20 research outputs found

    Russian industry in global value-added chains

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    The paper analyzes Russia's participation in global value-added chains in the context of global trends in their development and the challenges facing the Russian economy in modernizing its industry. The analysis is based on the OECD’s TiVA indicators. The results indicate that the extent of Russia's involvement in GVACs is very significant, but the nature of this participation is purely raw. The specificity of the participation of the Russian Federation in the international fragmentation of production within GVACs is that most of the links in value chains are bottom-up. Russia is extremely limited in using imported flows to create export products with high added value. The study confirms that in the international division of labor, Russia retains a historically established specialization, with predominance in the export of mineral and agricultural raw materials, which determines the current profile of Russia's participation in global value-added chains.peer-reviewe


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    The article investigates the features of construction of gravity models, the results of the use of which will allow to identify eff ective ways of Russian foreign policy improvements.Purpose of the article: multigravitatsion development model of Russia's foreign trade, which will identify forward the development of export-import relations in the framework of inter-regional trade area of the Russian Federation, including integration associations such as the EU, BRICS, CIS.Methodology: methodological basis of the study make up scientific methods of cognition, namely, methods of theoretical generalization and comparison; method of integrated and structural analysis.Results: During the studied analyzed Russia's foreign trade turnover, the results of which revealed that for the country's economic development is important as a variety of trade fl ows and capital fl ows, which in turn updates the problem of formation and development of the national foreign trade potential, finding the optimal proportion of commodity structure diversification and the introduction of eff ective mechanisms of regulation of export-import operations. The solution of the problem determined the conduct of the study articles Russian contemporary maps of foreign cooperation in the conditions of existing sanctions and embargoes, as well as the identification of targeted country markets for Russia's non-oil exports with a separate allocation problem area that emerged as a result of external challenges of political and economic nature faced by Russia because of the military confl ict in Ukraine. Special attention is paid to the distribution of Russian imports by partner countries.Significance: the example of EU integration associations of the CIS and the BRICS, which make up multiregional commercial space of Russia, multigravitatsionnaya model is constructed in order to assess the impact of Russia's cooperation with the EU member countries, CIS countries and the BRICS, as well as to forecast and analyze trade fl ows as the country as a whole, and in the context of export and import.Статья посвящена исследованию особенностей построения гравитационных моделей, результаты использования которых, позволят обозначить эффективные пути усовершенствования внешнеторговой политики России.Цель статьи: разработка мультигравитационной модели внешней торговли России, которая позволит обозначить перспективные пути развития экспортно-импортных отношений в рамках межрегионального торгового пространства РФ, включающего такие интеграционные объединения как ЕС, БРИКС, СНГ.Методология исследования: методологическую основу исследования составляют общенаучные методы познания, а именно: методы теоретического обобщения и сравнения; метод комплексного и структурного анализа.Результаты: в ходе исследован проанализирован внешнеторговый оборот России, результаты которого позволили установить, что для развития экономики страны важно как разнообразие внешнеторговых потоков, так и потоков капитала, что в свою очередь актуализирует проблему формирования и развития национального внешнеторгового потенциала, нахождения оптимальных пропорций диверсификации товарной структуры и внедрения действенных механизмов регулирования экспортно-импортных операций. Решение данной проблемы предопределило проведение в рамках статьи исследования современной карты внешнеторгового взаимодействия России в условиях действующих санкций и эмбарго, а также выявление таргетных страновых рынков для российского несырьевого экспорта с отдельным выделением проблемных зон, возникших в результате внешних вызовов политического и экономического характера, с которыми столкнулась Россия из-за военного конфликта на Украине. Отдельное внимание уделено распределению импорта России по странам партнерам.Значимость: на примере интеграционных объединений ЕС, СНГ и БРИКС, которые составляют мультирегиональное торговое пространство России, построена мультигравитационная модель, позволяющая оценить влияние сотрудничества России со странами-членами ЕС, СНГ и БРИКС, а также прогнозировать и анализировать торговые потоки как страны в целом, так и в разрезе экспорта и импорта

    Foreign experience of public-private partnership on foreign markets

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    This article covers the positive experience of Public-Private-Partnership of the U.S. and China on foreign markets. In the frame of this analysis a linear-logarithmic model appropriating allocation of state support to companies engaged in foreign trade according to their contribution to the modernization of the national economy was elaborated. The conclusions may have practical importance for the optimization of Russian Public-Private Partnership models abroad

    Supranational regulation of the strategic raw materials markets in the European Union

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    The article deals with the supranational regulation of the strategic mineral resources markets in the European Union under current deficit. Particular attention is paid to the importance of the raw material for the development of EU high-tech production. The conclusions can have practical importance for the regulation of the strategic mineral resources market in Russia

    EU Assistance to Third Countries in Peacekeeping and Security

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    Foreign experience of innovation

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    The article deals with the innovative environment of leading German Universities in the field of nanotechnology. The author summarizes main features of the modern German innovation system and focuses on the experience of state support of innovation activity in German academic sector. Particular attention is paid to the management structure and funding mechanisms of the most effective German nanotechnological education and research centres. The conclusions may have practical importance for the formation of an effective model of innovative environment of Russian Universities


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    This article examines U.S. efforts to build a broad international coalition in the area of missile defense. The basic formats of military cooperation with foreign countries in the deployment of the U.S. global missile defense system are described, as well as the principles of cooperation on the part of the United States. A review of the regional missile defense systems created by the United States as an intermediate step on the way to a global missile defense system is provided. Particular emphasis is placed on the implementation of The Phased Adaptive Approach for Missile Defense in Europe (European Phased Adaptive Approach, EPAA) and the creation of Active Layered Theater Ballistic Missile Defense (ALTBMD). Specified milestones and activities under the program, as well as the practical difficulties faced by the U.S. and European countries to deploy missile defense in the context of the global economic crisis are analyzed

    Scientific-Industrial and Economic Cooperation Between Russia and BRICS States: Proposal of Effective Forms and Mechanism

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    This article is devoted to the issues of cooperation between Russia and the BRICS countries. Various factors (such as labour migration, the impact of transnational corporations, the problems of global economic instability and globalization, as well as financial risks), determine the current position and prospects of Russian companies in the BRIC markets. Particular attention is paid to assessing the military-technical cooperation of the BRICS, in the context of the current macroeconomic development. The final part of the article discusses the key promising areas of economic development with potential for cooperation between Russia and BRICS. © 2016 City University of Hong Kong

    Scientific-Industrial and Economic Cooperation Between Russia and BRICS States: Proposal of Effective Forms and Mechanism

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    This article is devoted to the issues of cooperation between Russia and the BRICS countries. Various factors (such as labour migration, the impact of transnational corporations, the problems of global economic instability and globalization, as well as financial risks), determine the current position and prospects of Russian companies in the BRIC markets. Particular attention is paid to assessing the military-technical cooperation of the BRICS, in the context of the current macroeconomic development. The final part of the article discusses the key promising areas of economic development with potential for cooperation between Russia and BRICS. © 2016 City University of Hong Kong