3 research outputs found
Position and role of security services in the modern administrative system
Положај служби безбедности у савременом управном систему, заправо, означава степен развоја демократије и организовања друштва, те говори о нивоу на коме се налази правни систем и целокупна друштвена свест. На другој страни службе безбедности, својим деловањем знатно доприносе усмеравању кретања друштва, омогућавају му несметан развој, економски и сваки други просперитет, штитећи га од унутрашњих и спољних претњи, односно доприносe квалитетнијем и сигурнијем друштву. Стављање служби безбедности у оквире цивилне контроле и јавне управе изазов је са којим су се сусреле све озбиљне државе и администрације које су, упркос свему, истрајале у овој намери.
Систем организовања јавне управе у Србији и обавештајно-безбедносни апарат као његов део, према постојећим чињеницама, али и речима бројних домаћих и страних стручњака, током протеклих година, функционисао је мимо демократских принципа и ван институционалних оквира. Бројне реформе од почетка овог века до данас, свакако су допринеле изградњи организованије и модерније јавне управе, а већина њих била је усмерена у, на почетку, обуздавање, а потом, и реорганизовање и трансформацију служби безбедности ка нечему, што за сада, бар формално, личи на јавни сервис. Историјске околности, друштвено-политичко наслеђе, недемократски принципи устројства државне управе, као и недовољно развијена свест грађана о људским правима и слободама учинили су да реформе касне и да од почетка наилазе на препреке у друштву и компромисе са законодавцем, који задовољавају само форму, али никако суштину.
У таквим околностима створен је систем препун нефункционалних и неадекватних законских решења у смислу контроле и прилагођавања служби безбедности оквирима савремене јавне управе, што ће у овом раду покушати да се прикаже. Као најосетљивији моменат препознат је онај који се односи на контролу рада служби безбедности и организацију и функцију контролних тела. Упоредне анализе других јавних управа и страних служби безбедности, свакако, доприносе квалитетној анализи и утврђивању степена напретка реформе јавне управе и служби безбедности у Републици Србији, као и њиховог међусобног односа.
Све, до сада, постигнуто у смислу реформисања јавне управе и обевештајно-безбедносног сектора, као њеног дела у Републици Србији, свакако представља крупан искорак у правцу модерног устројства јавне управе и служби безбедности, али и демократизације друштва у целини. Међутим успостављени систем међусобне контроле и одговорности служби безбедности и јавне управе треба стално унапређивати и учинити га функционалним и стабилним, а за то је потребна снажна правна држава са свим законским механизмима и оквирима у тој области, затим непоколебљивост и одлучност власти да истраје на реформском путу ради опште користи, као и развијена друштвена свест у том смислу.The position of the security services in the present day administrative system signifies, in fact, the degree of development of democracy and the social organization, and indicates the level at which the legal system and the overall social consciousness are. On the other hand, the activities of the security services spread significant influence in directing the society, enabling it to develop uninterruptedly in economic and every other respect, protecting it from both internal and external threats, or contributing to a better and safer society. Placing the security services into the framework of civilian control and public administration is a challenge that all the developed states and administrations have faced and persisted in the intent despite the odds.
According to the available data, as well as numerous domestic and foreign experts, the organization of public administration system in Serbia with the intelligence and security apparatus as its elements, has over the past years been functioning outside the democratic principles and institutional frameworks. Numerous reforms from the beginning of the century to the present day have certainly contributed to the development of a more organized and modern public administration, most of which were initially directed towards restraining and then reorganizing and transforming the security services towards something, which for the time being, at least formally, resembles a public service. The historical circumstances, socio-political heritage, non-democratic principles of the state administration system, as well as the underdeveloped awareness of citizens of human rights and freedoms have caused these reforms to arrive this late and from the outset encounter obstacles within the society and compromise with lawmakers who satisfy only the form, but not the real essence. In such circumstances, a system has been created that is full of dysfunctional and inadequate legal solutions in terms of controlling and adapting the security services to the frameworks of contemporary public administration, which this paper aims to present. The most sensitive place is the one that refers to the control of the operation of the security services and the organization and function of the control bodies. Comparative analyses of other public administrations and foreign security services contribute to the quality of the analysis and determining the level of progress of the reform of the public administration and security services in the Republic of Serbia, as well as their mutual relationship.
Until now, the results achieved in terms of refining the public administration and the intelligence and security sector, as its part in the Republic of Serbia, certainly represents a
major leap forward in the direction of the modern organization of the public administration and security services, as well as the democratization of the society as a whole. However, the established system of mutual control and accountability of the security services and the public administration needs to be constantly improved and made functional and stable, requiring a strong rule of law with all legal mechanisms and frameworks in that area, and also the firmness and determination of the authorities to pursue the reform path for general benefit, as well as developed social awareness in this regard.
Summarizing the results achieved so far, as well as omissions, on the reform path of security services in the present day public administration of the Republic of Serbia, this paper can contribute to the analysis and review of the functionality and efficiency of the established system and organization of the intelligence and security structures of the Republic of Serbia, as well as to present the guidelines for further improvements in this area
Application of mathematical optimization in decision making relevant to the resilience of national security: Networked society as the basis of interdependence of critical resources
Introduction/purpose: Destabilization of critical resources (CRs) or critical infrastructure (CI) important for the stability of the state can be dangerous for society, economy, and especially national security. Disruption of one CI object or one of its parts often affects and causes disruption of other dependent CI, because the modern society has become a "networked society". The paper proposes a model for quantifying and defining the interdependence between different CIs and their priorities, based on statements of experts. Methods 9 : The proposed methods that combine the Laboratory for Testing and Evaluation of Decision Making (DEMATEL) and the Analytical Network Process (ANP) have been successfully modified by fuzzy logic theory in this work. Results: Integrating multiple methods into a unique input data analysis model significantly affects the change in ranking. Conclusion: The work contributes to military science in making strategic decisions related to national security management through increasing the resilience of CRs and the societies that rely on them