31 research outputs found

    Developing jatropha projects with smallholder farmers

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    Based on the observation, the analysis and the comparison of four smallholder based jatropha projects developed by Eco-Carbone, located in distinct climatic and socio-economical conditions, this paper aims at drawing on the operator’s experience to show what are the social, technical and economical prerequisites and the necessary management strategies, for such projects to be a success, both for the project operator and the farmers. Beyond the climatic and soil conditions which need to be present, the existing dynamics of the farming system should be assessed in order to establish whether and how, jatropha can be integrated in the existing farming system. Jatropha shall represent only a complementary income to farmers’ existing agriculture income; therefore, the time, capital and land that farmers will be ready to dedicate to this crop will be proportionate to the revenue they yield. It is also necessary to assess the government’s energy policy in terms of subsidies and tax. The sale price of the oil and fertiliser will define the purchasing price of the grain from the farmers and therefore, the profitability of establishing jatropha plantations for the farmers and developing the whole project for the operator. A jatropha project will thrive if the mass of grains purchased from the farmers reaches the expected targets. Adapted cultivation practices and improved genetics shall be introduced to optimise the technical potential of jatropha. However, once the trees start producing, the purchasing price is a fundamental variable in the success of a jatropha project. It needs to be interesting enough for farmers to harvest, shell, dry and sell their grains. However, this level of price can be maintained as long as the project developer can ensure or anticipate sufficient value extraction from both oil and seedcake commercialization on the market. Until the trees reach full production, short-term revenue strategies need to be devised for the farmers and for the project operator. These include the production of annual cash crops intercropped with the jatropha which provide an income for the farmers and in some cases, they would also benefit from a share on the sale in advance of sequestration carbon credits generated by jatropha plantations that the project developer will conduct in order to finance the first years of the project.Cet article repose sur l’observation, l’analyse et la comparaison de quatre projets de jatropha développés par Eco-Carbone dans de petites exploitations agricoles situées dans des régions distinctes en termes de conditions climatiques et socio-économiques. Son objectif est d’identifier, à partir de l'expérience du responsable de projet, les pré-requis sociaux, techniques et économiques et les stratégies de gestion nécessaires à la réussite de tels projets, à la fois pour le responsable du projet et pour les agriculteurs. Outre des conditions climatiques et de sol propices à la culture du jatropha, une évaluation de la situation actuelle du système agricole est nécessaire afin de déterminer si le jatropha peut être intégré dans le système existant et, le cas échéant, de quelle manière. Le jatropha ne doit constituer qu’un revenu de complément pour les agriculteurs ; par conséquent, le temps, le capital et la terre que les agriculteurs sont prêts à consacrer à cette culture sont proportionnels au rendement attendu. Il est également nécessaire d’évaluer les subventions et les impôts applicables dans le cadre de la politique énergétique gouvernementale. Le prix de vente du pétrole et des engrais détermine le prix d’achat du grain auprès des agriculteurs et ainsi, la rentabilité de la mise en place de plantations de jatropha pour les agriculteurs et du développement de l’ensemble du projet pour le responsable. Un projet jatropha ne peut réussir que si la masse de graines achetée aux agriculteurs donne les résultats attendus. Des pratiques de culture adaptées et des améliorations génétiques doivent donc être introduites afin d‘optimiser le potentiel technique du jatropha. Cependant, une fois que l’arbre commence à produire des fruits, le prix d’achat est une variable essentielle à la réussite d’un projet de jatropha. Il doit en effet être suffisamment attractif pour que les agriculteurs soient prêts à récolter, récupérer, faire sécher et vendre les graines. Ce niveau de prix peut être maintenu tant que le responsable de projet peut assurer ou anticiper des revenus suffisants de la commercialisation de l'huile et de tourteaux sur le marché. Tant que les arbres n'ont pas atteint leur pleine production, il est nécessaire d'élaborer des stratégies d’optimisation des revenus à court-terme à la fois pour les agriculteurs et pour le responsable du projet. Ces stratégies incluent la production de cultures commerciales annuelles intercalées avec le jatropha afin d’assurer un revenu aux agriculteurs. Dans certains cas, les agriculteurs se verront verser une part de la vente par anticipation des crédits carbone générés par le piégeage du carbone par les plantations de jatropha. Cette vente, conduite par le responsable de projet, permettra de financer les premières années du projet.Basándose en la observación, el análisis y la comparación de cuatro proyectos con jatrofa basados en la agricultura a pequeña escala desarrollados por Eco-Carbone, ubicados en distintas condiciones climáticas y socio-económicas, este artículo pretende recurrir a la experiencia del desarrollador para mostrar cuáles son los prerrequisitos sociales, técnicos y económicos y las estrategias de gestión necesarias, para que dichos proyectos sean un éxito, tanto para el desarrollador del proyecto como para los agricultores. Más allá de las condiciones climáticas y del suelo que es necesario que estén presentes, debe evaluarse la dinámica existente del sistema agrícola para establecer si y cómo, puede integrarse la jatrofa en el sistema agrícola existente. La Jatrofa debe representar solamente un ingreso complementario a los ingresos de la agricultura existente de los agricultores; por lo tanto, el tiempo, el capital y la tierra que los agricultores estarán dispuestos a dedicar a este cultivo serán proporcionales a los ingresos que producen. También es necesario evaluar la política energética del gobierno en términos de subsidios e impuestos. El precio de venta del aceite y el fertilizante definirá el precio de compra del grano pagado a los agricultores y, por lo tanto, la rentabilidad de establecer plantaciones de jatrofa para los agricultores y desarrollar todo el proyecto para el desarrollador. Un proyecto de jatrofa prosperará si la masa de granos adquirida a los agricultores alcanza los objetivos esperados. Se introducirán prácticas de cultivo adaptadas y genética mejorada para optimizar el potencial técnico de jatrofa. Sin embargo, una vez que los árboles comienzan a producir, el precio de compra es una variable fundamental en el éxito de un proyecto con jatrofa. Es necesario que sea lo bastante interesante para que los agricultores recojan, pelen, sequen y vendan sus granos. Sin embargo, este nivel de precio puede mantenerse mientras el desarrollador del proyecto pueda garantizar o anticipar la extracción de valor suficiente de la comercialización tanto del aceite como de la torta de semillas en el mercado. Hasta que los árboles alcancen la producción completa, es necesario diseñar estrategias de ingresos a corto plazo para los agricultores y para el desarrollador del proyecto. Éstas incluyen la producción de cultivos amortizables de forma anual intercalados con jatrofa que proporcione ingresos para los agricultores y en algunos casos, también se beneficiarían de una parte de la venta por adelantado de bonos de secuestro de carbono generados por plantaciones de jatrofa que el desarrollador del proyecto realizará para financiar los primeros años del proyecto

    How to improve outbreak response: a case study of integrated outbreak analytics from Ebola in Eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo.

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    The emerging field of outbreak analytics calls attention to the need for data from multiple sources to inform evidence-based decision making in managing infectious diseases outbreaks. To date, these approaches have not systematically integrated evidence from social and behavioural sciences. During the 2018-2020 Ebola outbreak in Eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo, an innovative solution to systematic and timely generation of integrated and actionable social science evidence emerged in the form of the Cellulle d'Analyse en Sciences Sociales (Social Sciences Analytics Cell) (CASS), a social science analytical cell. CASS worked closely with data scientists and epidemiologists operating under the Epidemiological Cell to produce integrated outbreak analytics (IOA), where quantitative epidemiological analyses were complemented by behavioural field studies and social science analyses to help better explain and understand drivers and barriers to outbreak dynamics. The primary activity of the CASS was to conduct operational social science analyses that were useful to decision makers. This included ensuring that research questions were relevant, driven by epidemiological data from the field, that research could be conducted rapidly (ie, often within days), that findings were regularly and systematically presented to partners and that recommendations were co-developed with response actors. The implementation of the recommendations based on CASS analytics was also monitored over time, to measure their impact on response operations. This practice paper presents the CASS logic model, developed through a field-based externally led consultation, and documents key factors contributing to the usefulness and adaption of CASS and IOA to guide replication for future outbreaks

    La Midist et la vulgarisation scientifique et technique

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    The association between educational level and adult mortality at individual level in Europe: a systematic review and meta-analysis

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    Introduksjon Sosiale ulikheter bidrar til for tidlig dødelighet i Europa. Siden de er assosiert med modifiserbare faktorer, kan disse ulikhetene være følsomme for inngrep. Utdanning er av spesiell interesse for studiet av sosiale ulikheter. Utdanning er stabil gjennom voksen alder, og datainformasjon om utdanning er vanligvis lett å samle. Tilgjengelig litteratur bekrefter eksistensen av utdanningsulikheter i dødeligheten, og disse ulikhetene varierer avhengig av hvilke utdanningsnivåer som sammenlignes, kjønn, alder og på tvers av forskjellige regioner. Imidlertid mangler det oppsummerte resultater om utdanningsulikheter på europeisk nivå. Mål Denne oppgaven tar sikte på å gjennomføre en systematisk gjennomgang og metaanalyse for å utforske sammenhengen mellom utdannelsesnivå og alle forårsaker dødelighet i Europa. Kunnskap om dette temaet kan gi grunnlag for politikkutforming og videre forskning. Hensynet vil bli gitt til hvordan utdanningsulikhetene i dødelighet varierer når man sammenligner forskjellige utdanningsnivåer, regioner, tidsperioder og sosiale grupper. Metoder 15017 artikler ble identifisert etter et søk i forskjellige databaser. Sammendrag screening, detaljert lesing og datautvinning ble gjennomført med Center for Global Health Inequalities Research (CHAIN), mens dataanalysen ble utført individuelt. Forekomst av dødelighet var sammenlignet mellom forskjellige utdanningsnivåer og ved stratifisering etter region, tid, alder og kjønn. Resultater Sammenhengen mellom utdanningsnivå og dødelighet er sterkest når man sammenligner høy utdannelse vs. lav utdannelse. Imidlertid har et ekstra utdanningsår alene fortsatt en statistisk signifikant effekt på dødeligheten. Ulikheter er større i Øst-Europa, og lavere i Britiske Øyene. De har økt over tid, er sterkere hos menn og yngre voksne. Konklusjon Ulikheter i utdanningen varierer når man sammenligner forskjellige utdanningsnivåer, regioner, tidsperioder eller grupper. Ytterligere forskning kan bidra til å identifisere antall utdanningsår som er mest effektivt for å redusere dødsfaren, og forklare årsakene bak regionale ulikheter i utdanningsulikheter og deres økning over tid. Felles implikasjoner av disse funnene inkluderer behovet for en bedre forståelse av hvilken rolle ulike mediatorer og konfunderer spiller i sammenheng mellom utdanning og dødelighet. Potensialet for tiltak gjenstår: det faktum at utdanningsulikhetene varierer, viser at de kan modifiseres

    Developing jatropha projects with smallholder farmers

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    Based on the observation, the analysis and the comparison of four smallholder based jatropha projects developed by Eco-Carbone, located in distinct climatic and socio-economical conditions, this paper aims at drawing on the operator’s experience to show what are the social, technical and economical prerequisites and the necessary management strategies, for such projects to be a success, both for the project operator and the farmers. Beyond the climatic and soil conditions which need to be present, the existing dynamics of the farming system should be assessed in order to establish whether and how, jatropha can be integrated in the existing farming system. Jatropha shall represent only a complementary income to farmers’ existing agriculture income; therefore, the time, capital and land that farmers will be ready to dedicate to this crop will be proportionate to the revenue they yield. It is also necessary to assess the government’s energy policy in terms of subsidies and tax. The sale price of the oil and fertiliser will define the purchasing price of the grain from the farmers and therefore, the profitability of establishing jatropha plantations for the farmers and developing the whole project for the operator. A jatropha project will thrive if the mass of grains purchased from the farmers reaches the expected targets. Adapted cultivation practices and improved genetics shall be introduced to optimise the technical potential of jatropha. However, once the trees start producing, the purchasing price is a fundamental variable in the success of a jatropha project. It needs to be interesting enough for farmers to harvest, shell, dry and sell their grains. However, this level of price can be maintained as long as the project developer can ensure or anticipate sufficient value extraction from both oil and seedcake commercialization on the market. Until the trees reach full production, short-term revenue strategies need to be devised for the farmers and for the project operator. These include the production of annual cash crops intercropped with the jatropha which provide an income for the farmers and in some cases, they would also benefit from a share on the sale in advance of sequestration carbon credits generated by jatropha plantations that the project developer will conduct in order to finance the first years of the project

    Recherche à suivre: Une série de vidéoclips scientifiques de l'Inserm

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    International audienc

    Chapitre IX. À quelle échelle expliquer la production de lait ?

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    Depuis 1998, l’Inde est devenue premier producteur de lait devant les États-Unis, avec une production de près de 74 millions de tonnes. De la dépendance envers l’aide internationale, le pays est passé à l’autosuffisance. Cet exploit est le résultat de plus de vingt-cinq années d’effort, que ce soit au niveau de la production (amélioration de l’alimentation du bétail et des pratiques d’élevage) ou à celui de la collecte et de la distribution, grâce à la mise en place de quatre Operations Flood..