8 research outputs found

    Application Of Microphysiological Systems To Enhance Safety Assessment In Drug Discovery

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    Enhancing the early detection of new therapies that are likely to carry a safety liability in the context of the intended patient population would provide a major advance in drug discovery. Microphysiological systems (MPS) technology offers an opportunity to support enhanced preclinical to clinical translation through the generation of higher-quality preclinical physiological data. In this review, we highlight this technological opportunity by focusing on key target organs associated with drug safety and metabolism. By focusing on MPS models that have been developed for these organs, alongside other relevant in vitro models, we review the current state of the art and the challenges that still need to be overcome to ensure application of this technology in enhancing drug discovery

    Organ-on-a-chip: Determine feasibility of a human liver microphysiological model to assess long-term steroid metabolites in sports drug testing

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    A fundamental challenge in preventive doping research is the study of metabolic pathways of substances banned in sport. However, the pharmacological predictions obtained by conventional in vitro or in vivo animal studies are occasionally of limited transferability to humans according to an inability of in vitro models to mimic higher order system physiology or due to various species-specific differences using animal models. A more recently established technology for simulating human physiology is the organ-on-a-chip principle. In a multichannel microfluidic cell culture chip, 3-dimensional tissue spheroids, which can constitute artificial and interconnected microscale organs, imitate principles of the human physiology. The objective of this study was to determine if the technology is suitable to adequately predict metabolic profiles of prohibited substances in sport. As model compounds, the frequently misused anabolic steroids, stanozolol and dehydrochloromethyltestosterone (DHCMT) were subjected to human liver spheroids in microfluidic cell culture chips. The metabolite patterns produced and circulating in the chip media were then assessed by LC-HRMS/(MS) at different time points of up to 14 days of incubation at 37 degrees C. The overall profile of observed glucurono-conjugated stanozolol metabolites excellently matched the commonly found urinary pattern of metabolites, including 3 ' OH-stanozolol-glucuronide and stanozolol-N-glucuronides. Similarly, but to a lower extent, the DHCMT metabolic profile was in agreement with phase-I and phase-II biotransformation products regularly seen in postadministration urine specimens. In conclusion, this pilot study indicates that the organ-on-a-chip technology provides a high degree of conformity with traditional human oral administration studies, providing a promising approach for metabolic profiling in sports drug testing

    An Individual Patient's “Body” on Chips—How Organismoid Theory Can Translate Into Your Personal Precision Therapy Approach

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    The first concepts for reproducing human systemic organismal biology in vitro were developed over 12 years ago. Such concepts, then called human- or body-on-a-chip, claimed that microphysiological systems would become the relevant technology platform emulating the physiology and morphology of human organisms at the smallest biologically acceptable scale in vitro and, therefore, would enable the selection of personalized therapies for any patient at unprecedented precision. Meanwhile, the first human organoids—stem cell-derived complex three-dimensional organ models that expand and self-organize in vitro—have proven that in vitro self-assembly of minute premature human organ-like structures is feasible, once the respective stimuli of ontogenesis are provided to human stem cells. Such premature organoids can precisely reflect a number of distinct physiological and pathophysiological features of their respective counterparts in the human body. We now develop the human-on-a-chip concepts of the past into an organismoid theory. We describe the current concept and principles to create a series of organismoids—minute, mindless and emotion-free physiological in vitro equivalents of an individual's mature human body—by an artificially short process of morphogenetic self-assembly mimicking an individual's ontogenesis from egg cell to sexually mature organism. Subsequently, we provide the concept and principles to maintain such an individual's set of organismoids at a self-sustained functional healthy homeostasis over very long time frames in vitro. Principles how to perturb a subset of healthy organismoids by means of the natural or artificial induction of diseases are enrolled to emulate an individual's disease process. Finally, we discuss using such series of healthy and perturbed organismoids in predictively selecting, scheduling and dosing an individual patient's personalized therapy or medicine precisely. The potential impact of the organismoid theory on our healthcare system generally and the rapid adoption of disruptive personalized T-cell therapies particularly is highlighted.EC/H2020/820292/EU/RESTORE Health by Advanced Therapies (Advanced Therapy Medicinal Products and Biologized Medical Devices) – ALL for Advanced Therapies – with Passion – For Patients/RESTOR

    A human stem cell-derived brain-liver chip for assessing blood-brain-barrier permeation of pharmaceutical drugs

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    Significant advancements in the field of preclinical in vitro blood-brain barrier (BBB) models have been achieved in recent years, by developing monolayer-based culture systems towards complex multi-cellular assays. The coupling of those models with other relevant organoid systems to integrate the investigation of blood-brain barrier permeation in the larger picture of drug distribution and metabolization is still missing. Here, we report for the first time the combination of a human induced pluripotent stem cell (hiPSC)-derived blood-brain barrier model with a cortical brain and a liver spheroid model from the same donor in a closed microfluidic system (MPS). The two model compounds atenolol and propranolol were used to measure permeation at the blood–brain barrier and to assess metabolization. Both substances showed an in vivo-like permeation behavior and were metabolized in vitro. Therefore, the novel multi-organ system enabled not only the measurement of parent compound concentrations but also of metabolite distribution at the blood-brain barrier

    Autologous induced pluripotent stem cell-derived four-organ-chip

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    Microphysiological systems play a pivotal role in progressing toward a global paradigm shift in drug development. Here, we designed a four-organ-chip interconnecting miniaturized human intestine, liver, brain and kidney equivalents. All four organ models were predifferentiated from induced pluripotent stem cells from the same healthy donor and integrated into the microphysiological system. The coculture of the four autologous tissue models in one common medium deprived of tissue specific growth factors was successful over 14-days. Although there were no added growth factors present in the coculture medium, the intestine, liver and neuronal model maintained defined marker expression. Only the renal model was overgrown by coexisting cells and did not further differentiate. This model platform will pave the way for autologous coculture cross-talk assays, disease induction and subsequent drug testing

    [The effect of low-dose hydrocortisone on requirement of norepinephrine and lactate clearance in patients with refractory septic shock].

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