10 research outputs found
Helmintos en Pelecanus thagus y Spheniscus humboldti de la costa de Lima, Perú
In June 2012, as a result of a marine phenomenon that resulted in the death of birds of several species of seabirds, endoparasites were studied in two pelicans (Pelecanus thagus) and two penguins (Spheniscus humboldti) found dead on the beach in the district of Chorrillos, Lima (Peru). The helminths were obtained from the digestive tract in both species using the Travassos protocols. The nematodes Contracaecum rudolphii and Syngamus trachea, the cestode Tetrabothrius sp, the trematode Galactosomum puffini and the acanthocephalan Corynosoma sp were identified in Pelecanus thagus. In Spheniscus humboldti, the trematode Cardiocephaloides physalis and the nematodes Contracaecum pelagicum and Cyathostoma phenisci were identified. Syngamus trachea, Galactosomum puffini, Corynosoma sp and Contracaecum pelagicum are considered new reports in Pelecanus thagus in Peru. In addition, Spheniscus humboldti can be considered new host of Cardiocephaloides physalis and Cyathostoma phenisci.En junio de 2012, a raíz de un fenómeno marino que produjo mortandad de varias especies de aves marinas, se estudiaron los endoparásitos en dos pelícanos (Pelecanus thagus) y dos pingüinos (Spheniscus humboldti) hallados muertos en la playa del distrito de Chorrillos, Lima-Perú. Se realizó la obtención de helmintos del tracto digestivo en ambas especies aplicando el método de Travassos. Fueron identificados en Pelecanus thagus los nematodos Contracaecum rudolphii y Syngamus trachea, el cestodo Tetrabothrius sp, el trematodo Galactosomum puffini y el acantocéfalo Corynosoma sp. En Spheniscus humboldti, el trematodo Cardiocephaloides physalis y los nematodos Contracaecum pelagicum y Cyathostoma phenisci. Syngamus trachea, Galactosomum puffini, Corynosoma sp y Contracaecum pelagicum son considerados nuevos reportes en Pelecanus thagus en el Perú. Además, Spheniscus humboldti puede ser considerado nuevo hospedero de Cardiocephaloides physalis y Cyathostoma phenisci
Redescription of Lamanema chavezi by optical microscopy and scanning electron microscopy
El presente estudio tuvo como objetivo redescribir morfo-anatómicamente a Lamanema chavezi en sus tres estadios parasitarios (huevo, larva de tercer estadío, adulto) utilizando la técnica de microscopía óptica y microscopía electrónica de barrido. Se trabajó con alpacas (Vicugna pacos) sacrificadas en el Camal Municipal de la provincia de Melgar, Puno, Perú. Los estadios adultos fueron colectados del intestino delgado aplicando el método de Travassos; los huevos fueron colectados de heces de animales parasitados mediante la técnica de flotación; y parte de los huevos obtenidos fueron incubados para la obtención de larvas mediante proceso mecánico. Los principales hallazgos incluyen la presencia del rudimento de corona foliácea, seis papilas cefálicas, características de crestas del sinlophe, presencia de papilas en la cara dorsal de los lóbulos laterales de la bolsa copulatríz, alas en las espículas, y características de los huevos y larvas L3. Se obtuvo la caracterización fenotípica y se complementa el conocimiento de la morfo-anatomía de L. chavezi con fines de diagnóstico y establecer un ámbito taxonómico.This study aimed to morpho-anatomically redescribe Lamanema chavezi in the three parasitic stages (egg, third stage larvae and adult) using optical microscopy and scanning electron microscopy. Samples were collected from alpacas (Vicugna pacos) in the municipal slaughterhouse of Melgar province, Puno, Peru. Adult specimens were collected from the small intestine using the Travassos method; eggs were collected from stool samples in infected animals by the flotation technique; and some of the collected eggs were incubated for obtaining larvae by mechanical process. The main findings include the presence of foliated crown rudiment, six cephalic papillae, synlophe ridges features, presence of papillae on the bursal dorsal side in the lateral lobes, spicules alae characteristics, and eggs and L3 larvae features. The results allowed the phenotypic characterization and complement the knowledge of the morpho-anatomy ofL. chavezi for diagnostic purposes and sets a taxonomic level
Recorte de picos y densidades de población para los rasgos de puesta y rendimiento y patrones de comportamiento en codornices japonesas
The present experiment was conducted to evaluate the productive performance, egg quality and behavioral patterns of Japanese quails (Coturnix coturnix japonica) with and without beak trimming submitted to two stocking densities. The study was conducted for 84 days. In total, 196 Japanese quails were randomly allocated to a 2 x 2 factorial scheme: submitted or not to beak trimming procedure and low (237.5 cm²/bird) and high stocking density (316.7 cm/bird) and its interaction. Eight replicates per treatment were used, totaling 32 experimental units. Collected data were submitted to analysis of variance and, means of parametric data were compared by Tukey test (p<0.05); otherwise non-parametric analysis of variance were applied for non-parametric data of quail behavior. Lower feed intake was observed in the high stocking density group (p<0.05) but did not affect other parameters (p>0.05). There was no interaction (p>0.05) between beak trimming and stocking density over performance and egg quality. Quails without beak trimming housed in higher density showed more aggressiveness and stress. Egg quality as well as performance parameters of Japanese quails are not affected by applying 316.7 cm2/bird density.El presente experimento se realizó para evaluar el comportamiento productivo, la calidad del huevo y los patrones de comportamiento de las codornices japonesas (Coturnix coturnix japonica) con y sin corte del pico sometidas a dos densidades de población. El estudio se realizó durante 84 días. En total, 196 codornices japonesas fueron asignadas aleatoriamente a un esquema factorial 2 x 2: sometidas o no al procedimiento de corte del pico y baja (237.5 cm²/ave) y alta densidad de población (316.7 cm2/ave). Se utilizaron ocho réplicas por tratamiento, totalizando 32 unidades experimentales. Los datos recolectados se sometieron a análisis de varianza y, cuando hubo datos paramétricos, las medias se compararon mediante la prueba de Tukey (p<0.05); de lo contrario, para los datos no paramétricos del comportamiento de las codornices se aplicó un análisis de varianza no paramétrico. Se observó una menor ingesta de alimento en el grupo de alta densidad de población (p<0.05), pero no afectó otros parámetros (p>0.05). No hubo interacción significativa (p>0.05) entre el corte del pico y la densidad de población sobre el rendimiento y la calidad del huevo. Las codornices sin corte de pico alojadas en mayor densidad mostraron mayor agresividad y estrés. La calidad del huevo y los parámetros de rendimiento de las codornices japonesas no se vieron afectados por la aplicación de una densidad de 316.7 cm2/densidad de ave
Uso de destiladores de mao con solubles en pollos de engorde
This study aimed to evaluate the inclusion of distiller's dried grains with soluble (DDGS) of corn in the broiler diet on growth performance, carcass and viscera yield, and biometrics of the gastrointestinal tract. In total, 700 male Cobb 500 broilers were distributed in a completely randomized design with five treatments, seven replicates, and 20 chicks per experimental unit. The treatments consisted of a control and four levels of inclusion of DDGS (4, 8, 12, and 16%) in the diet. The inclusion of the DDGS did not influence the performance in the periods of 1 to 7 and 36 to 42 days of age. For broilers 8 to 35 days old, the feed intake was not altered by the treatments, but the average weight gain and feed conversion (p<0.05) had a quadratic polynomial effect. There was a reduction in carcass and breast weight of broilers slaughtered at 42 days of age fed with 12 and 16% DDGS. The DDGS in diets can be considered an alternative ingredient in diets for broilers up to 12% inclusion.El estudio tuvo como objetivo evaluar la inclusión de granos secos de maíz de destilería con solubles (DDGS) en la dieta de pollos de engorde sobre el rendimiento del crecimiento, la canal y las vísceras, y la biometría del tracto gastrointestinal. En total, se distribuyeron 700 pollos de engorde Cobb 500 machos en un diseño completamente al azar con cinco tratamientos, siete repeticiones y 20 pollos por unidad experimental. Los tratamientos consistieron en un control y cuatro niveles de inclusión de DDGS (4, 8, 12 y 16%) en la dieta. La inclusión de los DDGS no influyó en el rendimiento en los periodos de 1 a 7 y 36 a 42 días de edad. Para pollos de engorde de 8 a 35 días de edad, el consumo de alimento no fue alterado por los tratamientos, pero la ganancia de peso promedio y la conversión alimenticia (p<0.05) tuvieron un efecto polinomial cuadrático. Hubo una reducción en el peso de la canal y de la pechuga de los pollos de engorde sacrificados a los 42 días de edad alimentados con 12 y 16% de DDGS. Los DDGS en dietas pueden considerarse un ingrediente alternativo en dietas para pollos de engorde hasta un 12% de inclusión
Efficient, fast and low-cost strategies for DNA extraction from different nucleated sheep cells
DNA extraction is usually the first step to perform molecular studies. This process can be nonviable due to genomic DNA (gDNA) extraction commercial kits prices. Furthermore, available DNA extraction protocols generally have high specificity, limiting their use to specific sources of biological material. In order to reduce costs, optimize time and laboratory logistics, besides to demonstrate a versatile protocol, the present study worked on an efficient DNA extraction protocol from somatic and non-somatic cells, using biological material from sheep as a model. For that, gDNA was extracted from whole blood, spermatozoa, and hair bulb cells, collected from three adult sheep, transported at 5ºC and stored at -20ºC until lab procedures. After extraction, gDNA concentration and purity were evaluated in a nano spectrophotometer. gDNA concentration from whole blood was greater (p < 0.05) than extracted from hair bulb cells, which in turn was superior (p < 0.05) than in spermatozoa. Also, gDNA from whole blood and, followed by, sperm showed greater (p < 0.05) purity when compared to gDNA of hair bulb cells. Adapting a gDNA extraction protocol, originally developed for bovine whole blood, enabled to obtain and isolate gDNA in different nucleated sheep cell
Pedigree analysis of Santa Inês sheep and inbreeding effects on performance traits
Population parameters such as effective population size and coefficients of inbreeding are important information of a population but have rarely been studied in Santa Inês sheep. Therefore, this study aimed to estimate population parameters in a Santa Inês sheep flock and the inbreeding effect on performance traits. A dataset with 11,564 animals, born from 2003 to 2011, was recorded for weights at birth (BW1), 60 (BW60), 180 (BW180) and 270 (BW270) days of age, daily weight gain from birth to 60 d (DWG1), 60 to 180 d (DWG2), and 60 to 270 d (DWG3). Percentages of animals with known pedigrees decreased over generations, from 70 % in the first generation to less than 5 % in the third. The effective population size decreased from 665 in 2004 to 45 in 2010. The effective number founders and ancestors were 285 and 273, respectively. Furthermore, the average relatedness coefficient was 0.47 %. The highest frequency of inbred animals was concentrated between 0 and 10 % of the inbreeding coefficient and only 263 animals showed F>10 %. The inbreeding coefficient had its lowest value in 2004 (0.19 %) and a highest value in 2008 (2.86 %). Significant inbreeding effect was found for BW1 (0.0054 ± 0.0015), DWG2 (-0.9837 ± 0.3025), and DWG3 (-0.5628 ± 0.2377), while the analysis of breeding values indicated significant inbreeding depression for all traits, except DWG1. Results suggested that inbreeding had a negative effect on growth traits. To avoid losses in these traits it is necessary to mate non-related sires and dams.