5,373 research outputs found

    Boolean versus continuous dynamics on simple two-gene modules

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    We investigate the dynamical behavior of simple modules composed of two genes with two or three regulating connections. Continuous dynamics for mRNA and protein concentrations is compared to a Boolean model for gene activity. Using a generalized method, we study within a single framework different continuous models and different types of regulatory functions, and establish conditions under which the system can display stable oscillations. These conditions concern the time scales, the degree of cooperativity of the regulating interactions, and the signs of the interactions. Not all models that show oscillations under Boolean dynamics can have oscillations under continuous dynamics, and vice versa.Comment: 8 pages, 10 figure

    An Investigation into the asymmetric synthesis of imidazolinones via reaction of chiral alpha-amino acid esters with nitrils

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    The objective of this investigation was to develop a new synthetic method for the asymmetric synthesis of imidazolinones. This method involved an addition-cyclization reaction of an optically pure alpha-amino acid ester and a nitrile. While imidazolinones have been synthesized by other means, this synthetic route has the advantage of producing an enantiomerically pure heterocycle. Furthermore, the wide variety of amino acids and nitriles available could produce an extensive series of imidazolinone derivatives whose potential for therapeutic uses could be explored. The first step in this reaction involved the amino addition of an a-amino acid ester to a nitrile to give an intermediate amidine ester. This intermediate could then undergo intramolecular ring closure to form the imidazolinone via the amidinium ion or the amidine. This investigation found base catalysis, aluminum chloride catalysis, Bronsted-acid catalysis and mercury(ll) catalysis to be unsuccessful in effecting amino additions to aliphatic and aromatic nitriles under the given conditions. However, amino addition to trichloroacetonitrile was successful, but only resulted in the formation of the amidine rather than spontaneously ring-closing to form the imidazolinone

    Developing a Model-Based Approach to Forecast a Competitor\u27s System

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    The purpose of this research is to develop a model-based approach to intelligence forecasting of a competitor’s system. This analysis currently uses a document-based practice to capture all knowledge of the forecast and its development. A framework of antithesis processes, or Anti-Processes, were derived from the systems engineering technical processes. This was then combined with analytical tradecraft from the field of competitive technical intelligence to build a SysML reference model, which was then applied to a small case study to enhance and refine the model. The Anti-Process framework and SysML reference model provide a rigorous, model-based approach to intelligence forecasts of competitor’s systems

    National model adolescent suicide prevention project.

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    The process evaluation of the National Model Adolescent Suicide Prevention Project has two central purposes; 1) to document and describe the processes by which the project was implemented and operated; and 2) to identify the methods used to implement the project that seem to be most effective for prevention and that have the greatest impact on measure of outcome. The National Model Adolescent Suicide Prevention Project is a community systems model implemented in 1990. It was anticipated that the suicide rate for the entire Jicarilla community, not just the adolescent target group, would decline as a result of the project. Since the implementation of the project, suicide rates have in fact declined for all age groups in the Jicarilla Apache community

    Recognizable neonatal clinical features of aplasia cutis congenita

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    Background: Aplasia cutis congenita (ACC), classified in nine groups, is likely to be underreported, since milder isolated lesions in wellbeing newborns could often be undetected, and solitary lesions in the context of polymalformative syndromes could not always be reported. Regardless of form and cause, therapeutic options have in common the aim to restore the deficient mechanical and immunological cutaneous protection and to limit the risk of fluid leakage or rupture of the exposed organs. We aimed to review our institutional prevalence, comorbidities, treatment and outcome of newborns with ACC. Methods: We conducted a retrospective study including all newborns affected by ACC and admitted at the University Mother-Child Department from October 2010 to October 2019. Anthropometric and clinical characteristics of ACC1 versus a non-isolated ACC group were analyzed. Results: We encountered 37 newborns, 16 with ACC1 versus 21 with non-isolated ACC. The incidence rate of 0.1% in ACC1 was higher than expected, while 19% of cases showed intrafamilial autosomal dominant transmission. Higher birth weight centile, though lower than reference population, being adequate for gestational age, normal Apgar score and euglycemia characterizing ACC1 resulted associated to a rapid tissue regeneration. Non-isolated ACC, in relation to concomitant congenital anomalies and higher prematurity rate, showed more surgical and medical complications along with the risk of neonatal death. Specifically, newborns with ACC4 were characterized by the frequent necessity of abdominal wall defect repair, responsible for the occurrence of an abdominal compartment syndrome. Conclusion: Prompt carefully assessment of the newborn with ACC in order to exclude concomitant other congenital malformations, provides clues to the underlying pathophysiology, and to the short-term prognosis. Family should be oriented toward identification of other family members affected by similar pathology, while obstetric history should exclude initial multiple pregnancy with death of a co-twin, placental anomalies and drug assumption. Molecular-genetic diagnosis and genetic counseling are integrative in individualized disease approach

    Synthesis and characterization of Na‑P1 (GIS) zeolite using a kaolinitic rock

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    This work focuses on the hydrothermal synthesis of Na-P1 zeolite by using a kaolinite rock coming from Romana (Sassari, Italy). The kaolin is calcined at a temperature of 650 °C and then mixed with calculated quantities of NaOH. The synthesis runs are carried out at ambient pressure and at variable temperatures of 65 and 100 °C. For the first time compared to the past, the Na-P1 zeolite is synthesized without the use of additives and through a protocol that reduces both temperatures and synthesis times. The synthesis products are analysed by X-ray diffraction, high temperature X-ray diffraction, infrared spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy and inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry. The cell parameters are calculated using the Rietveld method. Density and specific surface area are also calculated. The absence of amorphous phases and impurities in synthetic powders is verified through quantitative phase analysis using the combined Rietveld and reference intensity ratio methods. The results make the experimental protocol very promising for an industrial transfer

    Stochastic hybrid models for predicting the behavior of drivers facing the yellow-light-dilemma

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    We address the problem of predicting whether a driver facing the yellow-light-dilemma will cross the intersection with the red light. Based on driving simulator data, we propose a stochastic hybrid system model for driver behavior. Using this model combined with Gaussian process estimation and Monte Carlo simulations, we obtain an upper bound for the probability of crossing with the red light. This upper bound has a prescribed confidence level and can be calculated quickly on-line in a recursive fashion as more data become available. Calculating also a lower bound we can show that the upper bound is on average less than 3% higher than the true probability. Moreover, tests on driving simulator data show that 99% of the actual red light violations, are predicted to cross on red with probability greater than 0.95 while less than 5% of the compliant trajectories are predicted to have an equally high probability of crossing. Determining the probability of crossing with the red light will be important for the development of warning systems that prevent red light violations

    Media use during adolescence: the recommendations of the Italian Pediatric Society.

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    BACKGROUND: The use of media device, such as smartphone and tablet, is currently increasing, especially among the youngest. Adolescents spend more and more time with their smartphones consulting social media, mainly Facebook, Instagram and Twitter because. Adolescents often feel the necessity to use a media device as a means to construct a social identity and express themselves. For some children, smartphone ownership starts even sooner as young as 7 yrs, according to internet safety experts. MATERIAL AND METHODS: We analyzed the evidence on media use and its consequences in adolescence. RESULTS: In literature, smartphones and tablets use may negatively influences the psychophysical development of the adolescent, such as learning, sleep and sigh. Moreover, obesity, distraction, addiction, cyberbullism and Hikikomori phenomena are described in adolescents who use media device too frequently. The Italian Pediatric Society provide action-oriented recommendations for families and clinicians to avoid negative outcomes. CONCLUSIONS: Both parents and clinicians should be aware of the widespread phenomenon of media device use among adolescents and try to avoid psychophysical consequences on the youngest
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