39 research outputs found

    The Importance of Banks in Foreign Exchange and the Implications of the Currency Risk over the Bank Management

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    The concentration and the role of the banks in the development of the currency market represents the first element on influencing the major players and their strategies on a global scale. The currency market is considered the system of the relations between financial and currency exchanges explained by the relation of buying and selling currency or buying-selling deposits throughout foreign coins. This market is also called FOREX (Foreign exchange market), being the biggest financial market in the world. The overcome of borders and the globalization of markets and countries conducted to the internationalization of monetary markets that have great implications in the currency risk of the banks. This paper aims to highlight the main features of the Forex currency market in the light of the extraordinary needs and ability of the banks and the financial system to assure the stability, which not only support the economy but also develop a complex sistem of instruments, transactions - both in the capital market and especially on the currency market - but also by products and derivatives in order to complete the proper satisfaction of clients and other banks. Next to these we add an imminent importance is established by the currency risk, which tend to ensure stability in the current crisis and understanding the tools and policies in global banking, the main goal being the control of national and international financial standards in banks and economy by conducting a stable bank management.currency market, financial markets, currency risk, bank management, globalization and internationalization, transaction, exchange, derivatives implications of currency risk.


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    Much of the academic finance theory is based on the assumption that individuals act rationally and behavioral finances treats investorsâ€(tm) choice based by behavioral biases. In contrast, neuro-finance (as a blending of psychology, neurology and finance) attempts to understand behavior by examining the physiological processes in the human brain when exposed to financial risk. Scientists map the mind to learn how fear and greed drive the financial markets. The paper, will briefly present why neurofinance is important and how will be able to provide in the near future a number of effective tools for improved financial decision making.Emotions, Behavioral Finance, Neurofinance, Brain, Risk taking, Affect, Beliefs, Dopamine, fMRI

    Trends of the Contagion Risk in Sovereign Spreads for Emerging European Countries

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    We investigate the sovereign spreads behavior of the European emerging countries using the clustering technique. Our main finding is that the distances between spreads during high volatile times is significantly lower than in normal periods, that is, the correlation is much higher. Secondly, the market sentiment explains a much higher percentage of the spreads movements during turbulent times. Thirdly, the link between spreads and macroeconomic fundamentals seems to be blurred compared with the expectations from the economic theory.contagion spreads, emerging markets, clustering

    Using the Multivariate Data Analysis Techniques on the Insurance Market

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    In the present financial theory, we confront with complex economic phenomena and activities which cannot be studied or analyzed profoundly because of the plurality of existing variables, ratios and information. The economic, financial and social activity carried on under crisis or economic growth conditions registered year by year a development of the products and instruments in use. The complexity of the economic area may be simplified through techniques of multi-dimensional analysis. Such a method is the analysis of the principal components which allows the decreasing of the initial causal space dimension generated by the functional links which are established among the initial explanatory variables. The dimension of this space is determined by the number of explanatory variables identified as causes of the economic phenomenon and the higher their number, the more difficult it is to analyze the initial causal space because the information volume, the complexity of calculations, the risk not to identify the contribution of each variable to the creation of the initial causal space variability and the decrease in the initial variables significance in case they would be inter-correlated grow. The simplification of the initial causal space means the determination of a change which consists in transition from a space with a large number of variables to another one of fewer dimensions, equivalent but on the conditions of keeping maximum information from the initial space and maximizing the variability of the new space (called principal space). Variables from the principal space represent the principal components, they are un-correlated and the vectors which define them have a unitary length.original variables, covariance matrix, eigenvalue, eigenvector, principal components, total variance, generalized variance, factor matrix, factor loadings, factor scores, classification

    The Monetary Policy and the Real Estate Market

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    In this paper, we intend to study the connection between monetary policy measures and the boom and bust cycles of the real estate markets in different countries. Many recent articles consider that central banks had an important contribution in triggering the global crisis and the collapse of the real estate markets during 2007-2009 due to the low monetary policy rates and the inadequate regulation and supervision of the banking system. We consider the generalization of this idea is an error, as certain central banks like the National Bank of Romania (NBR) adopted prudent policies in the pre-crisis period


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    The purpose of this paper is to reflect the behavioral biases that led to this global financial crisis. The paper presents briefly the real causes of the crisis (structural and cyclical factors) and puts a greater accent on the behavioral factors. The authors considered to structure the paper in three main pillars: behavioral factors, the collapse of ethical behavior and the role of behavioral finance in studying, regulating and assessment financial risks. The first pillar consists in a brief presentation of the behavioral factors such as: optimism and wishful thinking, overconfidence, greed, regret, pessimism, passing the responsibility, herding - groupthink, anchoring, representativeness biases, informational cascades and "this time is different" syndrome. The second pillar of the paper presents the collapse of ethical behavior that led to the global financial crisis: predatory lending practices, inappropriate compensation schemes, rating agencies behavior, corporate governance reforms and financial institutions opacity in their reporting. The third pillar presents the mismanagement of risk and regulations that led us into this global mess. The paper concludes with the need of integrating biases of human behavior into regulations in order to make them more effective and people become less financially vulnerable.behavioral finance, irrationality, regulation, crisis


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    A sustainable rate of real GDP growth is one of the best ways to promote the rise of living standards. From a neoclassical point of view the underlying factors that affect economic growth are saving, population growth and technological progress. UnemploymEconomic growth, Natural rate of unemployment, Okuns's law

    The estimation of the equilibrium real exchange rate for Romania

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    This paper aims to estimate the equilibrium real exchange rate for Romania, respectively the real exchange rate consistent with the macroeconomic balance, which is achieved when the economy is operating at full employment and low inflation (internal balance) and has a current account that is sustainable (external balance). This equilibrium real exchange rate is very important for an economy because deviations of the real exchange rate from its equilibrium value can affect the competitiveness of a country. An overvalued real exchange rate will determine a lack of external competitiveness and deteriorate the country’s real activity. An undervalued exchange rate will increase on short term exports and it will lower the current account deficit but, on the long term it will increase the inflationary pressures. The equilibrium real exchange rate is also a very important variable for a country who wishes to join ERM II. In fact the central parity should be chosen to reflect the equilibrium exchange rate. The conclusion is that the real exchange rate had some important deviations from its equilibrium value which were determined by the liberalization of the prices and of the foreign exchange market and by the fluctuations of the nominal exchange rate. These deviations are not likely to put at risk the entry in ERM II.peer-reviewe


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    The main thesis of this paper represents the importance and the effects that human behavior has over capital markets. It is important to see the link between the asset valuation and investor sentiment that motivate to pay for an asset a certain prices over/below the intrinsic value. The main behavioral aspects discussed are emotional factors such as: fear of regret, overconfidence, perseverance, loss aversion ,heuristic biases, misinformation and thinking errors, herding and their consequences.Behavioral finance, Investor psychology, Irrationality, market efficiency, Behavioral biases, limits to arbitrage