740 research outputs found

    Mind-matter interactions and their reproducibility

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    Mind-matter interactions and their reproducibility

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    Про походження ойконіма Белз

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    У статті здійснено історико-етимологічний аналіз ойконіма Белз – одного з найдавніших поселень північної Львіщини. На матеріалі документально засвідчених історичних фіксацій назви міста простежено фонетичні модифікації досліджуваного оніма в хронології.В статье проведено историко-этимологический анализ ойконима Белз – одного из древнейших поселений Львовщины. На материале документально засвидетельствованных исторических фиксаций названия города прослежено фонетические модификации исследуемого онима в хронологии.In the article the historical-etymological analysis of oiconym Белз – as the one of the mast ancient settlements of Lviv region is done. On the material of documentally authenticated historical fi xations of the settlement name there phonetic modifi cations of mentioned oiconym are traced

    A Pre-Registered Test of a Correlational Micro-PK Effect: Efforts to Learn from a Failure to "Replicate"

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    Micro-psychokinesis (micro-PK) research studies the effects of observers' conscious or unconscious intentions on random outcomes derived from true random sources such as quantum random number generators (QRNGs). The micro-PK study presented here was originally planned, preregistered, and conducted to exactly replicate a correlational finding between two within-subject experimental conditions found in an original micro-PK dataset (n = 12,254) using a QRNG. However, after data collection and analyses, a data error was detected in the original to-be-replicated dataset. A reanalysis of the original correlation effect after error correction revealed strong evidence for the absence of a correlation in the original data. This study's primary goal was to test the existence of a correlational micro-PK effect in the present data as specified in the pre-registration. In addition to this replication attempt, the present study also can be considered an unsystematic case report or field study on experimenter psi (e-psi), since a strong expectation was formed initially about the occurrence of an effect that indeed was objectively absent from the original data. This study's results indicate no evidence for the existence of a correlational (and standard) micro-PK effect. In other words, the actual correlational data did not meet the experimenters' conscious expectations, and thus no consciously based effect of e-psi on micro-PK was found. However, the change in evidence for the effect across time described by the sequential Bayes factor resembled a data pattern that also was frequently reported by the experimenters in past studies. Although these data did not meet the criterion of statistical significance and a rejection of the null hypothesis failed, the marginal effects might be interpreted as weak influences based on unconscious e-psi. In addition, the trend observed matches both experimenters' general beliefs about the occurrence of e-psi in micro-PK. These findings' implications for the application of scientific methods to the study of micro-PK and psi in general are discussed

    Corpus et étude des collocations verbales

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    This research has been financed by Portuguese National Funding through the FCT Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia as part of the project of the Centro de Linguística da Universidade Nova de Lisboa – UID/LIN/03213/2013.Dans cet article, après une brève présentation de nos recherches1, nous nous proposons de réfléchir sur le type de corpus à constituer dans l’optique d’une analyse qui vise une meilleure compréhension de la combinatoire verbale en langue juridique et une didactisation plus efficace – en termes d’acquisition - des collocations verbales dans le cadre de l’enseignement/apprentissage de cette langue de spécialité. Pour mettre en évidence nos propos, nous nous attarderons sur les collocations verbales forgées sur la base « jugement » ou sur le collocatif «casser». Neste artigo, depois de uma breve apresentação da nossa investigação, propomos refletir no tipo de corpus a constituir na óptica de uma análise que visa a uma melhor compreensão da combinatória verbal da língua jurídica e a uma didactização mais eficaz – em termos de aquisição – das colocações verbais no âmbito do ensino/aprendizagem desta língua de especialidade. Para ilustrar a nossa fundamentação, analisaremos colocações verbais construídas com a base “jugement” ou com o colocativo “casser”.publishersversionpublishe

    problèmes et méthodes

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    OE/LIN/UI3213/2014.Presentation of issue "Langues de spécialité: problèmes et méthodes". The RFLA has decided to propose to its readers a group of articles, which seem to us representative either of new horizons of research or of fields of research (law, remediation for example), and which recognized importance mobilizes more and more interest and the work of many researchers. The second group of articles is about more circumscribed fields, but many of them remain the subject of numerous researches for various reasons. This issue does not claim to have covered the vast field of specialty languages, which remain unquestionably recognized, but whose frontiers are now less obvious. New disciplines and more hybrid business areas emerge (like marketing for example) that often lead to term transfers and semantic field changes.authorsversionpublishe

    Guides touristiques et combinatoire verbale

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    UID/LIN/03213/2013Cet article propose de réfléchir sur la question de la combinatoire verbale présente dans le discours touristique, en analysant quelques exemples de collocations tirées d’un corpus de guides touristiques en langue française et comparées à leurs équivalents en langue italienne et portugaise, appartenant aussi à un corpus du même type. Il s’agit des premiers pas d’une étude qui se veut comparative trilingue et qui permettra d’enrichir la base de données lexicographiques du projet de recherche LBC – Lessico dei Beni Culturali de l’Université de Florence. Este artigo propõe uma reflexão sobre a questão da combinatória verbal presente no discurso turístico. Analisar-se-á alguns exemplos de colocações provenientes de um corpus que reúne guias turísticos em língua francesa e que serão confrontados com os seus equivalentes em língua italiana e portuguesa, também provenientes de um corpus do mesmo tipo. Trata-se dos primeiros passos de um estudo que se quer comparativo trilingue e que permitirá enriquecer a base de dados lexicográficos do projecto de investigação LBC – Lessico dei Beni Culturali – Università degli Studi di Firenze.publishersversionpublishe

    Quantum Measurement as Pragmatic Information Transfer: Observer Effects on (S)objective Reality Formation

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    Objective: In this study, quantum measurement is conceptualized as pragmatic information transfer when an intentional observer perceives motive-relevant quantum-based outcomes. Owing to the nature of pragmatic information as described in Lucadou’s Model of Pragmatic Information, this information transfer causes an observer-dependent intentional co-formation of reality and can only be scientifically documented under reduced objectivity conditions. The effects thus reflect a “sobjective” reality that occupies the space between subjectivity and objectivity. The present study was designed to find evidence for the existence of this sobjective reality. Method: A pre-registered micro-psychokinesis task involving a quantum random number generator assessed the impact of intentional observation on quantum-based stochastic outcomes under experimental variations of the applied measures’ objectivity. Results: As predicted, an intentionally congruent bias in quantum-based outcomes was observed using subjective memory data from the observations when additional objective computer-stored data were not inspected and finally erased (i.e., objectivity was reduced). Quantum randomness was confirmed in a maximum objective data collection context for both stored and memory data. Conclusion: The results indicate that pragmatic information was transferred during trial observation when scientific objectivity was reduced. The evidence for intentionally based reality formation or quantum-based random reality emergence was shown to be a function of the measurements’ objectivity levels. The data suggest the existence of a sobjective reality and that a physicalist/materialist or an intentional creation worldview depends on the presence of an intentional agent and the definition of the measurement process