8,597 research outputs found

    Ultrafast all-optical wavelength conversion in silicon-insulator waveguides by means of cross phase modulation using 300 femtosecond pulses

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    In this paper we report the ultrafast all-optical wavelength conversion in Silicon-on-Insulator (SOI) waveguides. We used a pump-probe setup with 300 femtosecond pulses to demonstrate large temporal phase-shifts, caused by the Kerr effect and free carrier generation. Large wavelength shifts of a 1683nm probe signal have been observed. The wavelength conversion, ranging from 10nm redshifts to 15nm blueshifts, depending on the time delay between the pump and probe pulses, is caused by the pump induced Cross Phase Modulation. Furthermore, an all-optical switching scheme using SOI microring resonators is discussed. These results enable ultrafast all-optical switching using SOI microring resonators

    Elliptical flux vortices in YBa2Cu3O7

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    The most energetically favorable vortex in YBa2Cu3O7 forms perpendicular to an anisotropic plane. This vortex is elliptical in shape and is distinguished by an effective interchange of London penetration depths from one axis of the ellipse to another. By generalizing qualitatively from the isotropic to the anisotropic case, we suggest that the flux flow resistivity for the vortex that forms perpendicular to an anistropic plane should have a preferred direction. Similar reasoning indicates that the Kosterlitz-Thouless transition temperature for a vortex mediated transition should be lower if the vortex is elliptical in shape

    Ultrafast all-optical wavelength conversion in silicon waveguides using femtosecond pump-probe pulses

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    Experimental results on ultrafast all-optical wavelength conversion in silicon-on-insulator waveguides are presented. Red and blue shifts of 10nm have been observed in femtosecond pump-probe experiments. Alloptical switching and the importance of waveguide dispersion are discussed

    Navigating the EU data governance labyrinth: A business perspective on data sharing in the financial sector

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    This paper offers a business perspective on the EU data governance framework, particularly related to data sharing in the financial sector. With policy-making (“on the books”) centred on guaranteeing data privacy and data security whilst promoting innovation, firms face complexities when implementing this framework “on the ground”. We build on existing work in internet policy, governance and law, multidisciplinary insights from business and management studies, and equally consider practitioner reports, legal/policy documents and industry consultations. Using the Revised Payment Services Directive as an illustrative case, our exploratory analysis reveals an implementation labyrinth, with a so-called “privacy-security-control” nexus at its core. Already problematic for firms operating across borders in the EU, this proves to be even more the case for global companies subject to various data sharing frameworks. Our analysis also reveals that the sectoral framework by the books neither reckons with the heterogeneity of firms (incumbent and new banks, fintechs and bigtechs) nor with their business models. We expose how these “on the ground” business realities might bring unintended effects that could be further aggravated by the (inherently slower) pace of regulation, and offer recommendations for policymakers, researchers and practitioners.<br/

    Effect of soil moisture condition on the conversion rate of oxamyl.

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    The decomposition of oxamyl in four soils under moist conditions was measured in incubation experiments at 15 deg C. Half-lives of oxamyl in soils with moisture tensions of approx. -9.8 X 103 Pa were 13 days in a clay loam, 14 days in a loamy sand, 34 days in a peaty sand and 39 days in a humic loamy sand. The rate of oxamyl decomposition in the clay loam decreased with decreasing soil moisture content down to values for below wilting point. Oxamyl decomposition in the humic loamy sand decreased with decreasing soil moisture content, but increased sharply in the very dry range. (Abstract retrieved from CAB Abstracts by CABI’s permission

    Self Phase Modulation and Stimulated Raman Scattering due to High Power Femtosecond Pulse Propagation in Silicon-on-Insulator Waveguides.

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    Self Phase Modulation (SPM) and Stimulated Raman Scattering (SRS) in silicon waveguides have been observed and will be discussed theoretically using a modified Nonlinear Schrödinger Equation. The high optical peak powers needed for the experiments were obtained by coupling sub-picosecond (200fs) transform limited pulses with a spectral width of 12nm into a single mode silicon waveguide. Spectral broadening up to 50nm has been observed due to Self Phase Modulation. An intensity increase of the idler spectrum around 1650nm at the expense of the 1550nm pump signal has been observed as function of pump power, indicating the presence of Stimulated Raman Scattering

    Optical conductivity of wet DNA

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    Motivated by recent experiments we have studied the optical conductivity of DNA in its natural environment containing water molecules and counter ions. Our density functional theory calculations (using SIESTA) for four base pair B-DNA with order 250 surrounding water molecules suggest a thermally activated doping of the DNA by water states which generically leads to an electronic contribution to low-frequency absorption. The main contributions to the doping result from water near DNA ends, breaks, or nicks and are thus potentially associated with temporal or structural defects in the DNA.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures included, final version, accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. Let

    Current facilitation by plasmon resonances between parallel wires of finite length

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    The current voltage (IV) characteristics for perpendicular transport through two sequentially coupled wires of finite length is calculated analytically. The transport within a Coulomb blockade step is assisted by plasmon resonances that appear as steps in the IV characteristics with positions and heights depending on inter- and intrawire interactions. In particular, due to the interwire interactions, the peak positions shift to lower voltages in comparison to the noninteracting wires which reflects the facilitation of current by interactions. The interwire interactions are also found to enhance the thermally activated current.Comment: 5 pages, 1figur
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