106 research outputs found


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    As cidades turísticas têm tendência a utilizar imagens simbólicas para criar um quadro urbano de acordo com as expectativas e os valores dos visitantes. Assim sendo, a vista panorâmica, como a das montanhas dos Pireneus, observadas a partir da cidade de Pau (Sudoeste da França), “reproduzida” pelos artistas, vai antecipar certas escolhas urbanísticas. Além disso, a evolução dos elementos compostos na tela é idêntica à da descrição geográfica dos sítios urbanos. Posteriormente, a mise-en-scène da vista tomará proporções importantes no momento da difusão das práticas turísticas, gerando regras urbanísticas obrigatórias.Urban planning in touristic cities tends to display a whole set of symbolic images in order to produce an environment which should fit with the expectancies and values of the visitors. In this respect, the case of Pau, South-Western France, gives evidence to the fact that the panoramic view of the Pyrenees from this city as it was represented by painters became an anticipation of later urban planning choices. In addition, the changes in the choice of environmental elements in paintings was paralleled by those which were evidenced in geographical descriptions of urban sites. Later on, the concern for promoting the panoramic view (its mise-en-scène) became dominant when touristic practices became relatively standardized, and this led to strict planning regulations

    Savoir-être-au-lieu et mise en patrimoine de la nature dans les stations thermales des Pyrénées (XIXe-XXe s.)

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    Les stations thermales qui se sont développées au XIXe siècle et pendant la première moitié du XXe dans les Pyrénées occidentales ont été un lieu d’expérimentation de nouveaux rapports au milieu naturel. Les guides imprimés locaux, qui précisent comment savoir vivre le lieu, illustrent ce processus où l’espace public et l’image jouent un grand rôle. Plus particulièrement, le recours au pittoresque et au sublime montre comment ce rôle a changé et a conduit à une patrimonialisation de la nature montagnarde.Thermal spas, which were developed in the Western Pyrenees during the XIXth century and during the first half of the XXth century, were places where new relationships with the natural environment have been experimented by their visitors. Because local travel guides explain how to behave in those places, they illustrate this process, whereby public space and image play an important role. More particularly, the appeal to the picturesque and the sublime shows how this role changed and how it led to the transformation of some mountain environments into natural heritage

    In vitro resistance patterns of Plasmodium falciparum to chloroquine—a reflection of strain-specific immunity?

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    Studies in vitro among children on the response of Plasmodium falciparum to chloroquine were conducted as part of the national long-term monitoring of drug resistance in a holo- to hyperendemic malarious area of Tanzania between 1983 and 1989. Overall, no significant increase in chloroquine resistance was observed. However, in children under 5 years old resistance increased during this period, whereas in schoolchildren resistance decreased from 1986 to 1989. A hypothesis based on antigenic differences between resistant and sensitive strains is proposed to explain this age-specific pattern. If immunity develops principally against the most frequent parasite strains, then as it develops the numbers of the most frequent strains will be reduced, whilst the rare strains may become predominant and thus be detected in the blood of immune patients. Thus, in an endemic area, the observed resistance pattern in non-immune infants will differ from that in immune schoolchildren, as was observed in the present study. These findings may have important implications for the control of malaria and the development of vaccine

    Community-Based Questionnaires and Health Statistics as Tools for the Cost-Efficient Identification of communities at Risk of Urinary Schistosomiasis

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    Self-administered questionnaries, distributed by existing administrative channels to village party chairman, head-teachers and schoolchildren, showed good diegnostic perfomance for the qualitative assessment of unirary schistosomiasis endemicity. At a cost 34 times below that of the WHO- recommended persitological screening strategy, the schoolchildren's questionnaire allowed the screening of 75 out of 77 school of a rural Tanzanian district in six weeks, and the exclusion of school not at high risk for urinary schistosomiasis with over 90% confidence. The headteacher and party questinnalres made it possible to assess the perceived important of a spectrum of discease and symptoms, among which was schistosomiasis. The priroty rank of schistosomiasis control was stronglycorreled with the prevalence rate of the disease in the community. The queationnaires also looked for the prioritization of health among other community issues and thus contributed important for planning at district level. Standardized monthly dieases reports, sent by all primary health services, were also analysed. They allowed a zonal schistosomiasis endemicity classificatio

    Santé ou développement ?. Pour une stratégie de coopération mieux orientée

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    D’Alma Ata à Copenhague –1978–1995 L’économique (la production, la consommation) a été pendant longtemps au centre des préoccupations des agences de développement. Essayons de modifier ce schéma et remettons l’homme au milieu du village, l’individu dans son contexte social. Que la santé, au sens large de bien–être physique, mental et social (définition de l’OMS) devienne une fin en soi et ne soit plus un simple moyen au service du développement économique. A Alma Ata (1978), la communauté int..

    Une année d'aménagement du patrimoine à Bordeaux : entre mise en scène et mise en débat

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    A year of patrimonial management in Bordeaux between direction and debate. We're presently witnessing, in patrimonial matters, a passage from the simple idea of preservation to a logic of management. As a result, patrimony becomes a real stake in establishing a new and more cultural way of thinking about and doing development. The case of Bordeaux, taken in 1997, reveals this primary utilization of patrimony, replying to varied objectives be they linked to urbanism, or to more ideological, economical or societal concerns. In the end, these strategies all have in common reworking the city and the urban landscape in a more qualitative way, which doesn't go without difficulties in content and form.On assiste actuellement, en matière de patrimoine, au passage d'une simple idée de conservation à une logique de gestion. Dès lors, le patrimoine devient un véritable enjeu en établissant une nouvelle façon plus culturelle de penser et de faire de l'aménagement. Le cas de Bordeaux, pris sur l'année 1997, est révélateur de cette utilisation centrale du patrimoine répondant à des objectifs variés, qu'il s'agisse d'intérêts urbanistiques, idéologiques, économiques ou sociétaux... En définitive, ces stratégies ont toutes en commun de retravailler la ville et le paysage urbain de façon plus qualitative, ce qui ne va pas sans poser de problèmes tant sur le fond que dans la forme.Un año de ordenación del patrimonio en Burdeos entre escenografía y debate. En cuestiones de patrimonio, actualmente se observa el paso de un concepto sencillo de conservación a una lógica de gestión. Luego, el patrimonio se vuelve elemento clave en la nueva forma de pensar y realizar la ordenación del territorio. El caso de Burdeos, para el año 1997, revela este aprovechamiento privilegiado del patrimonio con objetivos diversos : intereses urbanísticos, ideológicos, económicos y sociales... En definitiva, estas estrategias todas contemplan una reelaboración de la ciudad y del paisaje urbano deforma más cualitativa, lo que no deja de plantear problemas tanto en el fondo como en la forma.Degrémont Isabelle. Une année d'aménagement du patrimoine à Bordeaux : entre mise en scène et mise en débat. In: Sud-Ouest européen, tome 8, 2000. Géographies culturelles. pp. 65-73