63 research outputs found

    Assessing ant diversity in agroecosystems: The case of italian vineyards of the adige valley

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    Assessing ant diversity in agroecosystems: The case of Italian vineyards of the Adige Valley Agroecosystems have gained a dominant position on worldwide land-usage, and therefore preserving their biodiversity is crucial for environmental sustainability. Ants are one of the most widespread groups of terres-Trial arthropods, and, thanks to their significant diversification, they are considered as a good proxy group for bio-diversity monitoring, also in agroecosystems. Vineyards are economically valuable cultures widespread worldwide, and hosting many ant species, that provide meaningful ecosystem services and disservices. Despite the important role that ants play in these agroecosystems, ant biodiversity in vineyards is still poorly studied, especially in Italy. In this context, we present a first detailed quantitative and qualitative assessment of the ant fauna of Italian vine-yards from the Adige Valley based on pitfall traps data, and discuss the results in comparison with the few other similar assessments from Europe and other continents. We document an assemblage of 22 species (7-16 per or-chard), mostly dominated by three disturbance-Tolerant species (including an introduced species). Vineyards ant faunas appear to be rather heterogeneous worldwide, mainly following local ecological and biogeographical con-straints, and the role that most ant species play in these agroecosystems is presently unknown

    Chronic consumption of probiotics, oats and apples have differential effects on postprandial bile acid profile and cardiometabolic disease risk markers compared to an isocaloric control (cornflakes): a randomized trial

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    Background: Dietary components that impact the gut microbiota may beneficially affect cardiometabolic health, possibly by altered bile acid metabolism. However, impacts of these foods on postprandial bile acids, gut microbiota, and cardiometabolic risk markers are unclear. Objectives The aim of this study was to determine the chronic effects of probiotics, oats, and apples on postprandial bile acids, gut microbiota, and cardiometabolic health biomarkers. Methods Using an acute within chronic parallel design, 61 volunteers (mean ± SD: age 52 ± 12 y; BMI 24.8 ± 3.4 kg/m2) were randomly assigned to consume 40 g cornflakes (control), 40 g oats or 2 Renetta Canada apples each with 2 placebo capsules per day or 40 g cornflakes with 2 Lactobacillus reuteri capsules (>5 × 109 CFU) per day, for 8 wk. Fasting and postprandial serum/plasma bile acids and cardiometabolic health biomarkers, fecal bile acids, and gut microbiota composition were determined. Results: At week 0, oats and apples significantly decreased postprandial serum insulin [area under the curve (AUC): 25.6 (17.4, 33.8) and 23.4 (15.4, 31.4) vs. 42.0 (33.7, 50.2) pmol/L × min and incremental AUC (iAUC): 17.8 (11.6, 24.0) and 13.7 (7.7, 19.8) vs. 29.6 (23.3, 35.8) pmol/L × min] and C-peptide responses [AUC: 599 (514, 684) and 550 (467, 632) vs. 750 (665, 835) ng/mL × min], whereas non-esterified fatty acids were increased [AUC 135 (117, 153) vs. 86.3 (67.9, 105) and iAUC 96.2 (78.8, 114) vs. 60 (42.1, 77.9) mmol/L × min] after the apples vs. control (P ≤ 0.05). Postprandial unconjugated [AUC: predicted means (95% CI) 1469 (1101, 1837) vs. 363 (−28, 754) μmol/L × min and iAUC: 923 (682, 1165) vs. 22.0 (−235, 279) μmol/L × min)] and hydrophobic [iAUC: 1210 (911, 1510) vs. 487 (168, 806) μmol/L × min] bile acid responses were increased after 8 wk probiotic intervention vs. control (P ≤ 0.049). None of the interventions modulated the gut microbiota. Conclusions: These results support beneficial effects of apples and oats on postprandial glycemia and the ability of the probiotic Lactobacillus reuteri to modulate postprandial plasma bile acid profiles compared with control (cornflakes), with no relationship evident between circulating bile acids and cardiometabolic health biomarker

    Statistica descrittiva: prime informazioni dai dati sperimentali

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    La statistica descrittiva rappresenta la base di partenza per le applicazioni della statistica inferenziale che ha l’obiettivo di trarre conclusioni da delle ipotesi. Ha il compito di organizzare, riassumere, sintetizzare e presentare i dati in modo ordinat

    Analisi della varianza: il test per capire le differenze tra le tesi

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    L’Analisi della varianza (ANOVA) evidenzia le differenze tra 2 o più valori medi derivanti da misurazioni su gruppi di individui

    Capire facilmente l'analisi statistica in agricoltura

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    Viene presentata un’introduzione a una serie di contributi monotematici su questa rivista, che hanno lo scopo di fornire elementi conoscitivi dell’analisi statistica dei dati nella ricerca in agricoltura, con particolare riferimento al settore fitosanitario e agronomico. Data la grande mole di ricerca applicata in questo settore e quindi di lavori sperimentali pubblicati su questa e altre riviste tecniche di settore, è sempre più necessario fare chiarezza su quali siano gli aspetti salienti e i requisiti imprescindibili della statistica applicata alla sperimentazione agraria. Questo non solo per dare al lettore uno strumento il più possibile semplice per interpretare in modo corretto i risultati della ricerca, ma anche al fine di favorire una sempre maggiore consapevolezza che vi siano dei vincoli da rispettare quando si raccolgono, si elaborano e si presentano i dati di prove sperimental

    Statistica inferenziale: osservare un campione per capire la popolazione

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    Grazie alla statistica inferenziale si riesce a generalizzare le osservazioni fatte su dei campioni. Fondamentale risulta la scelta del campione che deve essere casuale e deve avere una sufficiente ampiezza al fine di essere il più rappresentativo possibil
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