43 research outputs found

    Inconveniences of Memory. The Monument to the Soviet Army and Georgi Dimitrov’s Mausoleum in Sofia after 1989

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    The paper discusses the transformations of memory caused by the preservation, removal or redefinition of memorials. These transformations indicate the competition between political and ideological views in Bulgarian society after 1989. Two cases are analysed: the deconstruction of Georgi Dimitrov’s already-empty mausoleum in 1999 and the Monument to the Soviet Army, still standing in Sofia. Both instances are significant indicators of power constellations, which, in the second case, also have a precise foreign policy dimension (relations with Russia). The periodically activated debates, especially concerning the Monument to the Soviet Army, indicate the absence of a coherent memory policy and general ambiguous attitudes in Bulgarian society towards the communist past

    Civil Society Monitoring Report on the Implementation of the National Roma Integration Strategy and Decade Action Plan in 2012 in: Bulgaria

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    The present civil society monitoring report aims to provide thorough information and explanations about major challenges and obstacles with regard to the Decade of Roma Inclusion and the National Roma Integration Strategy in Bulgaria, as implemented by the Bulgarian government, along with recommendations. A specially designed research project was conducted in the period November -- December 2012, in all neighbourhoods with predominantly Roma populations in Bulgaria. The sample for the study comprised 1000 households, equal to 100 clusters with 10 respondents in each cluster. The data-base was used for simple random sampling of segregated neighbourhoods, weighted by population size. The quantitative study was complemented by the work of eight focus groups consisting of Roma end beneficiaries in the following localities: Petrich, Sofia, Hayredin, Kuklen, Stara Zagora, Razgrad and Veliko Tarnovo. Bulgaria's achievements in implementing its commitment of the Decade of Roma Inclusion and the recently adopted National Roma Integration Strategy have been widely debated; however there has been no significant progress in the relevant priority areas related to Roma integration into mainstream society in Bulgaria. The main conclusion of the present report is that the NRIS lacks synergy, coherence and equal distribution in its envisaged activities, measures and financial allocations. It overlooks major areas such as housing conditions, health care and educational integration. In order to accomplish the measures outlined in the NRIS, the Bulgarian government should provide adequate structural provisions by combining consistent political will with a suitable legislative framework, expertise, knowledge, sensibility, flexibility and appropriate financial resources. Furthermore, these provisions should be based on the principles of transparency, inclusiveness, partnership, efficiency and effectiveness, all aimed at achieving measurable, long term impact

    Rituximab Effektivität in Mantelzelllymphomen: Additive und antagonistische Effekte mit Standardchemotherapeutika und Molekularen Substanzen

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    Da das Mantelzelllymphom durch seine schlechte Prognose charakterisiert ist, ist es wichtig die Aktivität von neuen Substanzen zu prüfen, um die zukünftigen Therapieoptionen zu verbessern. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde die Interaktion von Rituximab mit einzelnen konventionellen Chemotherapeutika sowie molekularen Substanzen überprüft. Die einzelnen Kombinationen von Rituximab mit Fludarabin, Mitoxantron, sowie mit Bortezomib zeigten additive Effekte bei allen Zelllinien. Dieser Wirkmechanismus ist auf die gesteigerte Apoptose-Induktion zurückzuführen, wenn diese Substanzen mit Rituximab kombiniert werden. Diese Ergebnisse suggerieren, dass Kombinationstherapien auch von Vorteil für die klinische Behandlung von MCL sind. Auch bei der Kombinationstherapie von Rituximab und Everolimus (Rad 001) zeigten sich zum Teil additive und zum Teil antagonistische Effekte. In den Apoptosen-Analysen wurden keine nennenswerten Veränderungen beobachtet. Diese Ergebnisse sind auf Veränderungen im Zellzyklus zurückzuführen. So konnte bei den Zelllinien mit additiven Effekten einen G1-Block im Zellzyklus beobachtet werden. Im Gegensatz dazu kam es bei den Zelllinien mit antagonistischen Effekten zu keinem G1-Block bzw. der von Everolimus (Rad 001) induzierte G1-Block wurde in der Kombinationstherapie mit Rituximab aufgehoben. In der Zusammenschau der o.g. Ergebnisse ist die Empfehlung für die Kombinationstherapie von Rituximab und Everolimus (Rad 001) bei MCL zurückhaltend zu bewerten. Allerdings zeigte sich in der Literatur, dass die Kombinationstherapie von einem anderen mTOR-Inhibitor, Temsirolimus, und Rituximab in Patienten mit rezidivierten und refraktären MCL von Vorteil sein kann. Bei der Kombinationstherapie von Rituximab und Flavopiridol wurden zum Teil additive und zum Teil antagonistische Effekte beobachtet. Bei den additiven Effekten zeigte sich ebenfalls gesteigerte Apoptose-Induktion. Bei den antagonistischen Effekten wurde dagegen keine erhöhte Apoptose beobachtet, aber auch keine nennenswerten Änderungen in den Zellzyklus-Analysen. Um jedoch die Mechanismen des beobachteten Antagonismus in einigen Zelllinien näher zu charakterisieren, sind weitere Untersuchungen benötigt

    Neurophysiological mechanisms of sweet taste preference

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    Food intake regulation is a complex process influenced by the dynamic interplay between two systems—homeostatic and hedonic regulation systems. Homeostatic regulation depends on the information from the gastrointestinal tract, adipose tissue, n. vagus, while hedonic regulation is primarily controlled by reward processes. This is multifactor process that creates and establishes specific patterns of eating behavior, often associated with certain taste preferences

    Allergic Rhinitis - Risk Factor for Bronchial Asthma in Children

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    In recent decades, both worldwide and in our country, there is a noticeable increase in allergic diseases, including those of respiratory system - bronchial asthma and allergic rhinitis. Epidemiological studies show that these conditions often coexist in the same patient. Allergen - specific sensitization is one of the major risk factors for the development of asthma in children. Allergic rhinitis usually precedes asthma. The premise `one respiratory system, one disease` marks a change in diagnostics and therapeutic treatment of respiratory allergies. Currently allergen-specific immunotherapy, administered in the early stage of the disease, is the only treatment that could have disease-modifying effect.The aim of this study is to analyze what proportion of children with asthma suffer from allergic rhinitis and what are the most common therapeutic schemes and practices used in the prophylaxis and treatment of the condition.For this purpose we conducted a survey among parents of children suffering from bronchial asthma on the territory of the city of Varna. Data were processes statistically based on respondent`s answers and were presented graphically. Results confirm that allergic rhinitis is a widespread disease among children with asthma and that is often neglected and not diagnosed and managed in time. Early diagnostics and adequate control of allergic rhinitis is crucial to stop the disease progression to asthma

    Sulfo- and Oxy-analogues of Arginine: Synthesis, Analysis and Preliminary Biological Screening

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    A novel methodology for the synthesis of sulfo- and oxy-modified amino acid analogues of arginine (Arg) has been developed using both conventional and polymer assisted synthesis from ready available amino acid precursor. Introduction of guanidine group was made also by the MWA synthesis. The in vitro inhibitory effect of the amino acid analogues on the growth of murine erythroleukemia cells, clone F4N in culture was also studied. (doi: 10.5562/cca1780

    Quality of Life in Patients with Bronchial Asthma in Childhood

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    Bronchial asthma is a major cause of morbidity in children in developed countries. In recent years, a large number of epidemiological studies have found an in- creased incidence of childhood asthma which makes this respiratory disorder the most frequent chronic dis- ease in childhood. Many factors are responsible for the huge incidence of asthma: triggering factors from the external environment, the use of inappropriate an- ti-inflammatory medication, lack of assistance with regard to therapeutic regimen, inadequate training of patient (family). The quality of life adolescents suffer- ing of bronchial asthma and their families often is ex- tremely deteriorated. Asthma may limit the ability of children to play, learn and sleep, to lead normal active life. Achieving disease control is the main goal of the treatment conducted. The Global initiative for asthma (GINA) defines control on asthma as minimal chron- ic symptoms, no emergency medical visits, no need of saving medication, normal daily activity, social adap- tation and school attendance.The aim of this study is to analyze the quality of life of children with asthma based on the achieved disease control. To achieve this goal a survey was conducted among parents and children of various ages in the city of Varna. Data from the surveys were processed using mathematical and statistical methods, and the results are presented by graphic images.Results show that in early childhood, when the treatment is performed under the supervision of par- ents, a well-controlled treatment is achieved compared to teenage years.Bronchial asthma is a chronic disease that is best affected in `therapeutic cooperation` between clini- cians, patients and their families. Implementation of training programs for children and parents will im- prove their compliance and execution of their indi- vidual treatment plan, and hence disease control and quality of life of patients

    Adaptation abilities of the human body in extreme conditions - where are the limits?

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    This is a review dedicated to the innovations in the field of thermoregulation, the role of brown adipose tissue and its regulation, and the application of this knowledge in treating some diseases.Under the influence of environmental factors mechanisms, which ensure optimal adaptation of the organism to various circumstances, are created. Thermoregulation is a significant moment in adaptation reactions and includes different processes for preserving and sustaining normal body temperature. In low temperatures thermogenesis is activated. The application of modern scientific methods expands our knowledge of the functioning of brown adipose tissue and its role in thermoregulatory and metaboloregulatory thermogenesis. New data define the role of adrenergic control in the regulation of brown adipose tissue. The purposeful control of thermoregulation responses is a challenge to researchers. The results of experiments with rodents suggest possibilities to apply in clinical practice induced hypothermia in patients with brain or cardiac ischemia, as an antipyretic. It is considered even in the metabolic regulation of humans during prolonged space flights.Interesting are also the results from the application of a healing approach, which includes extreme cold and breathing techniques. The willful activation of the sympathetic nervous system affects in a positive way the inflammatory factors and immune response and can be beneficial for patients with autoimmune diseases.This is a review dedicated to the innovations in the field of thermoregulation, the role of brown adipose tissue and its regulation, and the application of this knowledge in treating some diseases.Under the influence of environmental factors mechanisms, which ensure optimal adaptation of the organism to various circumstances, are created. Thermoregulation is a significant moment in adaptation reactions and includes different processes for preserving and sustaining normal body temperature. In low temperatures thermogenesis is activated. The application of modern scientific methods expands our knowledge of the functioning of brown adipose tissue and its role in thermoregulatory and metaboloregulatory thermogenesis. New data define the role of adrenergic control in the regulation of brown adipose tissue. The purposeful control of thermoregulation responses is a challenge to researchers. The results of experiments with rodents suggest possibilities to apply in clinical practice induced hypothermia in patients with brain or cardiac ischemia, as an antipyretic. It is considered even in the metabolic regulation of humans during prolonged space flights.Interesting are also the results from the application of a healing approach, which includes extreme cold and breathing techniques. The willful activation of the sympathetic nervous system affects in a positive way the inflammatory factors and immune response and can be beneficial for patients with autoimmune diseases