26 research outputs found

    Improving Open Source Software Usability

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    Usability of open source systems is becoming a relevant topic for investigation given the proliferation of open source software. General assumptions do not favor a positive relationship between the existing open source development model and good usability due to a host of social context reasons. In this paper we provide empirical evidence on this issue through a case study using an open source project called Ganttproject. Results point to likely deficiencies in the open source model. An analysis of this phenomena and some potential solutions for improving open source usability are proposed

    The Converged Learning Model: Melding the Physical and Virtual Environments for Teaching and Learning Before, During, and After the Pandemic

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    We share, through this case study, how our converged learning model formed the basis for NJIT’s Pandemic Recovery Plan and describe how our mission while ensuring the safety and well-being of our campus community, endured. Having proven successful on a small scale, the converged learning model was expanded, by necessity, to most freshman and sophomore level classes in Fall 2020, with junior, senior, and graduate level courses added in Spring 2021. Through this modality, the social distance could be maintained by inviting only some of the students to physically attend each class session while others joined remotely, alternating invitations to allow all students the opportunity to attend class in person, and enabling our university to remain open essentially throughout the pandemic. Surveys captured student and faculty perceptions of the technology and the mode of learning and informed adjustments, and course evaluations assessed students’ perceptions of learning in the modality. Results suggest that the rapid expansion of converged learning initially challenged both students and faculty, but by the second semester, because of strategic planning and investments, every measured outcome showed improvement

    VDKMS: Vehicular Decentralized Key Management System for Cellular Vehicular-to-Everything Networks, A Blockchain-Based Approach

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    The rapid development of intelligent transportation systems and connected vehicles has highlighted the need for secure and efficient key management systems (KMS). In this paper, we introduce VDKMS (Vehicular Decentralized Key Management System), a novel Decentralized Key Management System designed specifically as an infrastructure for Cellular Vehicular-to-Everything (V2X) networks, utilizing a blockchain-based approach. The proposed VDKMS addresses the challenges of secure communication, privacy preservation, and efficient key management in V2X scenarios. It integrates blockchain technology, Self-Sovereign Identity (SSI) principles, and Decentralized Identifiers (DIDs) to enable secure and trustworthy V2X applications among vehicles, infrastructures, and networks. We first provide a comprehensive overview of the system architecture, components, protocols, and workflows, covering aspects such as provisioning, registration, verification, and authorization. We then present a detailed performance evaluation, discussing the security properties and compatibility of the proposed solution, as well as a security analysis. Finally, we present potential applications in the vehicular ecosystem that can leverage the advantages of our approach.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figures, accepted by IEEE Globecom 202

    A Comparison of Three Modes of Collaboration for Software Development

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    In the current environment of global collaboration, multiple models for collaborative ventures have been introduced. We consider traditional, contractual interactions as well as three modes of collaboration—supply-chain management, a standard virtual organization, and inter-organizational collaborative software development (ICSD). After outlining multiple characteristics of these modes, and their strengths and weaknesses, we examine how to select an approach for a software project, and characterize non-software-development applications for which an ICSD approach may be appropriate. Each of these can then be used as input in selecting an optimal mode and practices for the project

    The MEM project: experiences, challenges and outcomes of an international double master-level degree

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    [EN] Educating the workforce of the future to perform adeptly in the global environment as well as to surmount cross cultural boundaries is of a paramount necessity in today’s technologically advanced and complex settings. This environment has led institutions of higher education to seek international collaborations to face these challenges. Building on experiences and successes gained from a nearly decade long project entitled UMANE that was jointly supported by both the US Department of Education and the EU for undergraduate double/triple Bachelor’s degrees, this paper reports on an extension of the earlier partnership, to include a graduate level partnership that offers a double master degree between New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT) and University of Parma (UNIPR) that was put in place in 2015. In this work, we present the developed framework of this international cooperation, report on its challenges, and share our experiences. Specifically, the framework of the agreement establishes guidelines and course of study leading to double master degrees in the area of Engineering Management, one from NJIT and another from Parma University. Students in this program, usually, start their studies in Italy, attending the classes at their home Institution and then move to Newark, New Jersey, during the spring/second semester (6 months) of their first year, to attend NJIT classes. At the end of their studies, students will be awarded two master’s degrees in Engineering Management from the partnering universities.http://ocs.editorial.upv.es/index.php/HEAD/HEAD18Montanari, R.; Malek, LA.; Andrei, P.; Ferretti, G.; Valenti, S.; Mancinelli, LM.; Bernazzoli, A.... (2018). The MEM project: experiences, challenges and outcomes of an international double master-level degree. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 1125-1133. https://doi.org/10.4995/HEAD18.2018.8159OCS1125113

    Knowing Together, Learning Apart: A Proposed Framework for Supporting Individual Learning Through Collaborative Knowledge Building Tools

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    Learning theories and their supporting learning technologies fall into two broad categories: those that support individual learning and those that support communal knowledge building. This research in progress describes a hybrid framework that integrates these two categories and proposes the development of a comprehensive learning technology that encompasses both models. The system would support the cognitive processes necessary for collaborative knowledge building while simultaneously scaffolding the activities of individual exploration, understanding and internalization of knowledge. This paper describes the preliminary foundations for this hybrid framework, providing descriptions of existing learning theories and technologies and describing cognitive processes supported during various tasks in the proposed system

    Eljabiri and Deek Drivers For Software Process Modeling "Drivers For Software Process Modeling Evolution" Mini-Track: Information Technology Project Management

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    Software process modeling has undergone extensive changes in the last three decades, impacting process ' structure, degree of control, degree of visualization, degree of automation and integration. These changes can be attributed to several factors. This paper studies two types of these factors and their growth over the time dimension, and assesses their effect on the evolution of process modeling. An initial representation to address software process evolution was presented, then a literature survey for software process modeling was carried out which provided evidence of how the time dimension has affected the growth of problem and solution related factors that triggered process evolution. Finally, the paper concludes with a theoretical framework to serve as an illustrative model for the effects of the time dimension, problem-related factors and solution related factors on process modeling evolution. This framework can serve as to develop more advanced models for technological forecasting in software process modeling evolution

    Voting Methods and Information Exchange in Group Support Systems

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    Voting tools in Group Support Systems (GSS) have been considered valuable assets in groups’ decision processes. One important aspect of voting is the method of conducting the vote. Research in Social Choice Theory (SCT) has shown that different voting methods can lead to different voting outcomes. However, SCT seldom addresses how a voting method affects decision making processes. Voting methods interacting with the computation power and communication capability in GSS can also affect decision processes and outcomes. This paper reviews theories about voting methods and their implications to GSS. A classification of voting methods based on information exchange is proposed to examine the effect of voting methods on groups’ decision processes

    Toward a Comprehensive Framework for Software Process Modeling Evolution

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    Software process modeling has undergone extensive changes in the last three decades, impacting process' structure, degree of control, degree of visualization, degree of automation and integration. These changes can be attributed to several factors. This paper studies two of these factors, the time dimension and the interdisciplinary impact, and assesses their effect on the evolution of process modeling. A literature survey for software process modeling was carried out which provided evidence of how the time dimension and the interdisciplinary impact triggered process evolution and changes in methodology, technology, experience and business requirements. Finally, the paper concludes with a theoretical framework to serve as an illustrative model for the effects of the time dimension and interdisciplinary impact on process modeling evolution. This framework can serve as to develop more advanced models for technological forecasting in software process modeling evolution