3,236 research outputs found

    On Commutative Rings Whose Prime Ideals Are Direct Sums of Cyclics

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    In this paper we study commutative rings RR whose prime ideals are direct sums of cyclic modules. In the case RR is a finite direct product of commutative local rings, the structure of such rings is completely described. In particular, it is shown that for a local ring (R,M)(R, \cal{M}), the following statements are equivalent: (1) Every prime ideal of RR is a direct sum of cyclic RR-modules; (2) M=λΛRwλ{\cal{M}}=\bigoplus_{\lambda\in \Lambda}Rw_{\lambda} and R/Ann(wλ)R/{\rm Ann}(w_{\lambda}) is a principal ideal ring for each λΛ\lambda \in \Lambda;(3) Every prime ideal of RR is a direct sum of at most Λ|\Lambda| cyclic RR-modules; and (4) Every prime ideal of RR is a summand of a direct sum of cyclic RR-modules. Also, we establish a theorem which state that, to check whether every prime ideal in a Noetherian local ring (R,M)(R, \cal{M}) is a direct sum of (at most nn) principal ideals, it suffices to test only the maximal ideal M\cal{M}.Comment: 9 Page


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    Abstract. Infertility is one of the most importantissues of reproductive health that has prominent effects on psychological and social aspects of couple's life. Infertility causes women’s concern about their sexual attractiveness and also their physical and mental health, It is even possible that using assisted reproductive technologies have negative effects on women’s feelings of the sexual values and marital relationships. This study therefore aimed to investigate the relationship of marital adjustment and sexual function with psychological factors affecting treatment in infertile women in 2013 in Mashhad, Iran. This correlational study was performed on 130 infertile women referred to Montaserie Infertility Research Center, Mashhad who selected using convenient sampling. Research tools were consisted of demographic questionnaires including personal and infertility-related information, and valid and reliable ROSEN Female Sexual Function Index (FSFI),Spanier Marital Adjustment Scale(DAS) and Goldbergand Hillier General Health Questionnaire, which were completed by the subjects. Data analysis was carried out by SPSS software using t-test,one way ANOVA, Spearman and Pearson correlation tests. The mean score of awareness of infertility and the length of infertility treatment were 5.24±4.12 and 4±3.95 years, respectively. The cause of infertility in 46.9% was a female factor and in 38.7% a male factor. General health in 49.2% of the infertile women were good. 54.6% of the infertile women had poor sexual function and 76.9% had high maritaladjustment. There was a direct correlation between sexual function and marital adjustment with general health in infertile women (P<0.001).A significantrelationship was also seen between sexual function and spouse accompany during treatment (P<0.05). Also a direct correlation was found between marital adjustment and being hopeful to treatment success and also spouse accompany during treatment in infertile women (P<0.05). The findings showed that infertile women with improved sexual function and good marital adjustment will have better mental health and are more hopeful toinfertility treatment . These results can be incorporated in planning of training and counseling programs, specially for infertile women who suffer from psychological disorders

    Enhancement of broiler performance and immune response by Echinacea purpurea supplemented in diet

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    The objective of the present study was to compare short and long term application of Echinacea purpurea root powder on growth performance and immunity response of broiler chicks. Three replicate trials involving a total of 600 day-old Ross chicks were used in this study. In each trial, a total of 200 chicks were randomly allocated into 5 groups. Each group consisted of 4 pens with 10 chicks in each pen. The birds in group A received control mash diet during the experiment, but those in groups B and C were given control diet supplemented with 0.1% (w/w) and 0.5% (w/w) E. purpurea root powder, respectively. The chicks in groups D and E received control diet supplemented with 0.1% (w/w) and 0.5% (w/w) E. purpurea root powder, respectively, just for one week and fed control diet afterwards. The results showed that E. purpurea consumption for six weeks changed the total counts of white blood cells (WBCs), number of lymphocytes and heterophils, feed conversation ratio, and antibody titers against newcastle and avian influenza diseases (p &lt; 0.05). In conclusion, this result suggests that feeding E. purpurea, particularly for long time, may improve feed conversion, change blood cells number and enhance immunity response in broilers.Key words: Echinacea purpurea, broilers, feed conversion, immunity response