232 research outputs found

    High Resolution Imaging Systems For Spin-Stabilized Probe Spacecraft

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    A novel design for a high-resolution imaging system which includes on-board data editing and optical navigation, suggests high quality images can be acquired from spin-stabilized spacecraft oriented towards high velocity, short duration planetary missions ("Probes"). The approach to designing imaging systems requires that mission objectives be met within the physical and fiscal constraints imposed by the spacecraft and mission design. Severe constraints imposed on a Comet Halley probe (for example, 57km/sec encounter velocity with a small, 10km diameter, object coupled with a great uncertainty in encounter time and distance, were overcome by innovative use of existing technology. Such designs suggest that 3-axis stabilization or non-spinning platforms are not necessary to acquire high resolution, high quality planetary images

    High Resolution Imaging Systems For Spin-Stabilized Probe Spacecraft

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    A novel design for a high-resolution imaging system which includes on-board data editing and optical navigation, suggests high quality images can be acquired from spin-stabilized spacecraft oriented towards high velocity, short duration planetary missions ("Probes"). The approach to designing imaging systems requires that mission objectives be met within the physical and fiscal constraints imposed by the spacecraft and mission design. Severe constraints imposed on a Comet Halley probe (for example, 57km/sec encounter velocity with a small, 10km diameter, object coupled with a great uncertainty in encounter time and distance, were overcome by innovative use of existing technology. Such designs suggest that 3-axis stabilization or non-spinning platforms are not necessary to acquire high resolution, high quality planetary images

    Saturn's neutral torus versus Jupiter's plasma torus

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    With the recent discovery of an atmospheric plume of H2O it is thought that Enceladus could deliver as much a 300 kg/s of neutral gas to Saturn's inner magnetosphere. Io is the source of roughly 1 ton/s of sulfur and oxygen gas at Jupiter. Despite the apparent similarity, the neutral/ion ratio at Saturn is 3 orders of magnitude higher than at Jupiter. We explore the flow of mass and energy at Saturn and Jupiter using a simplified homogeneous physical chemistry model to understand why these two system are so different. Our results suggest that ionization at Saturn is fundamentally limited by the slower corotational flow velocity at Enceladus, resulting in a factor of 4 lower ion pickup temperature. The net result of cooler ions at Enceladus is a cooler thermal electron population (∼2 eV) that is insufficient to generate significant ionization

    Current-voltage relation for the Saturnian system

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    Saturn's magnetosphere is populated by plasma created from neutrals ejected by the moon Enceladus. These neutrals are ionized and picked up by the planetary magnetic field requiring large amounts of angular momentum to be transferred from Saturn's upper atmosphere to the magnetospheric plasma. The resulting upward currents that supply this angular momentum are associated with electrons, which travel toward the planetary atmosphere. At high magnetic latitudes along the flux tube, parallel electric fields may develop to enhance the field-aligned current density flowing between the two regions. We show that, similar to the Jovian system, the current-voltage relation in the Saturnian system must be evaluated at the top of the acceleration region, which occurs at ~1.5 RS along the magnetic field line as measured from the center of the planet. Owing to the large abundance of protons in the Saturnian system, cold electrons carry the majority of the field-aligned current for net potential drops less than 500 V. For the flux tube intersecting the equatorial plane at 4 RS, field-aligned potentials of 50-130 V are consistent with the energy fluxes inferred from the Enceladus emission. In the middle magnetosphere, field-aligned potentials of ∼1.5 kV produce ionospheric electron energy fluxes of 0.3 mW/m2 when hot electrons comprise 0.3% of the magnetospheric electron population. Key Points Current-voltage relation must be evaluated at high magnetic latitudes. Cold electrons contribute strongly to field-aligned current density. Full Knight (1973) current-voltage relation must be applied to Saturnian system

    Magnetosphere-ionosphere coupling at Jupiter:Effect of field-aligned potentials on angular momentum transport

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    We present a time-independent model of Jupiter's rotation-driven aurora based on angular momentum conservation, including the effects of a field-aligned potential (φ∥) and an ionospheric conductivity that is modified by precipitating electrons. We argue that φ∥ arises from a limit to field-aligned current at high latitudes, and hence, we apply a current-voltage relation, which takes into account the low plasma densities at high latitudes. The resulting set of nonlinear equations that govern the behavior of angular momentum transfer is underconstrained and leads to a set of solutions, including those derived in earlier work. We show that solutions with high angular momentum transfer, large radial currents, and small mass transport rates (Ṁ ≤ 1000 kg/s) exist. Our set of solutions can reproduce many of the observed characteristics of Jupiter's main auroral oval, including the energy of the precipitating electrons, the energy flux into the ionosphere, the width of the aurora at the ionosphere, and net radial current across the field for a radial mass transport value of ∼500 kg/s

    Magnetosphere-ionosphere coupling at Jupiter:a parameter space study

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    Jupiter's main auroral emission is a signature of the current system that transfers angular momentum from the planet to radially outward moving Iogenic plasma. Ray et al. (2010) developed a steady state model of this current system which self-consistently included the effects of a field-aligned potential, and an ionospheric conductance modified by precipitating electrons. The presented parameter space study extends their model to explore how variations in the auroral cavity density and temperature, magnetospheric mass loading rate, and background ionospheric Pedersen conductance affect the current system and resulting auroral emission. We show that while the solutions found by Ray et al. (2010) vary with changes in the system parameters, the gross general trends remain similar to the original solutions. We find that, for an outer constraint of I100 = 86 MA, the high-latitude electron temperature and density have a lower limit of ∼1.5 keV and an upper limit of ∼0.01 cm -3, respectively, in order for solutions to be consistent with observations of Jupiter's auroral emission. For increases in the radial mass transport rate and an outer constraint of Max = 75 kV the auroral emission brightness increases

    Comparative study of the power transferred from satellite-magnetosphere interactions to auroral emissions

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    Io's interaction with the Jovian magnetosphere generates a power of about 1012 W which propagates as Alfvn waves along the magnetic field lines and is partly transferred to electrons, resulting in intense auroral emissions. A recent study of the power transmission along the Io flux tube and of the electron acceleration at high latitudes showed that the power of the observed emissions is well explained by assuming filamentation of the Alfvn waves in the torus and the acceleration of the electrons at high latitude. At Jupiter, UV footprints related to Europa and Ganymede have also been observed. At Saturn recent observations revealed a weak UV footprint of Enceladus. We apply the Io interaction model to the Europa and Enceladus interactions. We show that the Alfvn wave filamentation leads to a precipitating electron power consistent with the power of the observed UV footprints

    Local Time Dependence of Turbulent Magnetic Fields in Saturn\u27s Magnetodisc

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    Net plasma transport in magnetodiscs around giant planets is outward. Observations of plasma temperature have shown that the expanding plasma is heating nonadiabatically during this process. Turbulence has been suggested as a source of heating. However, the mechanism and distribution of magnetic fluctuations in giant magnetospheres are poorly understood. In this study we attempt to quantify the radial and local time dependence of fluctuating magnetic field signatures that are suggestive of turbulence, quantifying the fluctuations in terms of a plasma heating rate density. In addition, the inferred heating rate density is correlated with magnetic field configurations that include azimuthal bend forward/back and magnitude of the equatorial normal component of magnetic field relative to the dipole. We find a significant local time dependence in magnetic fluctuations that is consistent with flux transport triggered in the subsolar and dusk sectors due to magnetodisc reconnection

    Current-voltage relation of a centrifugally confined plasma

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    Observations of Jupiter's auroral regions indicate that electrons are accelerated into Jupiter's atmosphere creating emissions. The acceleration of the electrons intimate that parallel electric fields and field-aligned currents develop along the flux tubes which connect the equatorial plane to the areas with auroral emission. The relationship between the development of parallel electric fields and the parallel currents is often assumed to be the same as that on Earth. However, the relationship is significantly different at Jupiter due to a lack of plasma at high latitudes as large centrifugal forces caused by Jupiter's fast rotation period (about 9.8 h) constrain the magnetospheric plasma to the equatorial plane. We use a 1-D spatial, 2-D velocity space Vlasov code which has been modified to include centrifugal forces to examine the current-voltage relationship that exists at Jupiter. In particular, we investigate this relationship at a distance of 5.9 Jovian radii, the orbital radius of Io, which is coupled with the auroral spot and Io wake auroral emissions
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