33 research outputs found

    Careers of highly educated self-initiated expatriates : observations from studies among Finnish business professionals

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    This chapter reviews existing literature about the careers of self-initiated expatriates and analyzes the different studies carried out among university level educated Finnish business professionals. A series of studies carried out among members of the Finnish Association of Business School Graduates during the last 15 years was cross-analyzed. The studies are based on three surveys and further interviews among their expatriate members (1999, 2004 and a follow-up study in 2012) also involving SIEs. Therefore, this chapter provide an overview of what we know about the careers of Finnish SIEs and show evidence of (1) their career motives, (2) the role of family considerations in the career decision making of SIEs, (3) the development of career capital and social capital during SIE-experiences, and also (4) longer-term career impacts of SIE-experiences. Based on the literature review and analysis of above mentioned studies we highlight the gaps in in the knowledge about SIEs and suggest areas where further research is needed.fi=vertaisarvioitu|en=peerReviewed

    A liquid profession: An ecological approach to the theory and knowledge that underpin the practice of public relations

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    This is a conceptual essay that explores the concept of knowledge as it relates to PR. It suggests an ecological knowledge architecture as a lens through which to understand the theories and concepts that support practice. It does so by drawing on the work of Zygmunt Bauman and his reflections on liquid modernity to inform and shape thinking and uses it as a thread to help synthesise scholarship from PR literature, knowledge and career scholarship and debates around professionalisation. It argues that by sub-dividing knowledge into explanatory, interventionist and practice principles greater clarity can be given to the know-how (functional skills) and know-that (theoretical knowledge) of PR. Additionally, by overlaying a postmodernist and liquid concept to this tripartite division of knowledge PR can be well placed to take advantage of the change in careers and capabilities necessary for work in the twenty-first century

    The impact of work-related values and work control on the career satisfaction of female freelancers

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    Using the job demands-resources theory incorporating a job-crafting perspective to develop a set of hypotheses, this study contributes to the self-employment and freelancing literature by examining whether female freelancers use their agency to mobilize their personal resources (i.e. work-related values) to craft their work resources (i.e. work–control indicators: work autonomy and time-spatial flexibility) to achieve more career satisfaction. Our structural partial least squares model (N = 203) shows that the work-related value ‘intrinsically rewarding work’ prompts two motivational processes that affect career satisfaction: one running directly to ‘career satisfaction’ and one through ‘work autonomy’. Although the value ‘work–life balance’ is positively associated with greater ‘time-spatial flexibility’, this does not affect career satisfaction. Moreover, we find negative associations between the value ‘financial security’, on the one hand, and the two work resources, on the other hand. Hence, the value financial security is negatively related to work autonomy towards career satisfaction. We conclude that female freelancers’ multiple, oftentimes blended values compete with one another, implying that achieving meaningful work, work–life balance and financial independence simultaneously is difficult in female freelancers’ careers. We discuss the study’s implications for future research and advocate labour–market stakeholders (e.g. freelancers, freelancers’ networks, career coaches, temporary work agencies, unions, local and national governments, educational institutions and public and private organizations) to partner in developing value-based career strategies and policies that account for less linear career paths in increasingly flexible and individualized markets and truly support (female) workers developing portfolios that better match with their multiple work-related values on a long-term basis

    The effects of having more than one good reputation on distributor investments in the film industry

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    Reputations of organizations and its individual members are valuable resources that help new organizations to get access to investment capital. Reputations, however, can have different dimensions. In this paper, we argue that an individual’s reputation along a particular dimension will have a positive effect on the behavior of investors when it is role congruent. In addition, we argue that also scoring favorably on the role-incongruent dimension at the same time—or, in other words, engaging in reputational category spanning—will weaken the positive effect of the role-congruent reputation. Our empirical setting is the film industry where we study the effect of the two main dimensions of reputation in cultural industries, artistic and commercial, of both directors and producers on the size of the investment by distributors. In this study, artistic reputation is based on professional critics’ reviews and commercial reputation on box office performance of the films in which individuals were involved in the past. We find that the commercial reputation of a film producer based on past box office performance has a positive effect on the size of the investment by film distributors. In addition, we find that directors who at the same time combine both a favorable commercial as well as an artistic reputation actually receive a lower investment from film distributors

    Boundaryless careers and the transfer of knowledge: A "middle earth" perspective

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    In this paper we draw on the high-profile, project-based, self-managed career of New Zealand film-maker Peter Jackson, which reflects an accumulation of knowledge creating an example of a new style of career, transforming the industry environment around him. We consider his career capital through three key 'ways of knowing' that comprise his values and motivation, his career-related skills and expertise, and his social and professional networks. The relational aspect of Jackson's knowledge is grounded in communities of practice he engaged in which established legitimacy amongst his peers in a global industry. This example has implications for knowledge transfer in higher education