63 research outputs found

    Proizvodni rezultati različitih kategorija fazana gajenih u kontrolisanim uslovima

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    The overview of domestic and foreign investigations of the effects of various intensity of ant feeding technique in various categories of pheasants. With the aim to increase number of pheasants in our country and in the world, for decades pheasant chicks are produced in pheasant farms up to the age of 5-8 weeks, and body mass of 400-450 g, after which they are released into the hunting grounds. The capacity of pheasant farms in Serbia is about 900.500 hatched chicks, and in the past four decades several tens of millions of artificially reared pheasants were released. The quality of feeding the brood stock of pheasants, which produce eggs for hatching incubator has a direct influence on number, mass and fertility of eggs, and on the mass of newly hatched chicks. The feed conversion ratio in chicks depends on the first place on energy and protein level, and also on biological value of protein. In domestic investigations of pheasant chicks feeding with the concentrate mixture with higher protein value (30% to 28 days of age and 24% to 42 days of age) and with lower stocking density (450 individuals in the group), had significantly bigger Final body mass (457.07 g) and higher daily gain (4.22 g in the first 13:31 and g in the second period), and with better feed conversion ratio.U radu je dat pregled domaćih i stranih istraživanja efekata različitog intenziteta i tehnike ishrane na proizvodne rezultate različitih kategorija fazana. U cilju povećanja broja fazana za odstrel u svetu i kod nas decenijama se gaje fazančići u fazanerijama do starosti od 5-8 nedelja i telesne mase od 400-450 g a zatim se puÅ”taju u loviÅ”ta. Kapacitet fazanerija u Srbiji je oko 900.500 jednodnevnih fazančića a za protekle četiri decenije u loviÅ”ta Srbije puÅ”teno je nekoliko desetina miliona veÅ”tački odgajenih fazana. Kvalitet ishrane matičnog jata fazana koji proizvode jaja za inkubatore direktno utiče na broj, masu i fertilitet jaja, kao i na masu fazančića. Konverzija hrane kod fazančića zavisi od nivoa energije i proteina, kao i od bioloÅ”ke vrednosti proteina, pre svega od sadržaja metionina i lizina. U domaćim ispitivanjima ishrana fazančića smeÅ”om koncentrata sa većim nivoom proteina (30% do 15. dana života i 24% do 42. dana) i pri manjoj gustini naseljenosti (450 jedinki u grupi) rezultovala je signifikantno većom zavrÅ”nom telesnom masom (457,07 g) i većim dnevnim prirastima (4,22 g za prvi period odgajivanja i 13,31 g za drugi period), kao i boljom konverzijom hrane


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    Apple (Malus Ɨ domestica Borkh.) is the most important of the deciduous tree fruits in Serbia in last decade, with annual production of about 450.000 tonnes. The cultivar Gala is one of the most represented cultivar in orchard. Serious problem in increase of profitability of apple producers in Serbia is low fruits quality of this cultivar, especially expressed in decrease of surface blushing. Summer pruning, before fruits harvest is one of possiability to improved their quality. In this paper the aim of examination was to determine effects of three different times of summer pruning to productivity and fruits quality of cultivar Gala Brookfield. The trees pruning four weeks before harvest (treatment 1) had significantly bigger fruits (138.6 g) with higher diameter (68.4 mm), percent of surface blushing (66.3 %) and content of soluble solid (12.9Ā° Brix) according to other treatments. The trees pruning two weeks before pruning (treatment 3) had the lowest fruits quality in terms of fruits mass (109.5 g), intensity of surface blushing (1.6) and content of soluble solidĀ  (11.4Ā° Brix). Mainly, the highest values of fruits quality in all treatments had fruits in upper part of trees. Trees in treatment 1 and treatment 2 (pruning threes weeks before harvest) had fruits with more than 65% of surface blushing and without of sunburn demage

    Role of Spatial Planning in Managing Mountain Areas in Serbia and other European Countries

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    In comparison to densely populated coastal areas and lowlands, geomorphological configuration of mountain areas makes them specific in various aspects. However, not all European mountain countries recognize the specifics of their mountain areas in the same way, if at all, in spite of their exceptional value. A decade after the 2002 ā€“ International Year on Mountains, the focus has been shifted away from these areas. Therefore, this article brings back the topic of Serbian and other European mounting areas in the focus, by reviewing so far developed management tools whose future improvements could enforce their development, secure primary values and make them more competitive. The particular attention is given to spatial planning as a comprehensive development tool. The article presents a short review of major European management paradigms that have been developed so far, with particular insight into the system developed in Serbia. The data analysed here origin from literature and interviews that have been conducted with representatives of ministries and local government in Serbia. Different paradigms are compared and discussed in light of theoretical stands on integrative approach, planning horizons, cooperation, participation and elements in a planning cycle. The aim was to embrace examples from largest European mountain massifs such as Alps, Pyrenees, Carpathians and Balkan Mountains. As the result, here are indicated possibilities and need for specific tools in spatial planning and management of mountain areas. The advantages and differences in approaches are accentuated, thus creating a foundation for further learning and improvements of a management system and spatial planning for mountain areas as entities of special characteristics and special needs


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    For several decades, the use of intensive orchards has been proposed to improve profitability and yield, notably of early cropping, in apple orchards. Fruit yield is primarily depends of two components: fruit number and fruit size. Crop load, defined as the number of fruits per tree, has a significant impact on both fruit quality and tree physiology. Thinning of flowers or fruitlets is the most important technique in apple growing practice to improve fruit quality, increase return bloom and reduce biennial cropping. The highest crop loud per trees had control trees and trees thinning with NAA, 11.1 and 10.6 fruit cmā€“2 TCSA respectively. Increasing of crop loud had significantly influence to return blooming. In third leaf of apple only trees thinning with metamitronprevent the occurrence of biennial cropping. The highest percentage of marketable fruits had trees thinning with metamitron and manual (more than 60%)

    Balansiranje smeŔa koncentrata za matično jato fazana u skladu sa normativima i ograničenjima

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    The paper presents the needs of pheasant flock and the possibility of designing a mixture with substitutions feed of animal origin or products of soybean processing. Basis of concrete examples, three types of concentrate mixtures, it can be seen that the preparation of concentrate mixtures for pheasants hens possible without the use of animal feedstuffs, while reducing the share of products of soybean processing, using synthetic amino acids. Thanks to this, a lower price and concentrate mixtures. At the same time, it is possible to fulfill the requirements in accordance with the standards and restrictions for certain nutrients because of the presence of some toxic matters.U radu su izložene potrebe matičnog jata fazana i mogućnost balansiranja smeÅ”a uz supstituciju hraniva animalnog porekla ili proizvoda prerade soje. Na osnovu konkretnih primera, odnosno tri vrste smeÅ”a koncentrata, vidi se da je pripremanje smeÅ”a koncentrata za fazanke nosilje moguće bez upotrebe hraniva animalnog porekla, uz smanjenje udela proizvoda prerade soje, koriŔćenjem sintetičkih aminokiselina. Zahvaljujući tome, postiže se i niža cena smeÅ”a koncentrata. Istovremeno, na taj način moguće je ispuniti zahteve u skladu sa normativima, kao i ograničenja za pojedina hraniva zbog prisustva nekih antinutritivnih materija

    Uticaj ishrane matičnog jata fazana na proizvodne rezultate

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    This paper presents a literature review of nutrition pheasant parent flocks in aviaries. Nutrition affects to the number, size, and biological quality of the eggs directly from the necessary nutrients that provide by diet, or indirectly through the bodyā€™s reserves, which are provided in the past. Comparing the recommendations of the various standards (AEC, INRA, NRC) and the value for the content of nutrients that are used in the experiments and the pheasant, the differences can be observed, especially in the protein content. Norms recent (NRC) calls on the similarity between the needs of pheasants and turkeys and recommend optimal balance of protein and energy (Mcal ME for each maximum 5.6% protein). By the way, in recent experiments, more attention is paid to micronutrients (trace elements, vitamins), physical form of concentrated feed and the etc. Because of these problems and shortcomings it is necessary to continue research, to the current recommendations for nutrient content corrected in order to reduce feeding costs and achieve better results of parent flocks.U radu je dat pregled literaturnih podataka iz ishrane matičnog jata fazana u volijerama. Ishrana utiče na broj, veličinu i bioloÅ”ki kvalitet jaja direktno preko neophodnih hranljivih materija koje se obezbeđuju obrokom, ili indirektno preko telesnih rezervi koje su obezbeđene u ranijem periodu. Poređenjem preporuka iz različitih normativa (AEC, INRA, NRC) i vrednosti za sadržaj hranljivih materija koje se koriste u eksperimentima i na fazanerijama, mogu se uočiti razlike, pre svega u sadržaju proteina. Normativi novijeg datuma (NRC) pozivaju se na sličnost potreba fazana i ćuraka i preporučuju optimalan odnos energije i proteina (za svaku Mcal ME maksimalno 5,6% proteina). Osim toga, u eksperimentima novijeg datuma viÅ”e pažnje se poklanja mikro-hranivima (mikroelementima, vitaminima), fizičkoj formi koncentrovane hrane i sl. Zbog navedenih problema i nedostataka neophodno je nastaviti istraživanja, kako bi se dosadaÅ”nje preporuke za sadržaj hranljivih materija korigovale, u cilju smanjenja troÅ”kova ishrane i postizanja boljih proizvodnih rezultata matičnog jata

    Načini upravljanja procesom fermentacije u siliranim hranivima

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    The control of fermentation process in ensilaged livestock feed is based on the knowledge of biomasses. The important aspects are the suitability for ensilaging (the content of fermentative carbohydrates and buffer capacity of the biomass), providing of the correct level of dry matter and anaerobic environment, wilting, using the chemical additives such as organic acids and their salts, using of biologic additives (inoculants), adsorption of mycotoxins, etc. In purpose of making the process of ensilaging of grasses, legumes and grass-legume mixes, the silages are prepared as bales or silo-tubes.Kontrola procesa fementacije bazira se na poznavanju biomasa u pogledu pogodnosti za siliranje, odnosno obezbeđivanju povoljnog odnosa Å”ećera i pufernog kapaciteta. Biomase viÅ”egodiÅ”njih leguminoza i trava neophodno je provenjavati, odnosno povećati sadržaj suve materije u silomasi na najmanje 300-400 g kg-1. Za teÅ”ko silirajuće biomase (viÅ”egodiÅ”nje i jednogodiÅ”nje leguminoze) koristiti ugljenohidratna hraniva (kukuruzna prekrupa, prekrupa ostalih žitarica, suvi rezanci Å”ećerne repe, melasa, i dr.). KoriŔćenje hemijskih sredstava iz reda organskih kiselina i njihovih soli. Upotreba bioloÅ”kih dodataka, inokulanata u smeÅ”i sa enzimima (amilaze, celulaze, hemicelulaze i dr.) obezbeđuje dobijanje dobre i stabilne silaže, kao i silaže veće hranljive vrednosti. KoriŔćenje inokulanata sa homo i heterotrofnim mikroorganizmima u cilju obezbeđivanja aerobne stabilnosti silaža, posebno lakosilirajućih biomasa (kukuruza, sirka, sudanske trave, italijanskog ljulja i dr.)

    Bio-chemical properties and susceptibility to fire blight (Erwinia amylovora Burrill) of scab-resistant apple cultivars (Malus domestica Borkh.)

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    The focus of our research was to evaluate different apples cultivars in terms of their biological properties and bioactive compounds content, and determine the levels of their resistance (or susceptibility) to fire blight. The properties of 10 scab-resistant apple cultivars were examined on the Zica monastery estate (West Serbia) during the period from 2011 to 2015. The biological and chemical properties such as firmness, maturity stage, total soluble solids, total acids, total and reducing sugars, ascorbic acid content and surface blush of apple fruits were monitored. Various phenolic compounds in the tested samples were tentatively identified by LC-MS analyses. A study of generative properties included: number of flowerbuds, fruit mass and width, crop load, yield efficiency and yield. During the period of blooming and intensive shoot growth, artificial inoculations were carried out. For each cultivar, a fire blight score was determined by dividing the average length of necrotic tissue by the average total shoot length. In the study period, the cultivars 'CroldRush' (41.1 t ha(-1)) and 'Florina' (35.9 t ha(-1)) produced the highest yields, and the cultivars 'Discovery' (19.0 t ha(-1)) and Selection 25/63 (15.1 t ha(-1)) the lowest. The cultivar 'William's Pride' produced the largest fruits, with an average fruit mass of 206.8 g. The earliest harvest period was recorded for the cultivar 'Discovery' (end of July), and the latest for the cultivar 'CroldRush' (beginning of October). The cultivar 'Enterprise' had the highest value of total phenols (432.2 mg 100 g(-1) FW), while the cultivar 'Topaz' had the highest value of total flavanols (145.2 mg 100 g(-1) FW). The highest degree of susceptibility to fire blight was found in Selection 25/63, and the greatest resistance was manifested by the cultivar 'CroldRush'. In the five-year study period, the cultivars 'GoldRush', 'Rewena' and 'Enterprise' exhibited better bio-chemical properties and higher levels of resistance to fire blight than the remaining cultivars

    PomoloŔke osobine novijih sorti bele ribizle (Ribes niveum L.)

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    The paper presents the results pomological testing of 5 varieties white currant (Primus, Bela Å ampanjska, Bela iz Iteburga, Bela Perla and Viktoria), in the period 2007 - 2008 year. Essay are followed by important indicators of the physical properties of grapes and physical and chemical properties of fruit. The analysis results revealed that the variety Primus has a significantly higher production value than the other varieties, which is recommended for further expansion in similar conditions.U radu su prikazani rezultati pomoloÅ”kih ispitivanja 5 sorti bele ribizle (Primus, Bela Å ampanjska, Bela iz Iteburga, Bela Perla i Viktoria), u periodu 2007 - 2008 godine. Ogledom su praćeni važniji pokazatelji fizičkih osobina grozda i fizičkih i hemijskih osobina ploda. Analizom dobijenih rezultata utvrđeno je da sorta Primus poseduje značajno veću proizvodnu vrednost od ostalih sorti, Å”to je preporučuje za dalje Å”irenje u sličnim agroklimatskim uslovima
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