592 research outputs found

    Giant suppression of the Drude conductivity due to quantum interference in disordered two-dimensional systems

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    Temperature and magnetic field dependences of the conductivity in heavily doped, strongly disordered two-dimensional quantum well structures GaAs/Inx_xGa1x_{1-x}As/GaAs are investigated within wide conductivity and temperature ranges. Role of the interference in the electron transport is studied in the regimes when the phase breaking length LϕL_\phi crosses over the localization length ξlexp(πkFl/2)\xi\sim l\exp{(\pi k_Fl/2)} with lowering temperature, where kFk_F and ll are the Fermi quasimomentum and mean free path, respectively. It has been shown that all the experimental data can be understood within framework of simple model of the conductivity over delocalized states. This model differs from the conventional model of the weak localization developed for kFl1k_Fl\gg 1 and LϕξL_\phi\ll\xi by one point: the value of the quantum interference contribution to the conductivity is restricted not only by the phase breaking length LϕL_\phi but by the localization length ξ\xi as well. We show that just the quantity (τϕ)1=τϕ1+τξ1(\tau_\phi^\ast)^{-1}=\tau_\phi^{-1}+\tau_\xi^{-1} rather than τϕ1\tau_\phi^{-1}, where τϕT1\tau_\phi\propto T^{-1} is the dephasing time and τξτexp(πkFl)\tau_\xi\sim\tau\exp(\pi k_F l), is responsible for the temperature and magnetic field dependences of the conductivity over the wide range of temperature and disorder strength down to the conductivity of order 102e2/h10^{-2} e^2/h.Comment: 11 pages, 15 figure

    Promoting abnormal grain growth in Fe-based shape memory alloys through compositional adjustments

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    Iron-based shape memory alloys are promising candidates for large-scale structural applications due to their cost efficiency and the possibility of using conventional processing routes from the steel industry. However, recently developed alloy systems like Fe–Mn–Al–Ni suffer from low recoverability if the grains do not completely cover the sample cross-section. To overcome this issue, here we show that small amounts of titanium added to Fe–Mn–Al–Ni significantly enhance abnormal grain growth due to a considerable refinement of the subgrain sizes, whereas small amounts of chromium lead to a strong inhibition of abnormal grain growth. By tailoring and promoting abnormal grain growth it is possible to obtain very large single crystalline bars. We expect that the findings of the present study regarding the elementary mechanisms of abnormal grain growth and the role of chemical composition can be applied to tailor other alloy systems with similar microstructural features

    BKV infection and hemorrhagic cystitis after allogeneic bone marrow transplant.

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    Hemorrhagic cystitis (HC) is a well-known complication after allogeneic bone marrow transplant (BMT) and can be related to adenovirus or human polyomavirus BK (BKV) infections. In this study a group of 20 patients after allogeneic BMT has been examined. BMT urine samples were analysed for the presence of Adenovirus and BKV DNA by means of polymerase chain reaction (PCR). 5/20 BMT patients developed HC after BMT. The presence of BKV DNA in urine samples was evident in 3/15 patients without HC and in 5/5 patients with HC. In 2/5 HC-patients the BKV DNA was not found after therapy with Cidofovir and Ribavirin. The search for adenovirus DNA in all samples was negative. The analysis of BKV non-coding control region (NCCR) isolated from urine samples revealed a structure very similar to the archetype in all samples. The RFLP (Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism assay) showed the presence of BKV subtypes I and IV, with the prevalence of subtype I (4/5). This study supports the hypothesis that HC is mainly related to BKV rather than to adenovirus infection in BMT patients. Moreover, since BKV subtype I was predominant, it is reasonable to hypothesize that a specific BKV subtype could be associated with the development of HC

    Unwind: Interactive Fish Straightening

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    The ScanAllFish project is a large-scale effort to scan all the world's 33,100 known species of fishes. It has already generated thousands of volumetric CT scans of fish species which are available on open access platforms such as the Open Science Framework. To achieve a scanning rate required for a project of this magnitude, many specimens are grouped together into a single tube and scanned all at once. The resulting data contain many fish which are often bent and twisted to fit into the scanner. Our system, Unwind, is a novel interactive visualization and processing tool which extracts, unbends, and untwists volumetric images of fish with minimal user interaction. Our approach enables scientists to interactively unwarp these volumes to remove the undesired torque and bending using a piecewise-linear skeleton extracted by averaging isosurfaces of a harmonic function connecting the head and tail of each fish. The result is a volumetric dataset of a individual, straight fish in a canonical pose defined by the marine biologist expert user. We have developed Unwind in collaboration with a team of marine biologists: Our system has been deployed in their labs, and is presently being used for dataset construction, biomechanical analysis, and the generation of figures for scientific publication

    Abnormal "low grade" transformation zone: current diagnostic gold standard

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    The aim of this work was to examine different methods of investigation in the diagnosis of the abnormal "low grade" transformation zone of the portio. Over a period of one year 41 patients subjected to colposcopic examination underwent exo-endocervical sampling for oncologic evaluation and for detection of viral and bacterial infections (HPV, HSV. adenovirus, mycoplasmas and chlamydia trachomatis), as well as portio biopsy. A 65.8% correlation was found between cytology and the HPV-DNA test results. while histology and the presence of the HPV virus agreed in 51.4% of cases. In those cases in which minimal histological alterations were found (koilocytosis) a high percentage of HPV negativity was found. In discordant negative cytologic tests that were however positive for HPV by PCR. the genotypes identified were always 6 and 11

    Committing to Anti-Bias Anti-Racist Teaching: From Activity to Habits of Mind

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    With the need to prepare teacher candidates to work with an increasingly diverse student body in U.S. schools, a multi-institutional collaborative self-study group was formed to examine ways in which teacher educators could expand beyond practice-based literacy preparation to support candidates’ understanding and implementation of critical pedagogies. The self-study served as a catalyst for interrogating the identities the teacher educators brought to their practice and began a journey that transformed a focus on critical literacies into a commitment to action for change through anti-bias anti-racist work. This paper draws from group dialogue and reflective journals to examine specific practices implemented with teacher candidates to transform their practice by considering critical literacies, asset- and deficit-based language, and the identity work of teachers and students. Insights of the self-study suggest that attention to critical pedagogies must go beyond instructional activity to consider the habits of mind essential for cultivation to support a commitment to action for anti-bias anti-racist education. The paper concludes by examining these core habits of mind and their impact on the trajectory of the group’s work toward leveraging language and literacy for activism and justice in teacher education contexts

    Evaluation of the new modular biogents BG-Pro mosquito trap in comparison to CDC, EVS, BG-Sentinel, and BG-Mosquitaire traps

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    Mosquito surveillance is an essential component of mosquito control and mosquito traps are a universally employed tool to monitor adult populations. The objective of this paper was to evaluate the new modular Biogents BG-Pro mosquito trap (BGP) and compare its performance to 4 widely used traps for adult mosquitoes: the BG-Sentinel (BGS), the BG Mosquitaire (BGM), the CDC miniature light trap (CDC), and the encephalitis vector survey trap (EVS). One semi-field and 9 field Latin square trials were performed in 7 countries. Results showed that the collection performance of the BGP was equivalent to or exceeded that of the BGS, BGM, CDC, and EVS traps in head-to-head comparisons. The BGP uses 35% less power than the CDC and 75% less than the BGS and BGM. This lower power consumption allows it to run at 5 V for 2 days using a small lightweight 10,000-mAh rechargeable power bank. The BG-Pro is an excellent alternative for the surveillance of mosquito species that are usually monitored with BG-Sentinel, CDC, or EVS traps

    Reconstruction of incomplete X ray diffraction pole figures of oligocrystalline materials using deep learning

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    X ray diffraction crystallography allows non destructive examination of crystal structures. Furthermore, it has low requirements regarding surface preparation, especially compared to electron backscatter diffraction. However, up to now, X ray diffraction has been highly time consuming in standard laboratory conditions since intensities on multiple lattice planes have to be recorded by rotating and tilting. Furthermore, examining oligocrystalline materials is challenging due to the limited number of diffraction spots. Moreover, commonly used evaluation methods for crystallographic orientation analysis need multiple lattice planes for a reliable pole figure reconstruction. In this article, we propose a deep learning based method for oligocrystalline specimens, i.e., specimens with up to three grains of arbitrary crystal orientations. Our approach allows faster experimentation due to accurate reconstructions of pole figure regions, which we did not probe experimentally. In contrast to other methods, the pole figure is reconstructed based on only a single incomplete pole figure. To speed up the development of our proposed method and for usage in other machine learning algorithms, we introduce a GPU based simulation for data generation. Furthermore, we present a pole widths standardization technique using a custom deep learning architecture that makes algorithms more robust against influences from the experiment setup and materia