1,663 research outputs found

    Ultraviolet Properties of the Spinless, One-Particle Yukawa Model

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    We consider the one-particle sector of the spinless Yukawa model, which describes the interaction of a nucleon with a real field of scalar massive bosons (neutral mesons). The nucleon as well as the mesons have relativistic dispersion relations. In this model we study the dependence of the nucleon mass shell on the ultraviolet cut-off Λ\Lambda. For any finite ultraviolet cut-off the nucleon one-particle states are constructed in a bounded region of the energy-momentum space. We identify the dependence of the ground state energy on Λ\Lambda and the coupling constant. More importantly, we show that the model considered here becomes essentially trivial in the limit Λ\Lambda\to\infty regardless of any (nucleon) mass and self-energy renormalization. Our results hold in the small coupling regime.Comment: 30 pages, typos corrected, references extende

    Dirac Equation with External Potential and Initial Data on Cauchy Surfaces

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    With this paper we provide a mathematical review on the initial-value problem of the one-particle Dirac equation on space-like Cauchy hypersurfaces for compactly supported external potentials. We, first, discuss the physically relevant spaces of solutions and initial values in position and mass shell representation; second, review the action of the Poincar\'e group as well as gauge transformations on those spaces; third, introduce generalized Fourier transforms between those spaces and prove convenient Paley-Wiener- and Sobolev-type estimates. These generalized Fourier transforms immediately allow the construction of a unitary evolution operator for the free Dirac equation between the Hilbert spaces of square-integrable wave functions of two respective Cauchy surfaces. With a Picard-Lindel\"of argument this evolution map is generalized to the Dirac evolution including the external potential. For the latter we introduce a convenient interaction picture on Cauchy surfaces. These tools immediately provide another proof of the well-known existence and uniqueness of classical solutions and their causal structure

    On the spontaneous emission of electromagnetic radiation in the CSL model

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    Spontaneous photon emission in the Continuous Spontaneous Localization (CSL) model is studied one more time. In the CSL model each particle interacts with a noise field that induces the collapse of its wave function. As a consequence of this interaction, when the particle is electrically charged, it radiates. As discussed in [1], the formula for the emission rate, to first perturbative order, contains two terms: One is proportional to the Fourier component of the noise field at the same frequency as that of the emitted photon and one is proportional to the zero Fourier component of the noise field. As discussed in previous works, this second term seems unphysical. In [1], it was shown that the unphysical term disappears when the noises is confined to a bounded region and the final particle's state is a wave packet. Here we investigate the origin of the unphysical term and why it vanishes according to the previous prescription. For this purpose, the electrodynamic part of the equation of motion is solved exactly while the part due to the noise is treated perturbatively. We show that the unphysical term is connected to exponentially decaying function of time which dies out in the large time limit, however, approximates to 1 in the first perturbative order in the electromagnetic field.Comment: 10 pages, 1 figure, LaTe

    The Mass Shell of the Nelson Model without Cut-Offs

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    The massless Nelson model describes non-relativistic, spinless quantum particles interacting with a relativistic, massless, scalar quantum field. The interaction is linear in the field. We analyze the one particle sector. First, we construct the renormalized mass shell of the non-relativistic particle for an arbitrarily small infrared cut-off that turns off the interaction with the low energy modes of the field. No ultraviolet cut-off is imposed. Second, we implement a suitable Bogolyubov transformation of the Hamiltonian in the infrared regime. This transformation depends on the total momentum of the system and is non-unitary as the infrared cut-off is removed. For the transformed Hamiltonian we construct the mass shell in the limit where both the ultraviolet and the infrared cut-off are removed. Our approach is constructive and leads to explicit expansion formulae which are amenable to rigorously control the S-matrix elements.Comment: explanations added, typos correcte

    On the Existence of Dynamics of Wheeler-Feynman Electromagnetism

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    We study the equations of Wheeler-Feynman electrodynamics which is an action-at-a-distance theory about world-lines of charges that interact through their corresponding advanced and retarded Li\'enard-Wiechert field terms. The equations are non-linear, neutral, and involve time-like advanced as well as retarded arguments of unbounded delay. Using a reformulation in terms of Maxwell-Lorentz electrodynamics without self-interaction, which we have introduced in a preceding work, we are able to establish the existence of conditional solutions. These are solutions that solve the Wheeler-Feynman equations on any finite time interval with prescribed continuations outside of this interval. As a byproduct we also prove existence and uniqueness of solutions to the Synge equations on the time half-line for a given history of charge trajectories.Comment: 45 pages, introduction revised, typos corrected, explanations adde

    Quantum Dynamics with Bohmian Trajectories

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    We describe the advantages and disadvantages of numerical methods when Bohmian trajectory-grids are used for numerical simulations of quantum dynamics. We focus on the crucial non crossing property of Bohmian trajectories, which numerically must be paid careful attention to. Failure to do so causes instabilities or leads to false simulations.Comment: 17 pages, 18 figures; some typos corrected, 4 figures added, some paragraphs extended, source code extende

    Dynamics of Sound Waves in an Interacting Bose Gas

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    We consider a non-relativistic quantum gas of NN bosonic atoms confined to a box of volume Λ\Lambda in physical space. The atoms interact with each other through a pair potential whose strength is inversely proportional to the density, ρ=NΛ\rho=\frac{N}{\Lambda}, of the gas. We study the time evolution of coherent excitations above the ground state of the gas in a regime of large volume Λ\Lambda and small ratio Λρ\frac{\Lambda}{\rho}. The initial state of the gas is assumed to be close to a \textit{product state} of one-particle wave functions that are approximately constant throughout the box. The initial one-particle wave function of an excitation is assumed to have a compact support independent of Λ\Lambda. We derive an effective non-linear equation for the time evolution of the one-particle wave function of an excitation and establish an explicit error bound tracking the accuracy of the effective non-linear dynamics in terms of the ratio Λρ\frac{\Lambda}{\rho}. We conclude with a discussion of the dispersion law of low-energy excitations, recovering Bogolyubov's well-known formula for the speed of sound in the gas, and a dynamical instability for attractive two-body potentials.Comment: 42 page

    Effective Dynamics of a Tracer Particle Interacting with an Ideal Bose Gas

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    We study a system consisting of a heavy quantum particle, called tracer particle, coupled to an ideal gas of light Bose particles, the ratio of masses of the tracer particle and a gas particle being proportional to the gas density. All particles have non-relativistic kinematics. The tracer particle is driven by an external potential and couples to the gas particles through a pair potential. We compare the quantum dynamics of this system to an effective dynamics given by a Newtonian equation of motion for the tracer particle coupled to a classical wave equation for the Bose gas. We quantify the closeness of these two dynamics as the mean-field limit is approached (gas density \to\infty). Our estimates allow us to interchange the thermodynamic with the mean-field limit.Comment: 27 pages, typos corrected, a few more explanations adde