831 research outputs found

    Macroscopic quantum jumps and entangled state preparation

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    Recently we predicted a random blinking, i.e. macroscopic quantum jumps, in the fluorescence of a laser-driven atom-cavity system [Metz et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 97, 040503 (2006)]. Here we analyse the dynamics underlying this effect in detail and show its robustness against parameter fluctuations. Whenever the fluorescence of the system stops, a macroscopic dark period occurs and the atoms are shelved in a maximally entangled ground state. The described setup can therefore be used for the controlled generation of entanglement. Finite photon detector efficiencies do not affect the success rate of the state preparation, which is triggered upon the observation of a macroscopic fluorescence signal. High fidelities can be achieved even in the vicinity of the bad cavity limit due to the inherent role of dissipation in the jump process.Comment: 14 pages, 12 figures, proof of the robustness of the state preparation against parameter fluctuations added, figure replace

    Robust Entanglement through Macroscopic Quantum Jumps

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    We propose an entanglement generation scheme that requires neither the coherent evolution of a quantum system nor the detection of single photons. Instead, the desired state is heralded by a {\em macroscopic} quantum jump. Macroscopic quantum jumps manifest themselves as a random telegraph signal with long intervals of intense fluorescence (light periods) interrupted by the complete absence of photons (dark periods). Here we show that a system of two atoms trapped inside an optical cavity can be designed such that a dark period prepares the atoms in a maximally entangled ground state. Achieving fidelities above 0.9 is possible even when the single-atom cooperativity parameter C is as low as 10 and when using a photon detector with an efficiency as low as eta = 0.2.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, more detailed discussion of underlying physical effect, references update

    Measurement of the hyperfine structure of the S1/2-D5/2 transition in 43Ca+

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    The hyperfine structure of the S1/2-D5/2 quadrupole transition at 729 nm in 43Ca+ has been investigated by laser spectroscopy using a single trapped 43Ca+ ion. We determine the hyperfine structure constants of the metastable level as A=-3.8931(2) MHz and B=-4.241(4) MHz. The isotope shift of the transition with respect to 40Ca+ was measured to be 4134.713(5) MHz. We demonstrate the existence of transitions that become independent of the first-order Zeeman shift at non-zero low magnetic fields. These transitions might be better suited for building a frequency standard than the well-known 'clock transitions' between m=0 levels at zero magnetic field.Comment: corrected for sign errors in the hyperfine constants. No corrections to were made to the data analysi

    Locking Local Oscillator Phase to the Atomic Phase via Weak Measurement

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    We propose a new method to reduce the frequency noise of a Local Oscillator (LO) to the level of white phase noise by maintaining (not destroying by projective measurement) the coherence of the ensemble pseudo-spin of atoms over many measurement cycles. This scheme uses weak measurement to monitor the phase in Ramsey method and repeat the cycle without initialization of phase and we call, "atomic phase lock (APL)" in this paper. APL will achieve white phase noise as long as the noise accumulated during dead time and the decoherence are smaller than the measurement noise. A numerical simulation confirms that with APL, Allan deviation is averaged down at a maximum rate that is proportional to the inverse of total measurement time, tau^-1. In contrast, the current atomic clocks that use projection measurement suppress the noise only down to the level of white frequency, in which case Allan deviation scales as tau^-1/2. Faraday rotation is one of the possible ways to realize weak measurement for APL. We evaluate the strength of Faraday rotation with 171Yb+ ions trapped in a linear rf-trap and discuss the performance of APL. The main source of the decoherence is a spontaneous emission induced by the probe beam for Faraday rotation measurement. One can repeat the Faraday rotation measurement until the decoherence become comparable to the SNR of measurement. We estimate this number of cycles to be ~100 cycles for a realistic experimental parameter.Comment: 18 pages, 7 figures, submitted to New Journal of Physic

    Evaporation of buffer gas-thermalized anions out of a multipole rf ion trap

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    We identify plain evaporation of ions as the fundamental loss mechanism out of a multipole ion trap. Using thermalized negative Cl- ions we find that the evaporative loss rate is proportional to a Boltzmann factor. This thermodynamic description sheds new light on the dynamics of particles in time-varying confining potentials. It specifically allows us to extract the effective depth of the ion trap as the activation energy for evaporation. As a function of the rf amplitude we find two distinct regimes related to the stability of motion of the trapped ions. For low amplitudes the entire trap allows for stable motion and the trap depth increases with the rf field. For larger rf amplitudes, however, rapid energy transfer from the field to the ion motion can occur at large trap radii, which leads to a reduction of the effective trapping volume. In this regime the trap depth decreases again with increasing rf amplitude. We give an analytical parameterization of the trap depth for various multipole traps that allows predictions of the most favorable trapping conditions.Comment: Phys. Rev. Lett., in pres

    Protecting subspaces by acting on the outside

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    Many quantum control tasks aim at manipulating the state of a quantum mechanical system within a finite subspace of states. However, couplings to the outside are often inevitable. Here we discuss strategies which keep the system in the controlled subspace by applying strong interactions onto the outside. This is done by drawing analogies to simple toy models and to the quantum Zeno effect. Special attention is paid to the constructive use of dissipation in the protection of subspaces.Comment: 16 pages, 10 figure

    Ultrastable Optical Clock with Neutral Atoms in an Engineered Light Shift Trap

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    An ultrastable optical clock based on neutral atoms trapped in an optical lattice is proposed. Complete control over the light shift is achieved by employing the 5s21S0→5s5p3P05s^2 {}^1S_0 \to 5s5p {}^3P_0 transition of 87Sr{}^{87}{\rm Sr} atoms as a "clock transition". Calculations of ac multipole polarizabilities and dipole hyperpolarizabilities for the clock transition indicate that the contribution of the higher-order light shifts can be reduced to less than 1 mHz, allowing for a projected accuracy of better than 10−17 10^{-17}.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. Let

    Measure of phonon-number moments and motional quadratures through infinitesimal-time probing of trapped ions

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    A method for gaining information about the phonon-number moments and the generalized nonlinear and linear quadratures in the motion of trapped ions (in particular, position and momentum) is proposed, valid inside and outside the Lamb-Dicke regime. It is based on the measurement of first time derivatives of electronic populations, evaluated at the motion-probe interaction time t=0. In contrast to other state-reconstruction proposals, based on measuring Rabi oscillations or dispersive interactions, the present scheme can be performed resonantly at infinitesimal short motion-probe interaction times, remaining thus insensitive to decoherence processes.Comment: 10 pages. Accepted in JPhys

    Sub-dekahertz ultraviolet spectroscopy of 199Hg+

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    Using a laser that is frequency-locked to a Fabry-Perot etalon of high finesse and stability, we probe the 5d10 6s 2S_1/2 (F=0) - 5d9 6s 2D_5/2 (F=2) Delta-m_F = 0 electric-quadrupole transition of a single laser-cooled 199Hg+ ion stored in a cryogenic radio-frequency ion trap. We observe Fourier-transform limited linewidths as narrow as 6.7 Hz at 282 nm (1.06 X 10^15 Hz), yielding a line Q = 1.6 X 10^14. We perform a preliminary measurement of the 5d9 6s2 2D_5/2 electric-quadrupole shift due to interaction with the static fields of the trap, and discuss the implications for future trapped-ion optical frequency standards.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, submitted for publicatio

    Terahertz frequency standard based on three-photon coherent population trapping

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    A scheme for a THz frequency standard based on three-photon coherent population trapping in stored ions is proposed. Assuming the propagation directions of the three lasers obey the phase matching condition, we show that stability of few 10−14^{-14} at one second can be reached with a precision limited by power broadening to 10−1110^{-11} in the less favorable case. The referenced THz signal can be propagated over long distances, the useful information being carried by the relative frequency of the three optical photons.Comment: article soumis a PRL le 21 mars 2007, accepte le 10 mai, version 2 (24/05/2007
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