10 research outputs found

    FGS, a multi-mission space gamma-ray spectrometer: Design optimization and first results

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    International audienceFollowing the failure of the TARANIS (Tool for the Analysis of RAdiation from lightNIng and Sprites) mission launch[1], the French space agency (CNES) funded a R&D program with APC and LESIA laboratories to develop a new gamma-ray spectrometer. The first studies started in 2021 and lead to a new design called FGS (Fast Gamma-ray Spectrometer) based on new GAGG scintillators readout by SiPM and analysed by the IDEAS/APOCAT fast ASIC. This program’s main objective is to build a space qualified FGS prototype before 2024. FGS scientific specifications are based on Terrestrial Gamma-ray Flashes (TGF) science studies but this spectrometer could also be used or optimized for other missions: solar science, astrophysical observations (Gamma-Ray Bursts) or planetology studies. The main instrumental objectives are to detect gamma rays in the [20keV–20MeV] energy range with high count rate abilities and a large detection surface. In this paper, we will present our FGS concept and the first spectroscopic results we obtained, consistent on ground with our scientific requirements

    FGS, a multi-mission space gamma-ray spectrometer: Design optimization and first results

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    International audienceFollowing the failure of the TARANIS (Tool for the Analysis of RAdiation from lightNIng and Sprites) mission launch[1], the French space agency (CNES) funded a R&D program with APC and LESIA laboratories to develop a new gamma-ray spectrometer. The first studies started in 2021 and lead to a new design called FGS (Fast Gamma-ray Spectrometer) based on new GAGG scintillators readout by SiPM and analysed by the IDEAS/APOCAT fast ASIC. This program’s main objective is to build a space qualified FGS prototype before 2024. FGS scientific specifications are based on Terrestrial Gamma-ray Flashes (TGF) science studies but this spectrometer could also be used or optimized for other missions: solar science, astrophysical observations (Gamma-Ray Bursts) or planetology studies. The main instrumental objectives are to detect gamma rays in the [20keV–20MeV] energy range with high count rate abilities and a large detection surface. In this paper, we will present our FGS concept and the first spectroscopic results we obtained, consistent on ground with our scientific requirements

    FGS, a multi-mission space gamma-ray spectrometer: Design optimization and first results

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    International audienceFollowing the failure of the TARANIS (Tool for the Analysis of RAdiation from lightNIng and Sprites) mission launch[1], the French space agency (CNES) funded a R&D program with APC and LESIA laboratories to develop a new gamma-ray spectrometer. The first studies started in 2021 and lead to a new design called FGS (Fast Gamma-ray Spectrometer) based on new GAGG scintillators readout by SiPM and analysed by the IDEAS/APOCAT fast ASIC. This program’s main objective is to build a space qualified FGS prototype before 2024. FGS scientific specifications are based on Terrestrial Gamma-ray Flashes (TGF) science studies but this spectrometer could also be used or optimized for other missions: solar science, astrophysical observations (Gamma-Ray Bursts) or planetology studies. The main instrumental objectives are to detect gamma rays in the [20keV–20MeV] energy range with high count rate abilities and a large detection surface. In this paper, we will present our FGS concept and the first spectroscopic results we obtained, consistent on ground with our scientific requirements

    NOIRE study report: Towards a low frequency radio interferometer in space

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    International audienceGround based low frequency radio interferometers have been developed in the last decade and are providing the scientific community with high quality observations. Conversely, current radioastronomy instruments in space have a poor angular resolution with single point observation systems. Improving the observation capabilities of the low frequency range (a few kHz to 100 MHz) requires to go to space and to set up a space based network of antenna that can be used as an interferometer. We present the outcome of the NOIRE (Nanosatellites pour un Observatoire Interférométrique Radio dans l'Espace / Nanosatellites for a Radio Interferometer Observatory in Space) study which assessed, with help of CNES' PASO2, the feasibility of a swarm of nanosatellites dedicated to a low frequency radio observatory. With such a platform, space system engineering and instrument development must be studied as a whole: each node is a sensor and all sensors must be used together to obtain a measurement. The study was conducted on the following topics: system principle and concept (swarm, node homogeneity); Space and time management (ranging, clock synchronization); Orbitography (Moon orbit, Lagrange point options); Telecommunication (between nodes and with ground) and networking; Measurements and processing; Propulsion; Power; Electromagnetic compatibility. No strong show-stopper was identified during the preliminary study, although the concept is not yet ready. Several further studies and milestones are identified. The NOIRE team will collaborate with international teams to try and build this next generation of space systems

    The Electric Antennas for the STEREO/WAVES Experiment

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    International audienceThe STEREO/WAVES experiment is designed to measure the electric component of radio emission from interplanetary radio bursts and in situ plasma waves and fluctuations in the solar wind. Interplanetary radio bursts are generated from electron beams at interplanetary shocks and solar flares and are observed from near the Sun to 1 AU, corresponding to frequencies of approximately 16 MHz to 10 kHz. In situ plasma waves occur in a range of wavelengths larger than the Debye length in the solar wind plasma lambda D ≈10 m and appear Doppler-shifted into the frequency regime down to a fraction of a Hertz. These phenomena are measured by STEREO/WAVES with a set of three orthogonal electric monopole antennas. This paper describes the electrical and mechanical design of the antenna system and discusses efforts to model the antenna pattern and response and methods for in-flight calibration