61 research outputs found

    Probing the Binary Black Hole Merger Regime with Scalar Perturbations

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    We present results obtained by scattering a scalar field off the curved background of a coalescing binary black hole system. A massless scalar field is evolved on a set of fixed backgrounds, each provided by a spatial hypersurface generated numerically during a binary black hole merger. We show that the scalar field scattered from the merger region exhibits quasinormal ringing once a common apparent horizon surrounds the two black holes. This occurs earlier than the onset of the perturbative regime as measured by the start of the quasinormal ringing in the gravitational waveforms. We also use the scalar quasinormal frequencies to associate a mass and a spin with each hypersurface, and observe the compatibility of this measure with the horizon mass and spin computed from the dynamical horizon framework.Comment: 10 Pages and 6 figure

    Numerical stability of a new conformal-traceless 3+1 formulation of the Einstein equation

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    There is strong evidence indicating that the particular form used to recast the Einstein equation as a 3+1 set of evolution equations has a fundamental impact on the stability properties of numerical evolutions involving black holes and/or neutron stars. Presently, the longest lived evolutions have been obtained using a parametrized hyperbolic system developed by Kidder, Scheel and Teukolsky or a conformal-traceless system introduced by Baumgarte, Shapiro, Shibata and Nakamura. We present a new conformal-traceless system. While this new system has some elements in common with the Baumgarte-Shapiro-Shibata-Nakamura system, it differs in both the type of conformal transformations and how the non-linear terms involving the extrinsic curvature are handled. We show results from 3D numerical evolutions of a single, non-rotating black hole in which we demonstrate that this new system yields a significant improvement in the life-time of the simulations.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figure

    Binary Black Holes: Spin Dynamics and Gravitational Recoil

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    We present a study of spinning black hole binaries focusing on the spin dynamics of the individual black holes as well as on the gravitational recoil acquired by the black hole produced by the merger. We consider two series of initial spin orientations away from the binary orbital plane. In one of the series, the spins are anti-aligned; for the second series, one of the spins points away from the binary along the line separating the black holes. We find a remarkable agreement between the spin dynamics predicted at 2nd post-Newtonian order and those from numerical relativity. For each configuration, we compute the kick of the final black hole. We use the kick estimates from the series with anti-aligned spins to fit the parameters in the \KKF{,} and verify that the recoil along the direction of the orbital angular momentum is sinθ\propto \sin\theta and on the orbital plane cosθ\propto \cos\theta, with θ\theta the angle between the spin directions and the orbital angular momentum. We also find that the black hole spins can be well estimated by evaluating the isolated horizon spin on spheres of constant coordinate radius.Comment: 15 pages, 10 figures, replaced with version accepted for publication in PR

    Gravitational recoil from spinning binary black hole mergers

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    The inspiral and merger of binary black holes will likely involve black holes with both unequal masses and arbitrary spins. The gravitational radiation emitted by these binaries will carry angular as well as linear momentum. A net flux of emitted linear momentum implies that the black hole produced by the merger will experience a recoil or kick. Previous studies have focused on the recoil velocity from unequal mass, non-spinning binaries. We present results from simulations of equal mass but spinning black hole binaries and show how a significant gravitational recoil can also be obtained in these situations. We consider the case of black holes with opposite spins of magnitude aa aligned/anti-aligned with the orbital angular momentum, with aa the dimensionless spin parameters of the individual holes. For the initial setups under consideration, we find a recoil velocity of V = 475 \KMS a. Supermassive black hole mergers producing kicks of this magnitude could result in the ejection from the cores of dwarf galaxies of the final hole produced by the collision.Comment: 8 pages, 8 figures, replaced with version accepted for publication in Ap

    Approximate Analytical Solutions to the Initial Data Problem of Black Hole Binary Systems

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    We present approximate analytical solutions to the Hamiltonian and momentum constraint equations, corresponding to systems composed of two black holes with arbitrary linear and angular momentum. The analytical nature of these initial data solutions makes them easier to implement in numerical evolutions than the traditional numerical approach of solving the elliptic equations derived from the Einstein constraints. Although in general the problem of setting up initial conditions for black hole binary simulations is complicated by the presence of singularities, we show that the methods presented in this work provide initial data with l1l_1 and ll_\infty norms of violation of the constraint equations falling below those of the truncation error (residual error due to discretization) present in finite difference codes for the range of grid resolutions currently used. Thus, these data sets are suitable for use in evolution codes. Detailed results are presented for the case of a head-on collision of two equal-mass M black holes with specific angular momentum 0.5M at an initial separation of 10M. A straightforward superposition method yields data adequate for resolutions of h=M/4h=M/4, and an "attenuated" superposition yields data usable to resolutions at least as fine as h=M/8h=M/8. In addition, the attenuated approximate data may be more tractable in a full (computational) exact solution to the initial value problem.Comment: 6 pages, 5 postscript figures. Minor changes and some points clarified. Accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Constant Crunch Coordinates for Black Hole Simulations

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    We reinvestigate the utility of time-independent constant mean curvature foliations for the numerical simulation of a single spherically-symmetric black hole. Each spacelike hypersurface of such a foliation is endowed with the same constant value of the trace of the extrinsic curvature tensor, KK. Of the three families of KK-constant surfaces possible (classified according to their asymptotic behaviors), we single out a sub-family of singularity-avoiding surfaces that may be particularly useful, and provide an analytic expression for the closest approach such surfaces make to the singularity. We then utilize a non-zero shift to yield families of KK-constant surfaces which (1) avoid the black hole singularity, and thus the need to excise the singularity, (2) are asymptotically null, aiding in gravity wave extraction, (3) cover the physically relevant part of the spacetime, (4) are well behaved (regular) across the horizon, and (5) are static under evolution, and therefore have no ``grid stretching/sucking'' pathologies. Preliminary numerical runs demonstrate that we can stably evolve a single spherically-symmetric static black hole using this foliation. We wish to emphasize that this coordinatization produces KK-constant surfaces for a single black hole spacetime that are regular, static and stable throughout their evolution.Comment: 14 pages, 9 figures. Formatted using Revtex4. To appear Phys. Rev. D 2001, Added numerical results, updated references and revised figure

    Superkicks in Hyperbolic Encounters of Binary Black Holes

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    Generic inspirals and mergers of binary black holes produce beamed emission of gravitational radiation that can lead to a gravitational recoil or kick of the final black hole. The kick velocity depends on the mass ratio and spins of the binary as well as on the dynamics of the binary configuration. Studies have focused so far on the most astrophysically relevant configuration of quasi-circular inspirals, for which kicks as large as 3,300 km/s have been found. We present the first study of gravitational recoil in hyperbolic encounters. Contrary to quasi-circular configurations, in which the beamed radiation tends to average during the inspiral, radiation from hyperbolic encounters is plunge dominated, resulting in an enhancement of preferential beaming. As a consequence, it is possible to achieve kick velocities as large as 10,000 km/s.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures, 1 tabl

    Analysis of ``Gauge Modes'' in Linearized Relativity

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    By writing the complete set of 3+13 + 1 (ADM) equations for linearized waves, we are able to demonstrate the properties of the initial data and of the evolution of a wave problem set by Alcubierre and Schutz. We show that the gauge modes and constraint error modes arise in a straightforward way in the analysis, and are of a form which will be controlled in any well specified convergent computational discretization of the differential equations.Comment: 11pages LaTe

    Introduction to Isolated Horizons in Numerical Relativity

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    We present a coordinate-independent method for extracting mass (M) and angular momentum (J) of a black hole in numerical simulations. This method, based on the isolated horizon framework, is applicable both at late times when the black hole has reached equilibrium, and at early times when the black holes are widely separated. We show how J and M can be determined in numerical simulations in terms of only those quantities which are intrinsic to the apparent horizon. We also present a numerical method for finding the rotational symmetry vector field (required to calculate J) on the horizon.Comment: 14 pages, revtex4, 7 figures. Final PRD versio