16 research outputs found

    Riesgo suicida y depresión en un grupo de internos de una cárcel del Quindío (Colombia)

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    El objetivo del presente trabajo es caracterizar el riesgo suicida y depresión en internos de una cárcel del departamento del Quindío (Colombia)

    Riesgo suicida y depresión en un grupo de internos de una cárcel del Quindío (Colombia)

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    Objetivo: caracterizar el riesgo suicida y depresión en internos de una cárcel del departamento del Quindío (Colombia). Metodología: se utilizó una metodología descriptiva-relacional y un diseño no experimental; se seleccionó una muestra de 34 reclusos entre los 18-51 años de acuerdo a criterios de inclusión y exclusión a quienes se les suministraron los cuestionarios ISO 30 e IDB. Resultados: más del 75% de los internos presentan riesgo suicida moderado o alto; el 56% reporta sintomatología depresiva grave y moderada. Se halló importante correlación entre estas dos variables. En la sub escala de afrontamiento de la ISO- 30 se encontró una media de 8,81, lo que la ubica con resultados significativos; las medias restantes están en valores medios. Conclusión: es significativo determinar factores de riesgo en esta población y fortalecer la investigación en este campo desde un enfoque interdisciplinario, lo cual facilitará la identificación precoz y prevención de la conducta suicida

    Characterization of suicide in adolescents in the Quindio Department, Colombia, 1989-2013

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    Introduction: Suicide is considered a serious public health problem, which claims an important number of lives all over the world. Objective: To characterize suicide in adolescents living in the Quindio Department of Colombia, from 1989 to 2013. Material and methods: An observational descriptive research was conducted, using data from death certificates compiled by the National Administrative Department of Statistics commonly referred to as DANE in the Republic of Colombia. Proportions were calculated for person, time and place variables. Population projections for DANE were used to establish mortality rates.  Results: 158 suicides in adolescents occurred during the time period from 1989-2013 in the Quindio Department.  The 67, 7% of the persons that committed suicide were male, 82,9 of them were single, the 39,9% of them used  hanging as the method of suicide, and the 13,3% of the cases occurred in December.  The suicide rate was 6,7 for every 100,000 inhabitants (9,0 for men, and  4,3 for women).  1999-2003 was the five year’s time that registered the highest rates with 10,0 suicides for every 100,000 adolescents. In municipalities, he highest risk was registered in Quimbaya and Pijao with 30,8 and  23,4 suicides for every 100,000 adolescents, respectively. Conclusions:The highest prevalence of suicide was found in single men from the urban area, at home, in December, and hanging was the most common method used for suicide. In five year times, the highest rates were registered from 1999-2003, period in which an earthquake occurred in the zone.  At a municipal level, the highest rates were found in Quimbaya and Pijao, which suggests the need of a greater intervention and investigation.Keywords:adolescent, Colombia, risk factors, mortality, suicide.</p

    Adherence to antiretroviral treatment and associated factors in people living with HIV/AIDS in Quindío, Colombia

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    Introduction: HIV/AIDS is a chronic disease; therefore, recognizing which factors favor adherence to antiretroviral treatment is necessary.Objective: To determine the association between adherence to antiretroviral treatment and depression, anxiety, perception of social support and sociodemographic variables in people living with HIV/AIDS in Quindío, Colombia.Materials and methods: An observational, cross-sectional study was performed in an intentional sample of 70 adults, who were applied the Morisky-Green questionnaire, the Beck Depression Inventory, the Beck Anxiety Inventory, the Medical Outcomes Study (MOS) Social Support Survey, and a sociodemographic survey. Univariate and bivariate analyzes were performed by calculating the odds ratio to determine association (p0.05).Results: 57.1% of the participants reported low adherence to treatment, 30% had moderate or severe depressive symptoms, 71.4% scored minimal or mild anxiety levels, and 77.1% had a low perception of social support. A statistical association between depression (high levels tripled the risk of non-adherence) and self-report on how treatment is followed (excellent or good self-report increased by five times the probability of adherence) was found.Conclusion: Depression and self-report on compliance were associated with adherence to antiretroviral therapy. A comprehensive study on the perception of social support and cognitive variables, such as self-efficacy and risk perception, is highly recommended for people living with HIV/AIDS.Introducción. El VIH/sida es una enfermedad crónica, por ello es necesario reconocer qué factores favorecen la adhesión al tratamiento antirretroviral.Objetivo. Determinar la asociación entre adhesión al tratamiento antirretroviral y depresión, ansiedad, percepción de apoyo social y variables sociodemográficas en personas viviendo con VIH/sida en Quindío, Colombia.Materiales y métodos. Se realizó un estudio observacional analítico de tipo transversal en una muestra intencional de 70 adultos, a quienes se les aplicó el cuestionario autorreferido de Morisky-Green, el Inventario de Depresión de Beck, el Inventario de Ansiedad de Beck, el cuestionario MOS (Medical Outcomes Study) de Apoyo Social y una encuesta sociodemográfica. Se realizaron análisis univariados y bivariados calculando Odds Ratio para determinar asociación (p0.05).Resultados. 57.1% de los participantes reportó poca adhesión al tratamiento, 30% presentó síntomas depresivos moderados o graves, 71.4% puntuó niveles mínimos o leves de ansiedad y 77.1% tuvo baja percepción de apoyo social. Se encontró asociación estadística entre depresión —niveles altos triplicaron el riesgo de no adhesión— y autoevaluación de la manera como se sigue el tratamiento —excelente o buena aumentó cinco veces la probabilidad de adhesión—.Conclusión. La depresión y la autoevaluación del cumplimiento se asociaron con adhesión al tratamiento antirretroviral. Se sugiere profundizar el estudio de la percepción de apoyo social y variables cognitivas, como la autoeficacia y percepción de riesgo, en personas que viven con VIH/sida

    Depression and associated factors in people living with HIV/AIDS in Quindio, Colombia, 2015

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    Introduction: Antiretroviral Therapy has been an effective response to HIV infection, however, some psychological variables can interfere with adaptation to treatment and quality of life of patients because this is a chronic disease. Objective: To identify indicators of depression and associated factors in a group of people living with HIV / AIDS in Quindio, Colombia. Material and Methods: A cross-sectional study was performed in a group of 70 adults diagnosed with HIV were receiving antiretroviral treatment in Quindio, Colombia. The information was obtained through questionnaires Beck´s depression and anxiety, the questionnaire MOS social support and a survey on socio-demographic information, family and health aspects. Results: The average age stood at 38,2 years old; (DE 12,6) 64.5% were men, 44,9% were single, 30% scored moderate or severe levels of depression. Having relationship acted as a protective factor of depression: for each patient relationship and moderate or severe levels of depression, there were 6 separated or widowed (P = 0,006; RP = 5,769; IC 95%: 1,349 – 24,674). High or moderate levels of anxiety were associated with depression (P = 0,004; RP = 2,750; IC 95% 1,391 – 5,436). Conclusions: Depression can affect often people living with HIV and high levels of anxiety associated with it. Having a relationship could favor the mood in these patients, probably because it is a source of social support. Keywords: Antiretroviral therapy, highly active; anxiety; depression; emotional adjustment; HIV; social support.</p


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    This is a descriptive cross-sectional design with non- experimental design. It aims to describe the professional interests and preferences of 200 11th grade students from four public educational institutions in Ibagué – Tolima, Colombia. It was used the Interest and Career Preferences Inventory (IPP). The 87.3% pursue a career, the areas are: health (26%), computers (20.3%), art / music (21.6%), agriculture (20.2%) and military (19.7%)


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    This paper describes trends in mortality from suicide and its main features in the city of Armenia, Colombia, in the period 2004-2008. The suicide figures have been provided by the National Institute of Legal Medicine and Forensic Sciences and population projections are taken from the National Bureau of Statistics (DANE). The results indicate a municipal rate of 8.2 for the five years, falling 64% higher than the rest of the country. A total of 116 suicides were reported during the study period, in the distribution by sex and age groups, the highest rates were found in men aged 70-79 years, with 31.5 cases/100.000 hab.; In female population figure corresponded to the range of 10-19 years, with a rate of 8.6. In general, rates are high compared with other  parts of Colombia. It further identifies the urgency of this public health problem locally, closely related to social factors

    Caracterización del suicidio en el departamento de Risaralda, Colombia, 2005-2010

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    Antecedentes. El suicidio es una de las primeras diez causasde mortalidad en el mundo. Las tasas están alrededor de 30/100mil habitantes en países desarrollados; en Suramérica oscilanentre 3 y 7 y en Colombia las tasas han fluctuado entre 3 y 5,sobresaliendo el rango de edad entre 15 y 29 años.Objetivos. Caracterizar el suicidio en el departamento deRisaralda entre 2005 – 2010.Materiales y métodos. Se realizó una investigación de tipocuantitativo y descriptiva, con información proveniente delInstituto Nacional de Medicina Legal y Ciencias Forenses,Seccional Pereira. Las tasas se calcularon con las proyeccionesde crecimiento poblacional del DANE.Resultados. Se encontró que en los seis años estudiados sepresentaron 363 suicidios, 83% en hombres y 17% en mujeres.El mecanismo más utilizado fue el ahorcamiento en un 38%,seguido del envenenamiento y arma de fuego con 26% y 25%,respectivamente. A nivel de tasas, el municipio con la ciframás alta fue Belén de Umbría, con 13,2/100.000 habitantes,mientras que el rango de edad más elevado se encontró entrelos 20 a 29 años con 13,2/100.000, seguida de los mayoresde 80 con 12,9/100.000 habitantes. Estas cifras sugieren lanecesidad de realizar mayores labores de prevención.Conclusión. El suicidio es una problemática de salud públicaen Risaralda, se ubica en un rango medio respecto a la poblaciónmundial y se destaca a nivel nacional entre las mayorestasas registradas, se identifican múltiples factores de riesgobiopsicosocial, en adulto joven y adulto mayor, por lo cual esindispensable fortalecer procesos de prevención e intervencióna diferentes niveles, con base en la intersectorialidad y responsabilidadsocial. Se requiere mayor investigación que faciliteel análisis de factores de riesgo, fragilidad y resiliencia y surelación con variables socioculturales