20 research outputs found

    Rapid Assesment Pencatatan Sipil dan Statistik Hayati di Tiga Daerah di Indonesia

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    A good Civil Registration and Biological Statistics system are the basis for planning, monitoring, and evaluating development programs. Decision-makers and policies are highly dependent on timely, complete statistical data and reliable methods. Therefore it is necessary to do a Rapid Assessment which aims to conduct a quick evaluation of the strengths and weaknesses of the current birth, death, and cause of death registration system. The method is qualitative research with discussion methods and information confirmation. The rapid assessment questionnaire is from WHO. It contains 25 questions. The research location was chosen purposively, namely Padang Pariaman Regency, Makassar City, Kudus Regency. The research took place in August 2019. The total rapid assessment scores of Padang Pariaman Regency, Makassar City, and Kudus Regency were 42.67%, 49.33%, 57.33% respectively. The total scores in the 3 study areas are in the same range of values, 34-64%. This range of values ​​indicates that many aspects of the system are not functioning properly, and many problems require attention. Three research areas have different shortcomings. We need different strategies that depend on their characteristics and require cross-sector collaboration

    Tingkat Pengetahuan, Sikap, dan Tindakan Jemaah Haji terkait Istithaah Kesehatan di Indonesia

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    The number of Indonesian pilgrims in 2018 was 205,886 people.  Pilgrims who died in Saudi Arabia, both in Medina, Makkah, and Jeddah were 386 people. Based on the embarkation, the majority of hajj pilgrims who died in Saudi Arabia was from the embarkation of SUB (Surabaya) of 68 people (17.62%). This number was the highest compared with previous years. The increase in the number of pilgrims who died is closely related to the old age and the possession of chronic and degenerative diseases so that they experience complications during the pilgrimage. The Ministry of Health has issued a policy on the hajj health istithaah. To find out about the holding of the hajj pilgrims about health, a study was carried out on the description of knowledge of attitudes and actions as well as the dominant factors regarding health Istithaah. The study used a quantitative approach with a cross-sectional design for interviews. The research locations were selected based on the number of pilgrims, namely DKI Jakarta, West Java, Central Java, and East Java. Samples were pilgrims who would perform the pilgrimage in 2018. Data analysis was carried out bivariate and multivariate. The results showed that the dominant factors that determine health Istithaah actions are knowledge, attitudes and waiting times, while the highest OR value is knowledge with an OR value of 2.689 (CI; 1.081 - 2.839), p-value 0.000 <0.05. This means that knowledge has a risk of 2.6 times the action of health isthitaah. Therefore, to increase knowledge and attitudes of prospective pilgrims need to be disseminated about health isthaah through health promotion programs. Abstrak   Jumlah Jemaah haji Indonesia pada tahun 2018 sebanyak 205.886 orang. Jemaah haji yang wafat selama masa operasional kesehatan haji di Arab Saudi, baik di Madinah, Makkah, dan Jeddah sebanyak 386 orang. Berdasarkan embarkasi, Jemaah haji wafat terbanyak berasal dari embarkasi SUB (Surabaya) sebanyak 68 orang (17,62%). Angka ini adalah yang tertinggi dibandingkan dengan tahun-tahun sebelumnya. Peningkatan jumlah jemaah yang meninggal tersebut sangat berkaitan dengan banyaknya jemaah yang lanjut usia, memiliki penyakit kronik dan degeneratif sehingga mengalami komplikasi pada saat perjalanan ibadah haji. Kementerian Kesehatan telah mengeluarkan kebijakan Istithaah kesehatan jemaah haji. Untuk mengetahui pemahanan jemaah haji tentang Istithaah kesehatan dilakukan kajian gambaran pengetahuan sikap dan tindakan serta faktor dominan mengenai Istithaah kesehatan. Penelitian menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan desain potong lintang untuk itu dilakukan wawancara. Lokasi penelitian dipilih pada jemaah haji terbanyak yaitu di DKI Jakarta, Jawa Barat, Jawa Tengah, dan Jawa Timur. Sampel adalah jemaah haji yang akan melakukan ibadah haji tahun 2018. Analisis data dilakukan bivariat dan multivariat. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Faktor dominan yang menentukan tindakan Istithaah kesehatan adalah pengetahuan, sikap dan waktu tunggu, sedangkan nilai OR yang tertinggi adalah pengetahuan dengan nilai OR 2,689 (CI; 1,081 – 2,839), p-value 0,000 < 0,05.  Artinya pengetahuan memiliki risiko 2,6 kali terhadap tindakan isthitaah kesehatan. Oleh karena itu untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan dan sikap calon Jemaah haji perlu sosialisasi mengenai istithaah kesehatan melalui program promosi kesehatan

    Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practice Health Care Workers on Disposable Mask Waste Management in the Post-COVID-19 Pandemic

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    Biomedical waste including disposable masks requires proper waste handling so it doesn’t pollute the environment and cause re-transmission of COVID-19 disease. The purpose of this study was to look at the relationship between the knowledge, attitudes and practices of the Public Health Centre in Pangandaran Regency. Methodology: Cross-sectional study approach to study assessed KAP. 91 participants were from 15 different public health centres in Pangandaran. Data analysis used chi-square statistical test. Presented with frequency distribution and the form of a tabulation. Result indicated knowledge of respondents was only 41.40% with high scores and practices with high scores were only 44.40% but attitudes towards disposable mask waste management with high scores reached 98.6%. There is a relationship between age and practice with a p-value of 0.009 and a relationship between knowledge and practice with a p-value below 0.05. Conclusion the participants had insufficient knowledge and practice scores but have good attitude scores. Our results conclude that the HCWs good attitude does not affect good practice but knowledge may lead to a proper practice. Findings of this study suggest that a regular training program for the HCWs on BMW specially on disposable mask management may lead to better practic


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    ABSTRACTIn Indonesia principal of activity control program Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever ( DHF) currently nowinclude epidemiological surveillance, discovery and case management, vector control, communityparticipation, early warning system (EWS), outbreaks, dissemination of information, partnerships, capacitybuilding, research, monitoring and evaluation. However, these activities not yed the expected results, it isindicates the need for other measures in order to improve the program in the prevention of dengue. Theprocess of transmission of dengue is a dynamic process, the study of the transmission of the disease need toinvolve the dynamic aspects of the dependence on time, which has been neglected in many studies that havebeen conducted relating to DHF. By involving the dynamic aspects of the transmission process will be toobtain a more precise conclusion in determining the disease control policies. For reasons these researchhas been done on the development of a model dengue control more specific and dynamic in Indramayudistrict, West Java. The purpose of the study to gain control model that can lower DHF Infection Rate( IR ) to zero percent. Results showed the free larvae index which reflect environmental hygiene at districof Indramayu West Jawa 60,0%. This illustrates that the breeding places eradication program in thedistrict well doing, was being in the district foging implementation in Indramayau was able to reduce theincidence of DHF either primary infection ( detectable IgM) and secondary infection ( IgG and IgMdetected ). Insect repellent can be used as an alternative for the prevention of the spread of dengue fevercan reduce the increase in the number of dengue infections. Basically Insect repellent use can reduce IR.The combination of fogging and insect repellent will be more effective in reducing the number of infections.RDT implementation and then immediately responded by conducting fogging or the use of insect repellentto prevent the spread of dengue fever so that the number of infection will be reduced.Keywords: Intervention Model , Dengue Fever Control ABSTRAKDi Indonesia kegiatan pokok program pengendalian Demam Berdarah Dengue (DBD) saat sekarangmeliputi surveilans epidemiologi, penemuan dan tatalaksana kasus, pengendalian vektor, peningkatan peranserta masyarakat, sistim kewaspadaan dini (SKD), penanggulangan Kejadian Luar Biasa (KLB),penyuluhan, kemitraan, capacity building, penelitian,survei, monitoring dan evaluasi. Namun berbagaikegiatan tersebut belum memberikan hasil yang diharapkan, hal ini mengindikasikan masih perlunya upayalain dalam rangka perbaikan program dalam penanggulangan DBD. Proses penularan DBD merupakanproses dinamik, dengan demikian kajian tentang penularan penyakit tersebut perlu melibatkan aspekdinamik tersebut ketergantungan terhadap waktu, yang selama ini diabaikan dalam berbagai penelitian yangtelah, dilakukan berkaitan dengan DBD. Dengan melibatkan aspek dinamik dari proses penularan tersebutakan diperoleh suatu kesimpulan lebih tepat dalam menentukan kebijakan penanggulangan penyakittersebut. Dengan alasan tersebut telah dilakukan penelitian tentang pengembangan model pengendalianDBD yang lebih spesifik dan dinamis di Kabupaten Indramayu Propinsi Jawa Barat. Tujuan penelitianuntuk mendapatkan model pengendalian DBD yang dapat menurunkan Infection Rate (IR) menjadi nolpersen. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan angka bebas jentik (ABJ) yang mencerminkan kebersihanlingkungan di Kabupaten Indramayu tertinggi 83,2%. Hal ini menggambarkan bahwa programPemberantasan Sarang Nyamuk (PSN) di kabupaten tersebut berjalan dengan baik. Pelaksanaan foging dilokasi penelitian tersebut ternyata dapat menurunkan insidensi DBD baik itu infeksi primer (terdeteksiIgM) maupun infeksi sekunder (terdeteksi IgG dan IgM). Insect repellent dapat dijadikan alternativepencegahan menularnya DBD karena dapat menurunkan peningkatan jumlah infeksi DBD. Pada dasarnya penggunaan Insect repellent dapat menurunkan IR. Kombinasi fogging dan insect repellent akan lebihefektif dalam menurunkan jumlah infeksi, karena dengan fogging 20% dan 40% Insect repellent , IRmenjadi satu orang. Pelaksanaan program kontainer tertutup dapat menurunkan peningkatan jumlah infeksiDBD pada saat outbreak dengan bertambahnya tingkat insect repellent menjadi 40%, dan tingkat fogging20% saja, nilai IR menjadi nol setelah hari ke 100. Pelaksanaan RDT dan kemudian segera ditanggapidengan dilakukan fogging atau penggunaan insect repellent dapat mencegah penyebaran DBD sehinggajumlah infeksi akan berkurang.Kata kunci: Model Intervensi, Pengendalian Demam Berdarah Dengu