10 research outputs found

    Defining borders and people in the borderlands : EU policies, Israeli prerogatives and the Palestinians

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    Article first published online: 5 SEP 2013.This article investigates the rules and practices pertaining to visa regimes and the crossing of borders across the European Union, Israel and the Palestinian territories. Their consideration as three interlinked entities rests on the high degree of EU–Israeli interdependence, the EU's deep involvement in the Palestinian territories and Israel's control over the latter. The article evidences the existence of variegated borders regimes applying to different categories of Israelis, Palestinians and EU citizens, together with Israel's outstanding prerogatives in defining these practices. The analysis suggests conceptualizing the space comprising the EU and Israel/Palestine as overlapping borderlands, with Israel and the territories emerging as a single, yet highly fragmented, space in which borders are alternative expressions of power relations in protracted conflicts. With the EU being drawn into prevailing conflict dynamics, the type and extent of EU–Israeli–Palestinian interconnectedness thus undermine the coherent implementation of Brussels’ mainly bilateral policies towards Israel and the territories.Research for this article was carried out in the framework of the BORDERLANDS Project, funded by the European Research Council (ERC) under its 7th Framework Programme

    Pollination of two species of Vellozia (Velloziaceae) from high-altitude quartzitic grasslands, Brazil Polinização de duas espécies de Vellozia (Velloziaceae) de campos quartzíticos de altitude, Brasil

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    The pollinators and breeding system of two species of Vellozia (Velloziaceae) from high-altitude quartzitic grasslands in SE Brazil were studied. Vellozia leptopetala is shrubby and grows solely on rocky outcrops, V. epidendroides is herbaceous and grows on stony soils. Both bear solitary, hermaphrodite flowers, and have massive, short-lasting annual blooms. We evaluated the level of self-compatibility and need for pollinators of 50 plants of each species and 20-60 flowers per treatment: hand self- and cross-pollination, spontaneous pollination, agamospermy and control. The behavior of floral visitors on flowers and within plants was recorded. Both species are mostly self-incompatible, but produce a small number of seeds by self-fertilization. The pollen-ovule ratio suggests facultative xenogamy. They were visited primarily by bees, of which the most important pollinators were two leaf-cutting bees (Megachile spp.). Vellozia leptopetala was also pollinated by a territorial hummingbird. Low natural seed production compared to cross-pollination seed numbers suggests that pollen limitation is the main cause of low seed set. This was attributed to the combined effect of five mechanisms: selfing prior to anthesis, enhanced geitonogamy as a result of large floral displays, low number of visits per flower for the same reason, pollen theft by many insect species, and, in V. leptopetala, delivery of mixed pollen loads on the stigma as a consequence of hummingbird promiscuity.<br>Foram pesquisados os polinizadores e o sistema reprodutivo de duas espécies de Vellozia (Velloziaceae) de campos rupestres quartzíticos do sudeste do Brasil. Vellozia leptopetala é arborescente e cresce exclusivamente sobre afloramentos rochosos, V. epidendroides é de porte herbáceo e espalha-se sobre solo pedregoso. Ambas têm flores hermafroditas e solitárias, e floradas curtas em massa. Avaliou-se o nível de auto-compatibilidade e a necessidade de polinizadores, em 50 plantas de cada espécie e 20-60 flores por tratamento: polinização manual cruzada e autopolinização, polinização espontânea, agamospermia e controle. O comportamento dos visitantes florais nas flores e nas plantas foi registrado. As espécies são auto-incompatíveis, mas produzem poucas sementes autogâmicas. A razão pólen-óvulo sugere xenogamia facultativa em ambas. Foram visitadas principalmente por abelhas, das quais as mais importantes polinizadoras foram duas cortadeiras (Megachile spp.). Vellozia leptopetala também foi polinizada por uma espécie de beija-flor territorial. A produção de sementes em frutos de polinização cruzada sugere que limitação por pólen é a causa principal da baixa produção natural de sementes. Isto foi atribuído ao efeito combinado de cinco mecanismos: autopolinização prévia à antese, elevada geitonogamia resultante de arranjo floral, número reduzido de visitas por flor pelo mesmo motivo, pilhagem de pólen por diversas espécies de insetos e, em V. leptopetala, deposição de pólen heteroespecífico em conseqüência da promiscuidade dos beija-flores

    Enhanced performance in fusion plasmas through turbulence suppression by megaelectronvolt ions

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    © 2022, The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer Nature Limited.Alpha particles with energies on the order of megaelectronvolts will be the main source of plasma heating in future magnetic confinement fusion reactors. Instead of heating fuel ions, most of the energy of alpha particles is transferred to electrons in the plasma. Furthermore, alpha particles can also excite Alfvénic instabilities, which were previously considered to be detrimental to the performance of the fusion device. Here we report improved thermal ion confinement in the presence of megaelectronvolts ions and strong fast ion-driven Alfvénic instabilities in recent experiments on the Joint European Torus. Detailed transport analysis of these experiments reveals turbulence suppression through a complex multi-scale mechanism that generates large-scale zonal flows. This holds promise for more economical operation of fusion reactors with dominant alpha particle heating and ultimately cheaper fusion electricity.N