63 research outputs found

    Ispitivanje svojstava metoda korištenih za razdvajanje ukupnog vodnog protoka u različitim rijekama

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    In this study, the performances of methods of flow separation into the surface flow and base flow of the total stream flow in rivers with different hydraulic features have been examined. For this purpose, daily mean stream flow data of Büyük Melen and Aksu Rivers which are in the same watershed but with different features (average flow value, catchment area, mean elevation) have been separated as surface flow and base flow with the use of Digital Filtering Method (DFM) and United Kingdom Institute of Hydrology Method (UKIH). The recession coefficient in DFM has been used as α = 0.830; and the number of elements for the groups formed to determine the turning points of flow data in UKIH has been used as N = 5. The study has revealed that the results of surface and base flows obtained by both flow separation methods show similarity in all rivers in an acceptable level; and the surface flow values agree better (R2 > 0,76) compared to base flow values (R2 > 0.63). However, it has been seen that as long as the total flow values decrease, the surface flow results for both methods come closer to each other; but the results of base flow get differentiated. This situation has been clearly seen in the results of surface (R2 > 0.89) and base (R2 > 0.63) flows belonging to Aksu River which has lower values of flow when compared to the ones of Büyük Melen River.U ovom radu su ispitivana svojstva metoda razdvajanja protoka u površinski protok i pridneni protok ukupnog vodnog protoka u rijekama s različitim hidrauličkim profilima. U tu svrhu, podaci srednjeg dnevnog vodnog protoka rijeka Büyük Melen i Aksu, koje pripadaju istom slivu, ali s vrlo različitim odrednicama (prosječni protok, površina sliva, srednja visina) radvojeni su na površinski protok i pridneni pritok korištenjem metode digitalnog filtriranja (DFM) i metode Instituta za hidrologiju Ujedinjenog Kraljevstva (UKIH). Za koeficijent recesije u DFM-u korištena je vrijednost α = 0.830. U UKIH metodi je korišteno 5 elementa (N = 5) za određivanje točke preokreta u protocima. U radu je pokazano da površinski i pridneni protoci dobiveni pomoću obje metode razdvajanja vodnog protoka pokazuju sličnost u svim rijekama na prihvatljivoj razini, te da se podaci površinskog protoka slažu bolje (R2 > 0,76) od onih s pridnenim vrijednostima protoka (R2 > 0.63). Međutim, vidljivo je da se, dokle god vrijednosti ukupnog protoka rastu, rezultati površinskog protoka određeni objema metodama približavaju, dok se rezultati pridnenih protoka sve više razlikuju. Ova je situacija jasno vidljiva u rezultatima površinskih (R2 > 0.89) i pridnenih (R2 > 0.63) protoka rijeke Aksu, koje imaju niže vrijednosti protoka u usporedbi s onima rijeke Büyük Mele

    Predictive factor for lymph node metastasis in non-metastatic colorectal adenocarcinomas

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    Objectives: To evaluate the predictive factors of lymph node involvement in non-metastatic colorectal adenocarcinomas (nmCRC). Methods: A total of 453 patients diagnosed with nmCRC were analyzed regarding T stage, lymphovascular invasion status, tumor grade and proposed risk score (RS), determined by the combination of these three factors for lymph node metastasis. Results: The median age was 62 (25-90 years), M/F ratio was 1.4:1 and majority of the patients had tumors localized on the left colon (70.6%). The number of excised lymph nodes was ≥12 in 77% of the cases. The postoperative pathological assessments revealed that 57.2% of patie,nts had N0 disease, 29.1% had N1 disease, and 13.7% had N2 disease. The T stages (p=0.007), grade (p<0.001), lymphovascular invasion (p=0.002), RS (p<0.001), and number of excised lymph nodes (p=0.029) were significantly different between N0, N1, and N2 patients. Higher RS was associated with lymph node metastasis (p<0.001). Conclusion: The risk score may predict lymph node metastasis in patients with nmCRC and if validated may be helpful in the decision-making of adjuvant chemotherapy, especially in the elderly and patients with inadequate lymph node dissection

    Comparison of the efficacy of cold pack application and incisional ropivacaine infiltration in postoperative pain management

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    YÖK Tez ID: 156663ÖZET Dede, B., postoperatif ağrı tedavisinde soğuk uygulama ve insizyonel ropivakain infiltrasyonunun etkinliklerinin karşılaştırılması, Kırıkkale Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Genel Cerrahi Anabilim Dalı Uzmanlık Tezi, Kırıkkale, 2004. Postoperatif dönemde hastanın motor kapasitesine zarar vermeden ve yan etkilerden olabildiğince uzak analjezi sağlamak için çalışmalar devam etmektedir. Biz de bu amaçla abdominal ameliyatlar sonrasında, yapılan soğuk uygulama ve ropivakain infiltrasyonun, ayrı ayrı ve her iki uygulamanın beraber kullanılmasıyla postoperatif ağrı ve analjezik tüketimi açısından etkinliklerini prospektif randomize çalışma ile izledik. Çalışmaya erişkin yaş grubu, ASA 1-3 olan 40 göbek üstü median ve 40 "Phannenstiel" Insizyonu ile ameliyat olan toplam 80 hasta dahil edildi. Hastalar her iki insizyon tipinde kapalı zarf usulü randomize edilerek dört gruba ayrıldı. Grup I (kontrol) hastalara hiçbir işlem uygulanmadı. Grup II (ropivakain) hastalara operasyon sonunda subkutan %0,5'lik ropivakain solüsyonundan 30 mi (150 mg) infiltrasyon anestezisi uygulandı. Grup III (ropivakain+soğuk uygulama) hastalara Grup ll'deki gibi infiltrasyon yapıldı ve daha sonra insizyonları üzerine "cold pack" yerleştirilerek soğuk terapi uygulandı. Grup IV (soğuk uygulama) hastalara sadece Grup I ll'deki gibi soğuk uygulama yapıldı. Postoperatif dönemde 2 saat ara ile 24 saat boyunca VAS ile hastaların ağrıları ve rahatsızlıkları değerlendirildi. Tüm hastalara PCA takılarak ilk 24 saatteki toplam narkotik analjezik ihtiyaçları kaydedildi. Postoperatif ikinci 24 saatteki toplam non-narkotik analjezik ihtiyacı değerlendirildi. Hastalar yan etki ve komplikasyonlar yönünden takip edildi. Toplam narkotik analjezik tüketiminin en az, VAS ağrı ve rahatsızlık skorlarının en düşük olduğu grubun, her iki insizyon tipinde de grup III olduğu görüldü. Toplam non- narkotik analjezik ihtiyacı "Phannenstiel" Insizyonu'nda Grup lll'de en az iken göbek üstü insizyonda Grup ll'de en az oldu. "Phannenstiel" Insizyonu'nda Grup II ve lll'de narkotik analjeziğe bağlı hiçbir yan etki gözlenmedi. Sonuç olarak abdominal ameliyatlar sonunda postoperatif ağrı yönetimindeVI ropivakain infiltrasyonu ile soğuk uygulamanın kombine kullanılması ve PCA cihazıyla desteklenmesiyle oluşturulan kombine bir yaklaşım ile postoperatif 24 saatte düşük ağrı skorları ve narkotik ihtiyacında azalma sağlanarak etkili bir analjezi oluşturulduğu görüldü. Anahtar Kelimeler: Postoperatif Analjezi, Ropivakain, Infiltrasyon Anestezisi, Soğuk Uygulama.vıı ABSTRACT Dede, B., Comparison of the efficacy of cold pack application and incisional ropivacaine infiltration in postoperative pain management, Department of General Surgery, Kirikkale University Medical School, Specialization Thesis, Kirikkale, 2004. There are studies about routes of establishing postoperative analgesia without any side effects and without rendering motor function. In this prospective randomized study concerning patients who underwent abdominal surgery, we analysed the efficacy of cold pack application and ropivacaine infiltration either alone or in combination in postoperative pain management and analgesic consumption. Eighty ASA 1-3 patients were enrolled to the study. Forty of the patients had upper midline incision whereas 40 patients had Phannenstiel Incision. For each category of incision, the patients were randomized into four groups using closed envelope method. Patients in Group I ( control group) received no medication. In Group II (ropivacine group), 30 ml of 0,5% ropivacaine solution was infiltrated subcutaneously at the end of each operation. In Group III ( ropivacaine+cold pack application group), infiltration anesthesia was applied in all patients as in Group II and later on cold packs were placed on the incisions. Only cold pack application was done in patients in Group IV (cold pack application group). In the postoperative period, the degree of pain and disturbance were assessed using VAS every 2 hours for 24 hours. PCA was used routinely in all of the patients and the need for narcotic analgesics in the first postoperative 24 hours was calculated as well as the second postoperative 24 hours. The patients were monitored for side effects and complications. The amount of total narcotic analgesic consumption, VAS for both pain and disturbance were least in Group III for both types of incision. For Phannenstiel Incision, the consumption for non narcotic analgesics was least in Group III whereas the consumption for non narcotic analgesics was least in Group II for upper midline incision. No side effects of narcotic analgesics were encountered in Group II and III for Phannenstiel Incision. As a result combination ofvııı ropivacaine infiltration and cold pack applicaton in addition to PCA provided an effective analgesia in abdominal operations. The need for postoperative narcotic analgesics were less and lower pain scores were recorded in the first postoperative 24 hours. Key Words: Postoperative Analgesia, Ropivacaine, Infiltration Anesthesia, Cold Pack Application

    Postoperatif Ağrı Tedavisinde Soğuk Uygulama Ve İnsizyonel Ropivakain İnfiltrasyonunun Etkinliklerinin Karşılaştırılması

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    Tez (Tıpta Uzmanlık) -- Kırıkkale Üniversitesi48235


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    Özet: Bu çalışmada. mononükleer bakır(II) Schiff bazı kompleksine bakır(II), mangan(II), kobalt(II) ve nikel(II) metal tuzlarının ilavesiyle dört yeni homo- ve heterodinükleer bakır(II) kompleksi sentezlenmiştir. Sentezlenen tüm komplekslerin yapıları elementel analiz, manyetik sussebtibilite, molar iletkenlik, FT-IR ve ICP-OES çalışmalarıyla aydınlatılmıştır. Metal komplekslerin elementel analiz, stokiyometrik ve spektroskopik verileri, dinükleer bakır(II) komplekslerde metal:ligand oranının 2:1 olduğunu ve bu komplekslerde bakır(II) iyonlarının Schiff bazları ve oksimlerdeki azot atomlarıyla koordinasyona girdiğini göstermiştir. Anahtar kelimeler: Schiff baz, oksim, bakır kompleksleri, dinükleer SYNTHESIS AND CHARACTERIZATION OF SOME NOVEL DINUCLEAR COPPER(II) SCHIFF BASE COMPLEXES Abstract: In this study, four novel homo- and heterodinuclear copper(II) complexes were synthesized by the addition of metal salts of copper(II), manganese(II), cobalt(II) and nickel(II) to the mononuclear copper(II) Schiff base complex. Synthesized all complexes were characterized by elemental analyses, magnetic susceptibility, molar conductivity, FT-IR and ICP-OES studies. Elemental analyses, stoichiometric and spectroscopic data of the metal complexes indicated that the metal:ligand ratio of dinuclear copper(II) complexes were found to be 2:1 and those Cu(II) ions are coordinated to the nitrogen atoms of the Schiff bases and oximes. Key words: Schiff base, oxime, copper complexes, dinuclea

    Oksim Grubu İçeren Dinükleer Fe(II) ve Mn(II) Komplekslerinin Sentezi, Karakterizasyonu, Katalaz ve Katekolaz Enzim Aktivitelerinin İncelenmesi

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    Özet: Bu çalışmada, oksim grubu içeren iki farklı ligand kullanılarak dinükleer demir(II) ve mangan(II) kompleksleri sentezlenmiştir. Bu yeni kompleksler elemental analiz, ICP-OES, FT-IR spektroskopisi, TG, manyetik duyarlılık ve iletkenlik ölçümleriyle karakterize edilmiştir. Sonuçlar H2L1 ve H4L2'nin dinükleer komplekslerinin sırasıyla 2:2 ve 2:1 metal:ligand oranına sahip olduklarını göstermektedir. Ayrıca her bir kompleksin imidazol varlığında hidrojen peroksitin disproporsiyonu reaksiyonundaki ve O2 varlığında 3,5-di-t-bütilkatekolün 3,5-di-t-bütilkinona yükseltgenmesi reaksiyonundaki katalitik etkinliği incelenmiştir. Tüm komplekslerin iyi katalaz ve katekolaz aktiviteye sahip oldukları bulunmuştur. Anahtar Kelimeler: oksim, kompleks, katalaz, katekolaz, enzim Abstract: In this study, dinuclear iron(II) and manganese(II) complexes were synthesized using two different ligands containing oxime group. These new complexes have been characterized by elemental analyses, ICP-OES, FT-IR spectra, TG, magnetic susceptibility and conductivity measurements. The results suggest that the dinuclear complexes of H2L1 and H4L2 have a metal:ligand ratio of 2:2 and 2:1, respectively. Furthermore complexes were each tested both for their ability to catalyse the disproportionation of hydrogen peroxide in the presence of the added base imidazole and oxidation reaction of 3,5-di-tert-butylcatechol to the 3,5-di-tert-butylquinone presence of O2. It was found that all complexes exhibited good both catalase and catecholase activity. Key words: oxime, complex, catalase, catecholase, enzym


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    In this study, the usability of a Co-Active Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System (CANFIS) as an alternative to the Digital Filtering (DFM) and United Kingdom Institute of Hydrology (UKIH) mathematical methods, which are frequently used for separating total stream flow into surface and base flow, was examined. Surface flow and base flow values determined from the daily average flow data of the Aksu Stream in the Melen Basin of Turkey's Northern Black Sea Region through the use of DFM (alpha = 0,830) and UKIH (N = 5) methods were used as the training and test data of CANFIS. The applications trained through DFM and UKIH were, respectively, titled as CANFIS(DFM) and CANFIS(UKIH). Performances of all of the methods used were compared by error analysis and the examination of base flow indexes (BFI). Obtained flow values and BFI results showed that the surface flow and base flow estimations of all methods are significantly similar, and that the base flow values provided by the UKIH and CANFIS(UKIH) methods were bigger than those obtained from the DFM and CANFIS(DFM) methods as reported in the studies included in the literature. In addition, it was understood that in both CANFIS(DFM) and CANFIS(UKIH) methods, the effects of the methods used for training were fairly limited on the surface flow (R-2=0,9709) and base flow (R-2=0,9765) test values. In conclusion, the study demonstrated that CANFIS can be used in the determination of surface flow and base flow without needing parameters required by the DFM and UKIH methods, namely, recession coefficient and number of members in minimum groups.https://doi.org


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    In this study, the usability of a Co-Active Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System (CANFIS) as an alternative to the Digital Filtering (DFM) and United Kingdom Institute of Hydrology (UKIH) mathematical methods, which are frequently used for separating total stream flow into surface and base flow, was examined. Surface flow and base flow values determined from the daily average flow data of the Aksu Stream in the Melen Basin of Turkey's Northern Black Sea Region through the use of DFM (alpha = 0,830) and UKIH (N = 5) methods were used as the training and test data of CANFIS. The applications trained through DFM and UKIH were, respectively, titled as CANFIS(DFM) and CANFIS(UKIH). Performances of all of the methods used were compared by error analysis and the examination of base flow indexes (BFI). Obtained flow values and BFI results showed that the surface flow and base flow estimations of all methods are significantly similar, and that the base flow values provided by the UKIH and CANFIS(UKIH) methods were bigger than those obtained from the DFM and CANFIS(DFM) methods as reported in the studies included in the literature. In addition, it was understood that in both CANFIS(DFM) and CANFIS(UKIH) methods, the effects of the methods used for training were fairly limited on the surface flow (R-2=0,9709) and base flow (R-2=0,9765) test values. In conclusion, the study demonstrated that CANFIS can be used in the determination of surface flow and base flow without needing parameters required by the DFM and UKIH methods, namely, recession coefficient and number of members in minimum groups