337 research outputs found

    Increasing weaning age of piglets from 4 to 7 weeks reduces stress, increases post-weaning feed intake but does not improve intestinal functionality

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    This study tested the hypothesis that late weaning and the availability of creep feed during the suckling period compared with early weaning, improves feed intake, decreases stress and improves the integrity of the intestinal tract. In this study with 160 piglets of 16 litters, late weaning at 7 weeks of age was compared with early weaning at 4 weeks, with or without creep feeding during the suckling period, on post-weaning feed intake, plasma cortisol (as an indicator of stress) and plasma intestinal fatty acid binding protein (I-FABP; a marker for mild intestinal injury) concentrations, intestinal morphology, intestinal (macro)molecular permeability and intestinal fluid absorption as indicators of small intestinal integrity. Post-weaning feed intake was similar in piglets weaned at 4 weeks and offered creep feed or not, but higher (P <0.001) in piglets weaned at 7 weeks with a higher (P <0.05) intake for piglets offered creep feed compared with piglets from whom creep feed was witheld. Plasma cortisol response at the day of weaning was lower in piglets weaned at 7 weeks compared with piglets weaned at 4 weeks, and creep feed did not affect cortisol concentration. Plasma I-FABP concentration was not affected by the age of weaning and creep feeding. Intestinal (macro)molecular permeability was not affected by the age of weaning and creep feeding. Both in uninfected and enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli-infected small intestinal segments net fluid absorption was not affected by the age of weaning or creep feeding. Creep feeding, but not the age of weaning, resulted in higher villi and increased crypt depth. In conclusion, weaning at 7 weeks of age in combination with creep feeding improves post-weaning feed intake and reduces weaning stress but does not improve functional characteristics of the small intestinal mucos

    A novel photodefinable polymer containing rare-earth doped nanoparticles for optical amplification

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    We report on neodymium doped LaF3 nanoparticles dispersed in a photo definable polymer. Standard spin coating is used to deposit uniform thin films on a silicondioxide buffer layer, which can be photocured and developed to produce monomode active optical waveguides. Optical properties of the film are obtained using a prism coupling setup, showing low losses of the photosensitive polymer host material in both the visible and infrared. In addition, the absorption and emission due to the neodymium doped LaF3 nanoparticles have been determined for a range of particle concentrations

    On the use of installed base information for spare parts logistics: a revieuw of ideas and industry practice

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    Demand for spare parts is often difficult to forecast using historical data only. In this paper, we give an overview of installed based information and provide several ways in which installed base forecasting can be used. We discuss cases of installed based forecasting at four companies and list the issues involved. Moreover, we provide some models to assess the value of installed base information and conclude that forecasts of spare parts demand and return can be made considerably more timely and accurate by using installed base information

    Competitive Capacity Investment under Uncertainty

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    We consider a long-term capacity investment problem in a competitive market under demand uncertainty. Two firms move sequentially in the competition and a firm’s capacity decision interacts with the other firm’s current and future capacity. Throughout the investment race, a firm can either choose to plan its investments proactively, taking into account possible responses from the other firm, or decide to respond reactively to the competition. In both cases, the optimal decision at each period is determined according to an ISD (Invest, Stayput, Disinvest) policy. We develop two algorithms to efficiently derive proactive ISD policies for the leader and follower firms. Using data from the container shipping market (2000-2015), we show that the optimal capacity determined by our competitive strategy is consistent with the realized investments in practice. By revealing strategical flexibility of proactive strategies, our results demonstrate that firms in the competition can gain more capacity and profit through such a strategy. Using Monte Carlo simulations, we explore the impact of different market conditions and investment irreversibility levels on capacity strategies. In particular, by comparing the results of competitive strategies and strategies that separate firms into different markets, we show that both firms can benefit from the competition and that market downturns likely lead to investment cascades

    Verandering in crisisinterventie en acute psychiatrie: Amsterdamse consulten in 1983 en 2005.

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    achtergrond Sinds 1992 stijgt het aantal inbewaringstellingen (ibs'en) in Nederland opvallend. In Amsterdam is er zelfs sprake van een verdrievoudiging. Psychiatrische behandeling in de Amsterdamse klinieken dreigt gedomineerd te worden door dwang. doel Een beeld krijgen van de veranderingen in de acute psychiatrie die hebben bijgedragen aan de stijging van het aantal dwangopnames met ibs. methode Vergelijken van een cohort (n = 460) consulten verricht door de stedelijke crisisdienst in 1983 met een cohort (n = 436) consulten verricht in 2004-2005 op de volgende variabelen: werkwijze van de crisisdienst, kenmerken van de patiënten, diagnose en uitkomst van de consulten. resultaten Vergeleken met 1983 waren er in 2004-2005 meer diensten betrokken bij psychiatrische patiënten in acute situaties in het publieke domein. Het aantal patiënten dat via de politie kwam, verdubbelde. De consulten, die in 1983 uitsluitend werden gedaan op de plek waar de patiënt verbleef, werden in 2004-2005 voor 60% op het bureau van de dienst gedaan. Het aantal patiënten met een psychose in de cohort nam toe van 52,0 naar 63,3%. Er was een toename van ibs opnames (van 16,7 naar 20,0% van de interventies) en een scherpe daling van vrijwillige opnames (van 25,7 naar 7,6%). Het totale aantal opnames na een consult daalde van 42 naar 28%. conclusie De outreachende dienst met een eerstelijnskarakter van 1983 is veranderd in een gespecialiseerde psychiatrische ehbo met een bescheiden outreachende functie. De vrijwillige opname is vrijwel verdwenen bij de crisisdienst. Nader onderzoek naar de kenmerken van de consulten en naar de variabelen die een rol spelen bij het toepassen van dwang is noodzakelijk

    Patient preference compared with random allocation in short-term psychodynamic supportive psychotherapy with indicated addition of pharmacotherapy for depression.

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    Depressed patients randomized to psychotherapy were compared with those who had been chosen for psychotherapy in a treatment algorithm, including addition of an antidepressant in case of early nonresponse. There were no differences between randomized and by-preference patients at baseline in adherence and outcome. About half of the early nonresponders refused the additional medication. However, no clear effect of medication addition on ultimate outcome could be demonstrated. In total, 37% of the patients achieved remission. The study suggested that randomization of patients does not induce a great influence on outcome. It might be warranted to continue an initially ineffective psychotherapy for depression, because a considerable number of patients do have a pattern of delayed response

    Impact of Ethiopia’s Community Based Health Insurance on household economic welfare

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    In 2011, the Government of Ethiopia launched a pilot Community-Based Health Insurance (CBHI) scheme. This paper uses three rounds of household survey data, collected before and after the introduction of the CBHI pilot, to assess the impact of the scheme on household consumption, income, indebtedness and livestock holdings. We find that enrolment leads to a 5 percentage point – or 13 percent – decline in the probability of borrowing and is associated with an increase in household income. There is no evidence that enrolling in the scheme affects consumption or livestock holdings. Our results show that the scheme reduces reliance on potentially harmful coping responses such as borrowing. This paper adds to the relatively small body of work which rigorously evaluates the impact of CBHI schemes on economic welfare
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