1,452 research outputs found

    New product development in an emerging economy: analysing the role of supplier involvement practices by using Bayesian Markov chain Monte Carlo technique

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    The research question is whether the positive relationship found between supplier involvement practices and new product development performances in developed economies also holds in emerging economies. The role of supplier involvement practices in new product development performance is yet to be substantially investigated in the emerging economies (other than China). This premise was examined by distributing a survey instrument (Jayaram’s (2008) published survey instrument that has been utilised in developed economies) to Malaysian manufacturing companies. To gauge the relationship between the supplier involvement practices and new product development (NPD) project performance of 146 companies, structural equation modelling was adopted. Our findings prove that supplier involvement practices have a significant positive impact on NPD project performance in an emerging economy with respect to quality objectives, design objectives, cost objectives, and “time-to-market” objectives. Further analysis using the Bayesian Markov Chain Monte Carlo algorithm, yielding a more credible and feasible differentiation, confirmed these results (even in the case of an emerging economy) and indicated that these practices have a 28% impact on variance of NPD project performance. This considerable effect implies that supplier involvement is a must have, although further research is needed to identify the contingencies for its practices

    Effecten van piekafvoeren op kokerjuffers in laaglandbeken

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    De verwachting is dat neerslagextremen door de opwarming van de aarde vaker zullen gaan voorkomen. Dat zal leiden tot een toename in de omvang en frequentie van piekafvoeren. De vraag is wat de effecten zijn van dergelijke weersextremen op organismen in laaglandbeken. Daarom is in het kader van het Europese project Euro-limpacs onderzocht wat de effecten van piekafvoeren zijn op het gedrag en de habitatvoorkeur van kokerjuffers. Uit het onderzoek blijkt dat bij verstoring drift toeneemt en soorten specifiek gedrag vertonen. Zandtransport verstoort alle soorten kokerjuffers. Bij herinrichting van beken en bij beken waarvan de hydrologie en morfologie niet op orde zijn, zou zandtransport daarom moeten worden voorkome

    Host genetics of response to porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome in nursery pigs

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    PRRS is the most costly disease in the US pig industry. While vaccination, biosecurity and eradication effort have had some success, the variability and infectiousness of PRRS virus strains have hampered the effectiveness of these measures. We propose the use of genetic selection of pigs as an additional and complementary effort. Several studies have shown that host response to PRRS infection has a sizeable genetic component and recent advances in genomics provide opportunities to capitalize on these genetic differences and improve our understanding of host response to PRRS. While work is also ongoing to understand the genetic basis of host response to reproductive PRRS, the focus of this review is on research conducted on host response to PRRS in the nursery and grow-finish phase as part of the PRRS Host Genetics Consortium. Using experimental infection of large numbers of commercial nursery pigs, combined with deep phenotyping and genomics, this research has identified a major gene that is associated with host response to PRRS. Further functional genomics work identified the GBP5 gene as harboring the putative causative mutation. GBP5 is associated with innate immune response. Subsequent work has validated the effect of this genomic region on host response to a second PRRSV strain and to PRRS vaccination and co-infection of nursery pigs with PRRSV and PCV2b. A genetic marker near GBP5 is available to the industry for use in selection. Genetic differences in host response beyond GBP5 appear to be highly polygenic, i.e. controlled by many genes across the genome, each with a small effect. Such effects can by capitalized on in a selection program using genomic prediction on large numbers of genetic markers across the genome. Additional work has also identified the genetic basis of antibody response to PRRS, which could lead to the use of vaccine response as an indicator trait to select for host response to PRRS. Other genomic analyses, including gene expression analyses, have identified genes and modules of genes that are associated with differences in host response to PRRS and can be used to further understand and utilize differences in host response. Together, these results demonstrate that genetic selection can be an additional and complementary tool to combat PRRS in the swine industry

    'Unbearable suffering': a qualitative study on the perspectives of patients who request assistance in dying

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    BACKGROUND One of the objectives of medicine is to relieve patients' suffering. As a consequence, it is important to understand patients' perspectives of suffering and their ability to cope. However, there is poor insight into what determines their suffering and their ability to bear it. PURPOSE To explore the constituent elements of suffering of patients who explicitly request euthanasia or physician-assisted suicide (EAS) and to better understand unbearable suffering from the patients' perspective. PATIENTS AND METHODS A qualitative study using in-depth face-to-face interviews was conducted with 31 patients who had requested EAS. The grounded theory approach was used to analyse the data. RESULTS Medical, psycho-emotional, socio-environmental and existential themes contributed to suffering. Especially fatigue, pain, decline, negative feelings, loss of self, fear of future suffering, dependency, loss of autonomy, being worn out, being a burden, loneliness, loss of all that makes life worth living, hopelessness, pointlessness and being tired of living were constituent elements of unbearable suffering. Only patients with a psychiatric (co)diagnosis suffered unbearably all the time. CONCLUSIONS Unbearable suffering is the outcome of an intensive process that originates in the symptoms of illness and/or ageing. According to patients, hopelessness is an essential element of unbearable suffering. Medical and social elements may cause suffering, but especially when accompanied by psycho-emotional and existential problems suffering will become 'unbearable'. Personality characteristics and biographical aspects greatly influence the burden of suffering. Unbearable suffering can only be understood in the continuum of the patients' perspectives of the past, the present and expectations of the future.This study was supported by the Dutch Cancer Society (grant number KUN2007-03736)

    Basement membranes in obstructive pulmonary diseases

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    Increased and changed deposition of extracellular matrix proteins is a key feature of airway wall remodeling in obstructive pulmonary diseases, including asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Studies have highlighted that the deposition of various basement membrane proteins in the lung tissue is altered and that these changes reflect tissue compartment specificity. Inflammatory responses in both diseases may result in the deregulation of production and degradation of these proteins. In addition to their role in tissue development and integrity, emerging evidence indicates that basement membrane proteins also actively modulate cellular processes in obstructive airway diseases, contributing to disease development, progression and maintenance. In this review, we summarize the changes in basement membrane composition in airway remodeling in obstructive airway diseases and explore their potential application as innovative targets for treatment development

    Performance and Carcass Composition of Yorkshire Pigs Selected for Low Residual Feed Intake under Ad Libitum and Restricted Feeding

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    Growth performance and carcass composition of 40 Yorkshire pigs (74.8±9.9 kg or 164.9±21.8 lbs), 20 pigs from a line selected for low residual feed intake for 5 generations and 20 pigs from a control line, was observed while fed on either an ad libitum or NRC maintenance (weight-stasis) basis over a 6 week period. The aim of the latter diet treatment was to keep pigs at a constant weight for six weeks. In the ad libitum treatment, there was no difference in initial (p \u3c 0.49) or final body weights (p \u3c 0.65) but the low residual feed intake line consumed 9% less feed compared to the control (p \u3c 0.08). Similarly, there was no difference in LEA (p \u3c 0.57) but the low residual feed intake line had slightly less backfat compared to the control (p \u3c 0.21). These same results were found from chemical analysis of the carcass, as there was no difference in protein percentage (p \u3c 0.60), but the ad libitum low residual feed intake pigs had a slightly lower fat percentage (p \u3c 0.21). For the weight stasis treatment, the low residual feed intake pigs weighed 3.5% more than the control (p \u3c 0.08), despite attempts to maintain a static body weight, and consumed 7.6% less feed overall (p \u3c 0.09). Both lines had a decrease in backfat; however, the low residual feed intake line had an increase in loin eye area while the control line had a decrease. No differences were observed in chemical carcass composition between the two lines on the weight stasis treatment. These data show that the low residual feed intake line is more efficient, with only slight differences in carcass composition

    Effect of immune system stimulation and divergent selection for residual feed intake on digestive capacity of the small intestine in growing pigs

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    Residual feed intake (RFI) is a measure of feed efficiency that reflects differences in the efficiency of the use of feed for maintenance and growth. The consequences of genetic selection for RFI on intestinal nutrient digestion capacity, particularly during immune system stimulation (ISS), are poorly documented. Our objective was to evaluate the impact of ISS and genetic selection for RFI on apparent ileal digestibility (AID) of nutrients, and intestinal nutrient transport and barrier function
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