560 research outputs found

    Triplet Exciton Generation in Bulk-Heterojunction Solar Cells based on Endohedral Fullerenes

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    Organic bulk-heterojunctions (BHJ) and solar cells containing the trimetallic nitride endohedral fullerene 1-[3-(2-ethyl)hexoxy carbonyl]propyl-1-phenyl-Lu3N@C80 (Lu3N@C80-PCBEH) show an open circuit voltage (VOC) 0.3 V higher than similar devices with [6,6]-phenyl-C[61]-butyric acid methyl ester (PC61BM). To fully exploit the potential of this acceptor molecule with respect to the power conversion efficiency (PCE) of solar cells, the short circuit current (JSC) should be improved to become competitive with the state of the art solar cells. Here, we address factors influencing the JSC in blends containing the high voltage absorber Lu3N@C80-PCBEH in view of both photogeneration but also transport and extraction of charge carriers. We apply optical, charge carrier extraction, morphology, and spin-sensitive techniques. In blends containing Lu3N@C80-PCBEH, we found 2 times weaker photoluminescence quenching, remainders of interchain excitons, and, most remarkably, triplet excitons formed on the polymer chain, which were absent in the reference P3HT:PC61BM blends. We show that electron back transfer to the triplet state along with the lower exciton dissociation yield due to intramolecular charge transfer in Lu3N@C80-PCBEH are responsible for the reduced photocurrent

    Reversible and Irreversible Interactions of Poly(3-hexylthiophene) with Oxygen Studied by Spin-Sensitive Methods

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    Understanding of degradation mechanisms in polymer:fullerene bulk-heterojunctions on the microscopic level aimed at improving their intrinsic stability is crucial for the breakthrough of organic photovoltaics. These materials are vulnerable to exposure to light and/or oxygen, hence they involve electronic excitations. To unambiguously probe the excited states of various multiplicities and their reactions with oxygen, we applied combined magneto-optical methods based on multifrequency (9 and 275 GHz) electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR), photoluminescence (PL), and PL-detected magnetic resonance (PLDMR) to the conjugated polymer poly(3-hexylthiophene) (P3HT) and polymer:fullerene bulk heterojunctions (P3HT:PCBM; PCBM = [6,6]-phenyl-C61-butyric acid methyl ester). We identified two distinct photochemical reaction routes, one being fully reversible and related to the formation of polymer:oxygen charge transfer complexes, the other one, irreversible, being related to the formation of singlet oxygen under participation of bound triplet excitons on the polymer chain. With respect to the blends, we discuss the protective effect of the methanofullerenes on the conjugated polymer bypassing the triplet exciton generation

    An experimental study of the rearrangements of valence protons and neutrons amongst single-particle orbits during double {\beta} decay in 100Mo

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    The rearrangements of protons and neutrons amongst the valence single-particle orbitals during double {\beta} decay of 100Mo have been determined by measuring cross sections in (d,p), (p,d), (3He,{\alpha}) and (3He,d) reactions on 98,100Mo and 100,102Ru targets. The deduced nucleon occupancies reveal significant discrepancies when compared with theoretical calculations; the same calculations have previously been used to determine the nuclear matrix element associated with the decay probability of double {\beta} decay of the 100Mo system.Comment: 18 pages, 13 figures, 37 pages of supplemental informatio

    Classical ultra-relativistic scattering in ADD

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    The classical differential cross-section is calculated for high-energy small-angle gravitational scattering in the factorizable model with toroidal extra dimensions. The three main features of the classical computation are: (a) It involves summation over the infinite Kaluza-Klein towers but, contrary to the Born amplitude, it is finite with no need of an ultraviolet cutoff. (b) It is shown to correspond to the non-perturbative saddle-point approximation of the eikonal amplitude, obtained by the summation of an infinite number of ladder graphs of the quantum theory. (c) In the absence of extra dimensions it reproduces all previously known results.Comment: 12 pages, minor change

    Is \gamma-ray emission from novae affected by interference effects in the 18F(p,\alpha)15O reaction?

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    The 18F(p,\alpha)15O reaction rate is crucial for constraining model predictions of the \gamma-ray observable radioisotope 18F produced in novae. The determination of this rate is challenging due to particular features of the level scheme of the compound nucleus, 19Ne, which result in interference effects potentially playing a significant role. The dominant uncertainty in this rate arises from interference between J\pi=3/2+ states near the proton threshold (Sp = 6.411 MeV) and a broad J\pi=3/2+ state at 665 keV above threshold. This unknown interference term results in up to a factor of 40 uncertainty in the astrophysical S-factor at nova temperatures. Here we report a new measurement of states in this energy region using the 19F(3He,t)19Ne reaction. In stark contrast with previous assumptions we find at least 3 resonances between the proton threshold and Ecm=50 keV, all with different angular distributions. None of these are consistent with J\pi= 3/2+ angular distributions. We find that the main uncertainty now arises from the unknown proton-width of the 48 keV resonance, not from possible interference effects. Hydrodynamic nova model calculations performed indicate that this unknown width affects 18F production by at least a factor of two in the model considered.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures. Accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. Let

    Production of 26Al in stellar hydrogen-burning environments: spectroscopic properties of states in 27Si

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    Model predictions of the amount of the radioisotope 26Al produced in hydrogen-burning environments require reliable estimates of the thermonuclear rates for the 26gAl(p,{\gamma})27Si and 26mAl(p,{\gamma})27Si reactions. These rates depend upon the spectroscopic properties of states in 27Si within about 1 MeV of the 26gAl+p threshold (Sp = 7463 keV). We have studied the 28Si(3He,{\alpha})27Si reaction at 25 MeV using a high-resolution quadrupole-dipole-dipole-dipole magnetic spectrograph. For the first time with a transfer reaction, we have constrained J{\pi} values for states in 27Si over Ex = 7.0 - 8.1 MeV through angular distribution measurements. Aside from a few important cases, we generally confirm the energies and spin-parity assignments reported in a recent {\gamma}-ray spectroscopy study. The magnitudes of neutron spectroscopic factors determined from shell-model calculations are in reasonable agreement with our experimental values extracted using this reaction.Comment: accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Nuclear structure of 30S and its implications for nucleosynthesis in classical novae

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    The uncertainty in the 29P(p,gamma)30S reaction rate over the temperature range of 0.1 - 1.3 GK was previously determined to span ~4 orders of magnitude due to the uncertain location of two previously unobserved 3+ and 2+ resonances in the 4.7 - 4.8 MeV excitation region in 30S. Therefore, the abundances of silicon isotopes synthesized in novae, which are relevant for the identification of presolar grains of putative nova origin, were uncertain by a factor of 3. To investigate the level structure of 30S above the proton threshold (4394.9(7) keV), a charged-particle spectroscopy and an in-beam gamma-ray spectroscopy experiments were performed. Differential cross sections of the 32S(p,t)30S reaction were measured at 34.5 MeV. Distorted wave Born approximation calculations were performed to constrain the spin-parity assignments of the observed levels. An energy level scheme was deduced from gamma-gamma coincidence measurements using the 28Si(3He,n-gamma)30S reaction. Spin-parity assignments based on measurements of gamma-ray angular distributions and gamma-gamma directional correlation from oriented nuclei were made for most of the observed levels of 30S. As a result, the resonance energies corresponding to the excited states in 4.5 MeV - 6 MeV region, including the two astrophysically important states predicted previously, are measured with significantly better precision than before. The uncertainty in the rate of the 29P(p,gamma)30S reaction is substantially reduced over the temperature range of interest. Finally, the influence of this rate on the abundance ratios of silicon isotopes synthesized in novae are obtained via 1D hydrodynamic nova simulations.Comment: 22 pages, 12 figure

    Double-beta decay Q values of 130Te, 128Te, and 120Te

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    The double-beta decay Q values of 130Te, 128Te, and 120Te have been determined from parent-daughter mass differences measured with the Canadian Penning Trap mass spectrometer. The 132Xe-129Xe mass difference, which is precisely known, was also determined to confirm the accuracy of these results. The 130Te Q value was found to be 2527.01(32) keV which is 3.3 keV lower than the 2003 Atomic Mass Evaluation recommended value, but in agreement with the most precise previous measurement. The uncertainty has been reduced by a factor of 6 and is now significantly smaller than the resolution achieved or foreseen in experimental searches for neutrinoless double-beta decay. The 128Te and 120Te Q values were found to be 865.87(131) keV and 1714.81(125) keV, respectively. For 120Te, this reduction in uncertainty of nearly a factor of 8 opens up the possibility of using this isotope for sensitive searches for neutrinoless double-electron capture and electron capture with positron emission.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures, submitted to Physical Review Letter

    Understanding emergent collectivity and clustering in nuclei from a symmetry-based no-core shell-model perspective

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    We present a detailed discussion of the structure of the low-lying positive-parity energy spectrum of C12 from a no-core shell-model perspective. The approach utilizes a fraction of the usual shell-model space and extends its multishell reach via the symmetry-based no-core symplectic shell model (NCSpM) with a simple, physically informed effective interaction. We focus on the ground-state rotational band, the Hoyle state, and its 2+ and 4+ excitations, as well as the giant monopole 0+ resonance, which is a vibrational breathing mode of the ground state. This, in turn, allows us to address the open question about the structure of the Hoyle state and its rotational band. In particular, we find that the Hoyle state is best described through deformed prolate collective modes rather than vibrational modes, while we show that the higher lying giant monopole 0+ resonance resembles the oblate deformation of the C12 ground state. In addition, we identify the giant monopole 0+ and quadrupole 2+ resonances of selected light- and intermediate-mass nuclei, along with other observables of C12, including matter rms radii, electric quadrupole moments, and E2 and E0 transition rates