103 research outputs found


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    The importance of school environment in to of students in secondary schools today in particular cannot be overemphasized. Participation in sport reduces the time off the classroom and shifts the student's attention from the study. They added that it was not probable for students to attain superiority and gratification in sports as well as in schooling. Researchers showed that extracurricular (sport and physical) activity participation was positively related to Grade Point Average, educational aspirations, educational /occupational attainment, and standardized achievement test scores. This study was done in different government and Private high schools comprised of both genders i.e., male and female from Quetta city were included as papulation in this research. Questionnaire responses were recorded to analyze sports impact on education. Most of respondents 49 (42.2%) strongly agreed on participation in sports activities has a link with academic's achievements. Current findings showed respondents were agreed on students participating in sports activities get good marks than those not participating in sports activities which is consistent with findings where they observed contribution in school sports, solely with other additional actions, is related with higher levels of psychosocial functioning and strong conduct than participation in other supplementary doings alone or nonparticipation. Participation in these activities improves mental development or cognition of students, grade point average and test scores. These activities have a positive effect on the memory and concentration of students in education. Key words: Sports, Participation, Academic Performance, Secondar

    Importance of Spoken English Language in our Professional Development and Life

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     Spoken English Language has become the life blood of our professional development and social life. In the worldwide market place spoken English has emerged as the lingua franca. There is a huge and growing demand, for training in Spoken English skills from individuals and companies in all sectors and in all parts of the world. The Importance of Spoken English Language in this age of globalization is essential. English language is the most important language of communication between different countries. UN has recognized 5 languages as its official languages one of them English takes the 1st position. English is spoken by communities on every continent and on oceanic islands in all the major oceans. English is the dominant international language in science, business, aviation, entertainment, and diplomacy, and also on the Internet. In most fields of work your ability to speak English can help you advance your career; helping you get the job you want and earn more money. No matter what your area of expertise, skill in English will contribute substantially to your success. Speaking and understanding English will allow a person to communicate with each other, besides this it offers you more chances of doing professional jobs not in your own country but around the world

    The Meijer transformation of generalized functions

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    This paper extends the Meijer transformation, Mμ, given by (Mμf)(p)=2pΓ(1+μ)∫0∞f(t)(pt)μ/2Kμ(2pt)dt, where f belongs to an appropriate function space, μ ϵ (−1,∞) and Kμ is the modified Bessel function of third kind of order μ, to certain generalized functions. A testing space is constructed so as to contain the Kernel, (pt)μ/2Kμ(2pt), of the transformation. Some properties of the kernel, function space and its dual are derived. The generalized Meijer transform, M¯μf, is now defined on the dual space. This transform is shown to be analytic and an inversion theorem, in the distributional sense, is established

    Epistaxis: comparison of chemical cautery with topical vasoconstrictor in adult anterior epistaxis

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    Background: To compare efficacy of 75% silver nitrate chemical cautery as opposed to topical vasoconstrictor spray (xylometazoline 0.1%) in adult anterior epistaxis.Methods: This randomized controlled trial study was carried out at SMHS Hospital Srinagar from Jan 2019 to Dec 2019. 110 subjects that presented to ENT & HNS emergency with epistaxis and fulfilled the inclusion criteria were selected. Subjects were randomly distributed into two groups. Group-A individuals were treated by cauterization with 75% silver nitrate and Group-B individuals were treated with topical vasoconstrictor spray (xylometazoline 0.1%). All the subjects were reviewed at 1 month and success was determined in terms of control of epistaxis from same side of nose.Results: The mean age of the cohort was 48.5yrs (age range, 17-59). There were total 60 (54.4%) males and 50 (45.4%) females among the cases. Both the groups were comparable as regards the age, sex, duration and frequency of epistaxis. 91.2% cases in Group-A (silver nitrate cautery) and 73.5% cases in Group-B (xylometazoline spray 0.1%) had no further epistaxis at one-month follow-up (p=0.014).Conclusions: Chemical cauterization with silver nitrate is a feasible and safe technique for the treatment of adult anterior epistaxis and is more effective than topical vasoconstrictor spray

    Hypoxemic measles pneumonitis in an immunocompetent adult

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    peer reviewedMeasles is a highly contagious viral disease and one of the biggest causes of morbidity and mortality in the world. Transmission occurs from person to person through direct contact or by aerosolization of pharyngeal secretions. It can be responsible for severe respiratory and neurological complications. The diagnosis is clinical, confirmed by serology, PCR or culture of the measles virus. Treatment is symptomatic and prevention is based on a well conducted vaccination. In severe cases, the use of vitamin A is recommended by the World Health Organization, at least in chidren. Antivirals (ribavirin) have not been shown to be effective in clinical practice. We present a severe respiratory form of measles, affecting a young immunocompetent adult

    encéphalite post-rougeoleuse chez un patient non-vacciné

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    peer reviewedMeasles is one of the most contagious diseases with, in 1/1000 case, an acute disseminated encephalomyelitis (ADEM) as complication for non-vaccinated population

    Dissection de l’aorte thoracique compliquée d’un syndrome coro narien aigu: un piège diagnostique évitable

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    peer reviewedLa dissection aortique entreprenant les coronaires constitue un défi diagnostique car le tableau clinique peut être confondu avec un syndrome coronarien aigu en raison des anomalies électrocardiographiques souvent observées. Lorsque c’est le cas, le traitement chirurgical est retardé et un traitement anticoagulant, antiagrégant, voire fibrinolytique peut être erronément entrepris. Le score de détection de la dissection aortique permet d’identifier les patients à risque de dissection aortique. Nous rapportons le cas d’un patient de 60 ans décédé d’une dissection aortique avec tamponnade cardiaque. Le diagnostic initialement retenu étant celui d’un syndrome coronarien aigu, le patient avait été traité par héparine et acide acétylsalicylique. Ce cas illustre le piège diagnostique entre le syndrome coronarien «isolé» et celui associé à une dissection aortique. Nous en profitons pour refaire une revue des recommandations 2020 de l’European Society of Cardiology pour la prise en charge des NSTEMI

    Rare Case of Ischaemic Stroke Following Cervical Transforaminal Injection

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    We report a case of brainstem infarction following a C5–C6 cervical transforaminal injection, a rare and serious neurological complication of this procedure. Cervical transforaminal steroid injection is a common therapy for patients with persistent cervical radiculopathy not relieved by conservative treatment, and is effective in 65–70% of cases. Unfortunately, this procedure may lead to serious complications such as neurological damage. These complications are rare but potentially fatal, as reported in our case. Complications could be due to three mechanisms: the technique itself, the cervical vascular anatomy and the properties of the product (corticoids). The neurological complications can be diagnosed through brain MRI. This case report focuses on the importance of a risk/benefit evaluation when performing this medical procedure

    Fatal serotonin syndrome induced by Ecstasy consumption

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