. Their stability boarder lines in the space of order parameter components n∥n_\| and n⊥n_\perp and spatial dimension dd are calculated. The essential features obtained already in two loop order for the interesting case of an antiferromagnet in a magnetic field (n∥=1n_\|=1, n⊥=2n_\perp=2) are the stability of the biconical fixed point and the neighborhood of the stability border lines to the other fixed points leading to very small transient exponents. We are also able to calculate the flow of static couplings, which allows to consider the attraction region. Depending on the nonuniversal background parameters the existence of different multicritical behavior (bicritical or tetracritical) is possible including a triple point.Comment: 6 figure

    Wilson-Polchinski exact renormalization group equation for O(N) systems: Leading and next-to-leading orders in the derivative expansion

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    With a view to study the convergence properties of the derivative expansion of the exact renormalization group (RG) equation, I explicitly study the leading and next-to-leading orders of this expansion applied to the Wilson-Polchinski equation in the case of the NN-vector model with the symmetry O(N)\mathrm{O}(N) . As a test, the critical exponents % \eta and ν\nu as well as the subcritical exponent ω\omega (and higher ones) are estimated in three dimensions for values of NN ranging from 1 to 20. I compare the results with the corresponding estimates obtained in preceding studies or treatments of other O(N)\mathrm{O}(N) exact RG equations at second order. The possibility of varying NN allows to size up the derivative expansion method. The values obtained from the resummation of high orders of perturbative field theory are used as standards to illustrate the eventual convergence in each case. A peculiar attention is drawn on the preservation (or not) of the reparametrisation invariance.Comment: Dedicated to Lothar Sch\"afer on the occasion of his 60th birthday. Final versio

    Far-from-equilibrium quantum many-body dynamics

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    The theory of real-time quantum many-body dynamics as put forward in Ref. [arXiv:0710.4627] is evaluated in detail. The formulation is based on a generating functional of correlation functions where the Keldysh contour is closed at a given time. Extending the Keldysh contour from this time to a later time leads to a dynamic flow of the generating functional. This flow describes the dynamics of the system and has an explicit causal structure. In the present work it is evaluated within a vertex expansion of the effective action leading to time evolution equations for Green functions. These equations are applicable for strongly interacting systems as well as for studying the late-time behaviour of nonequilibrium time evolution. For the specific case of a bosonic N-component phi^4 theory with contact interactions an s-channel truncation is identified to yield equations identical to those derived from the 2PI effective action in next-to-leading order of a 1/N expansion. The presented approach allows to directly obtain non-perturbative dynamic equations beyond the widely used 2PI approximations.Comment: 20 pp., 6 figs; submitted version with added references and typos corrected