43 research outputs found

    The Rise of Indian Nationalism

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    This thesis will focus on the Amritsar Massacre 1919, that happened in Amritsar, Punjab,India (part of which lies in present-day Pakistan after the 1947 Separation) and its importance in India's rise of nationalism. This topic, even though explored extensively, left most historians with two conclusions: one from India, stating they wanted an apology from the British Empire because it happened under their reign and their General was responsible for the massacre; The other conclusion is a British perspective that makes General Dyer the scapegoat . It was because of him losing control and taking the actions into his own hands before reporting to his superiors in the Empire. I want to find out what happened and what points have been overlooked or excluded from people. Also, I am going to focus on the Commissioners Report appointed by the Punjab Sub-committee of the Indian National Congress and the eyewitness accounts that they recorded. This will showcase the feelings that the people had before and after the Massacre and what was their opinion regarding British rule in India. Punjab was an important region of British India, partly because of its religious diversity, which incorporated substantial numbers of Muslims, Hindus, and Sikhs. It was also a strategic strong point as the province bordered Afghanistan. The Jallianwala Bagh Massacre was and remained a very emotional topic for India's people, especially in Punjab. The true account of the incident can only be understood by looking at several different arguments made by people across the world. Since this event attracted historians and authors from other parts of the world, it gives us a perspective that cannot be extremely biased towards one nationality. The documents and evidence used in this research are found in The National Archives in London and had not been accessed since 1972. It is clearly time for a new evaluation of this event. This research and these documents play a key role in substantiating the theory that this was not a reactionary event Deependra Dehariya Nationalism in India, 1919-47 or was it an event of one man’s mental instability. It was a planned event by the British to circumvent their fear that India will revolt against them. Methods: I have analyzed all the published books about the event. Then, after understanding an overview of the event, I examined the Primary sources and Cabinet records of Britain and the reports gathered by Gandhi (Ji) and his colleague. I also inspected the maps that were available in the reports and cabinet records both by Indians and British, which showed the disturbances in Punjab and in India. The maps also showed disturbances all over India and how the British had “prevented it.” This can be concluded only through an analysis of the chain of events that happened leading to the massacre at Amritsar that it was a planned event. If there is future research on this topic, it should be focused on what it meant for India and Punjab. Did they echo the same feelings of Nationalism that was seen in Gandhi (Ji)’s Satyagraha, or was it something different? Focusing on the eye-witness accounts and examining them thoroughly is a better and new direction in this research. This will also provide a social history’s account, and it will be bottom-up research

    Review of Traffic Sign Detection and Recognition Techniques

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    Text, as one of the most compelling developments of humankind, has assumed a significant job in human life, so distant from antiquated occasions. The rich and exact data epitomized in content is extremely helpful in a wide scope of vision-based applications; along these lines content detection and recognition in regular scenes have turned out to be significant and dynamic research points in PC vision and report investigation. Traffic sign detection and recognition is a field of connected PC vision research worried about the programmed detection and grouping or recognition of traffic signs in scene pictures procured from a moving vehicle. Driving is an assignment dependent on visual data handling. The traffic signs characterize a visual language translated by drivers. Traffic signs convey much data important for effective driving; they portray current traffic circumstance, characterize option to proceed, preclude or grant certain headings. In this paper, talked about different detection and recognition schemes

    A study of effect of delayed and early umbilical cord clamping on neonatal haemoglobin status

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    Background: Delayed cord clamping has been supported by physician because it allows for physiological transfer of blood from placenta to the infant and thus permits placenta to newborn transfusion and results in an increased neonatal blood volume at birth. At present there is no standard definition of delayed cord clamping. Clamping time varies significantly between studies and a wide range of parameters were used for clamping of cord.Methods: This was an observational study conducted in a public hospital among 200 uncomplicated full-term pregnancies where 100 each were present in early cord clamping (ECC) and delayed cord clamping (DCC) groups respectively and neonatal haematological parameters studied according to different cord clamping times.Results: There was a significant increase of mean haemoglobin level from 14.8 to 16.0 g/dl from 15 secs to 60 secs and gradual increase of mean haemoglobin level from 16.2 to 16.8 g/dl from 60 secs to 180 secs. There was a highly significant difference between ECC and DCC groups regarding mean haemoglobin level and MCH values. MCV and MCH values were also significantly different in both the groups.Conclusions: We concluded in this study that delayed cord clamping, resulted in improved haemoglobin and other haematocrit levels specially when cord was clamped after first 60 secs. Delayed clamping also reduced the prevalence of neonatal anaemia at 2 days of age. In terms of maternal outcomes, delayed umbilical cord clamping did not increase the risk of postpartum haemorrhage or the need for blood transfusion

    A case control study on s. uric acid and s. creatinine level in pre-eclampsia patients of a tertiary care hospital in Jabalpur district of Central India

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    Background: Pre-eclampsia is a multisystem disorder of pregnancy which is characterized by hypertension with proteinuria after 20 weeks of gestation in previously normotensive and non proteinuric pregnant women. Pre-eclampsia associated with intrauterine growth retardation, preterm birth, maternal and perinatal death. Serum creatinine and uric acid has been shown to play a significant role in the pathogenesis of the disease and often precede clinical manifestations. This study compares the serum creatinine and uric acid in pre -eclampsia case and normal pregnant women and to assess its role in pre-eclampsia.Methods: 158 patients of which 79 pre-eclampsia (cases) and 79 (controls) were selected randomly and were matched with their gestational age in patient who Attending ANC clinic at Department of Obstretics and Gynecology in March 2016 to August 2017. Lipid profile was estimated by the Randox imola is a compact fully automated clinical chemistry analyser.Results: Authors observed that pre-eclampsia is more common in young age pregnant women with low socioeconomic status with strenuous activities. The mean age was 24.51±3.707 years. The mean serum creatinine and urice acid value is analysed in pre-eclampia cases and compared with control group showing significantly increase (p<0.0001).Conclusions: Young age, nullyparity, low socio economic status specially labour occupation, with derangment of Serum creatinine in pregnant women were found to be more prone to develop pre-eclampsia. Proper history tacking, examination and estimation of serum creatinine and uric acid may be helpful for early diagnosis and management of pre–eclampsia in order to prevent fetal and maternal complications especially in nulliparous women

    Scavenging and metal chelating potential of Carthamus tinctorius L. extracts

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    Carthamus tinctorius leaves were extracted with methanol and distilled water. The extracts were evaluated for their potential free radical scavenging capacity using four different in vitro methods (DPPH, metal chelation, radical removal and hydrogen peroxide scavenging methods). The total phenolic content obtained for aqueous (112. 2±1.708 GAE mg/g) and for methanolic extract (89.66±2.00 GAE mg/g). In DPPH, IC50 values was found to be 176.66±2.08 and 278.33±1.52 and 310.33±1.52 for the ascorbic acid, aqueous and methanolic extract respectively. In superoxide radical scavenging IC50&nbsp;values are 381.27±1.43, 544.42±2 and 606.78±3.02 µg/ml for the ascorbic acid, aqueous and methanolic extract respectively. In the metal chelating activity, IC50 values are 385.94±3.00, 337±1 and 487±0.984 µg/ml for the EDTA, aqueous extract and methanolic extract respectively. In hydrogen peroxide scavenging, IC50 values were 261±1, 278±3.52 and 370±1 µg/ml for the ascorbic acid, aqueous extract and methanolic leaf extract of Carthamus tinctorius respectively. The correlation suggests that phenolic compounds are responsible for the antioxidant activities of leaves

    Assessment of total phenolic content and antioxidant potentiality of selected Indian folk medicinal plants by spectrophotometric method

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    Natural antioxidant capacity of five important folk medicinal plants measured in vitro. Total phenolic content (TPC), flavonoid content (FC) and free radical scavenging capacity of ethanolic, methanolic and aqueous leaf extracts of Lippia alba (LA), Annona squamosa (AS), Hyptis suaveolens (HS), Commiphora wightii (CW) and Milletia pinnata (MP) was assessed using spectrophotometric method. Folin ciocalteu and aluminium chloride method employed to optimise TPC and FC. Free radical scavenging potentiality of leaf extracts was assessed using Ferrous ion chelation (FIC), 2, 2'-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH•) scavenging, Hydroxyl (OH•) radical scavenging (HRS) and Superoxide (O- 2) radical scavenging (SRS) methods. Results revealed that the TPC (96.22±5.85 to 519.23±34.90 ?g GAE/gm dry weight) were found significant in aqueous extracts from all the plants except AS (p&lt;0.05). For FC (?g QCE/gm dry weight), ethanol was found optimum for LA (463.94±6.49), CW (289.99±2.70) and MP (347.47±4.50) whereas, aqueous was found more appropriate for rest two plants were found significant instead of ethanol and methanol (all p&lt;0.05). The lowest IC50 (?g/ml) were recorded from A. squamosa (27.72±8.95), H. suaveolens (27.78±0.88), C. wightii (27.18±0.16) and M. pinnata (27.30±0.03). All plants have reflected a high antioxidant capacity; however, the highest antioxidant activity was reported from ethanolic extract of H. suaveolens followed by L. alba, A. squamosa, C. wightii and M. pinnata. Hence, these studies show that all folk medicinal plants contain potential antioxidant bioactive compounds

    Quercetin Exerts Anti-convulsant Effects in Animal Model of Grand Mal Epilepsy: Modulation of GABA and Glycinergic Pathways

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    Quercetin is low molecular weight flavonoid having multiple neuropharmacological actions. Recently, its anticonvulsant effect was reported in rats using electrical kindling models. However, earlier cell culture studies have documented antagonistic action of quercetin on GABAA, GABAC and Glycine channels, which is contrary to recent findings. Hence, the present study aimed at characterizing the effects of quercetin administration in various experimental models of epilepsy. Dose-dependent effects of quercetin on maximal-electroshock seizure (MES) were determined. Further, the effective dose was tested in pentylenetetrazol-induced seizures (PTZ), and strychnine-induced seizures to study the involvement of GABA and Glycinergic receptors. The results revealed a potent anticonvulsant effect of quercetin in MES induced seizures at a dose of 5 and 10 mg/kg. This effect was found to be retained in case of PTZ-induced convulsions and strychnine-induced convulsions (quercetin 10 mg/kg). The present finding warrants further substantiation along with their correlation to molecular mechanism of action


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    A study was conducted to examine the effect of different types of spawns on oyster mushroom (Pleurotus sajor-caju) production using three types of substrates conventional [Soybean straw (SS), Wheat straw (WS) and Paddy straw (PS)] and non conventional [Domestic wastes (DW), Fruit waste (FW) and Used Tea leaves (UTL)]. Locally available grains of wheat (Triticum aestivum), sorghum (Sorghum vulgare), jowar were used for spawn production. These spawns were used for spawning on the conventional and non-conventional substrates. Various parameters are examined such as spawn run time (mycelia development), pinhead formation, fruit body formation and yield. The experiments were setup as a randomized design with three replicates. Results revealed that wheat grain spawn produced better results in comparison to spawn grown on the maize and sorghum for spawn running, pinhead formation, fruit body formation and increased yield. The quickest spawn running of 17 days, early pinhead formation 21 days, greater yield of 934.4g/Kg with 93.4% BE was recorded with WS as a conventional substrate. Among the non conventional substrate DW was found to be best

    To Study the Satisfaction score and Postoperative Complications Comparing between Circular Stapler Hemorrhoidopexy and Conventional Hemorrhoidectomy Nilesh Kumar Dehariya

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    Background &amp; Method: Study was conducted in the department of surgery Index Medical College and Hospital &amp; Research Centre, Indore, with total 40 patients 20 in each group Open Hemorrhoidectomy &amp; Stapler Hemorrhoidopexy. Per-rectal examination with gentle dilatation done after lubrication with xylocaine jelly. Rigid sigmoidoscopy is done to look for any pathology in recto sigmoid region. After doing preliminary painting and draping anal verge is held by three atraumatic forceps at the three points where the prolapse is smaller and the anoderm is slightly everted. Result: The mean satisfaction score in the open hemorrhoidectomy group was 3.00±0.79 and in the stapler hemorrhoidopexy group was 4.05 ± 0.95. The comparison of mean satisfaction score between the two groups was found to be statistically significant (p&lt;0.05), showing a higher satisfaction score in the stapler hemorrhoidopexy group. Conclusion: Stapler hemorrhoidopexy is associated with less morbidity with fewer complications due to minimal tissue trauma and handling Post procedure satisfaction was significantly higher in the stapled group as compared to classical Milligan-Morgan procedure. Keywords: Complications, Hemorrhoidopexy, Hemorrhoidectomy &amp; Stapler