726 research outputs found

    Rare Top-quark Decays to Higgs boson in MSSM

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    In full one-loop generality and in next-to-leading order in QCD, we study rare top to Higgs boson flavour changing decay processes t→qht\to q h with q=u,cq=u,c quarks, in the general MSSM with R-parity conservation. Our primary goal is to search for enhanced effects on Br(t→qh)Br(t\to q h) that could be visible at current and high luminosity LHC running. To this end, we perform an analytical expansion of the amplitude in terms of flavour changing squark mass insertions that treats both cases of hierarchical and degenerate squark masses in a unified way. We identify two enhanced effects allowed by various constraints: one from holomorphic trilinear soft SUSY breaking terms and/or right handed up squark mass insertions and another from non-holomorphic trilinear soft SUSY breaking terms and light Higgs boson masses. Interestingly, even with O(1)\mathcal{O}(1) flavour violating effects in the, presently unconstrained, up-squark sector, SUSY effects on Br(t→qh)Br(t\to q h) come out to be unobservable at LHC mainly due to leading order cancellations between penguin and self energy diagrams and the constraints from charge- and colour-breaking minima (CCB) of the MSSM vacuum. An exception to this conclusion may be effects arising from non-holomorphic soft SUSY breaking terms in the region where the CP-odd Higgs mass is smaller than the top-quark mass but this scenario is disfavoured by recent LHC searches. Our calculations for t→qht\to q h decay are made available in SUSY_FLAVOR numerical library.Comment: 32 pages, 6 figures; version accepted for publication in JHEP: additional comparison with literature added, minor misprints correcte

    Mass Insertions vs. Mass Eigenstates calculations in Flavour Physics

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    We present and prove a theorem of matrix analysis, the Flavour Expansion Theorem (or FET), according to which, an analytic function of a Hermitian matrix can be expanded polynomially in terms of its off-diagonal elements with coefficients being the divided differences of the analytic function and arguments the diagonal elements of the Hermitian matrix. The theorem is applicable in case of flavour changing amplitudes. At one-loop level this procedure is particularly natural due to the observation that every loop function in the Passarino-Veltman basis can be recursively expressed in terms of divided differences. FET helps to algebraically translate an amplitude written in mass eigenbasis into flavour mass insertions, without performing diagrammatic calculations in flavour basis. As a non-trivial application of FET up to a third order, we demonstrate its use in calculating strong bounds on the real parts of flavour changing mass insertions in the up- squark sector of the MSSM from neutron Electric Dipole Moment (nEDM) measurements, assuming that CP-violation arises only from the CKM matrix.Comment: 23 page

    The R-Parity Violating Minimal Supergravity Model

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    We present the minimal supersymmetric standard model with general broken R-parity, focusing on minimal supergravity (mSUGRA). We discuss the origins of lepton number violation in supersymmetry. We have computed the full set of coupled one-loop renormalization group equations for the gauge couplings, the superpotential parameters and for all the soft supersymmetry breaking parameters. We provide analytic formule for the scalar potential minimization conditions which may be iterated to arbitrary precision. We compute the low-energy spectrum of the superparticles and the neutrinos as a function of the small set of parameters at the unification scale in the general basis. Specializing to mSUGRA, we use the neutrino masses to set new bounds on the R-parity violating couplings. These bounds are up-to five orders of magnitude stricter than the previously existing ones. In addition, new bounds on the R-parity violating couplings are also derived demanding a non-tachyonic sneutrino spectrum. We investigate the nature of the lightest supersymmetric particle and find extensive regions in parameter space, where it is not the neutralino. This leads to a novel set of supersymmetric signatures, which we classify.Comment: 42 pages, revtex4, 8 figures. Revised version corrects a factor of 2 in Eq. (86) with associated numerical corrections to Tables III,IV and Fig. I. Conclusions left unchange

    Topcolor assisted technicolor models and muon anomalous magnetic moment

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    We discuss and estimate the contributions of the new particles predicted by topcolor assisted technicolor(TC2) models to the muon anomalous magnetic moment aμa_{\mu}. Our results show that the contributions of Pseudo Goldstone bosons are very small which can be safely ignored. The main contributions come from the ETC gauge boson xμx_{\mu} and topcolor gauge boson Z′Z^{\prime}. If we demand that the mass of Z′Z^{\prime} is consistent with other experimental constrains, its contributions are smaller than that of xμx_{\mu}. With reasonable values of the parameters in TC2 models, the observed BNL results for aμa_{\mu} could be explained.Comment: latex file, 11 pages, several figures and references adde

    Light bottom squark and gluino confront electroweak precision measurements

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    We address the compatibility of a light sbottom (mass 2\sim 5.5 \gev) and a light gluino (mass 12\sim 16 \gev) with electroweak precision measurements. Such light particles have been suggested to explain the observed excess in the bb quark production cross section at the Tevatron. The electroweak observables may be affected by the sbottom and gluino through the SUSY-QCD corrections to the ZbbZbb vertex. We examine, in addition to the SUSY-QCD corrections, the electroweak corrections to the gauge boson propagators from the stop which are allowed to be light from the SU(2)L_L symmetry. We find that this scenario is strongly disfavored from electroweak precision measurements unless the heavier sbottom mass eigenstate is lighter than 180\gev and the left-right mixing in the stop sector is sufficiently large. This implies that one of the stops should be lighter than about 98\gev.Comment: 4 pages, revtex, 2 figures. Reference added, version to appear in Phys.Rev.Let
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