3 research outputs found


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     In the face of increasingly intense competition, Go-Jek needs to innovate in order to provide better services to its customers and attract new customers. One of the methods used is optimizing service delivery through the internet, known as e-service. E-service Quality is a new version of service quality (ServQual). This study aims to analyze whether customer satisfaction can moderate the relationship between E-service Quality and customer loyalty in the online transportation service industry of Gojek in Malang. The population of this study consists of all Gojek customers in Malang. The research sample was randomly selected using the accidental sampling method, with a total of 100 Gojek customers participating as respondents. Descriptive statistical analysis and path analysis using Partial Least Squares (PLS) were employed to analyze the data. The findings of this study indicate that customer satisfaction does not moderate the influence of E-service Quality on customer loyalty. This implies that there is no significant impact between E-service Quality and customer satisfaction on customer loyalty. Conversely, E-service Quality has a strong direct impact on customer loyalty without the moderation of customer satisfaction

    Pemberdayaan Ibu Ibu PKK Desa Tumpak Rejo Kecamatan Gedangan Melalui Pelatihan Kewirausahaan Sebagai Upaya Pengembangan Desa Wisata dan Peningkatan Kesejahteraan Masyarakat di Kabupaten Malang

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    ABSTRAKKegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat merupakan implementasi dari Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi yang harus dilaksanakan oleh dosen, yaitu dengan kerjasama antara STIE Malangkuҁeҁwara Malang dengan Desa Tumpak Rejo Kecamatan Gedangan Kabupaten Malang. Adapun aktifitasnya yaitu memberikan pelatihan kewirausahaan bagi Ibu-Ibu sehingga dapat meingkatkan pendapatan ekonomi keluarga di daerah tersebut. Sedangkan tujuan dari kegiatan ini: menambah wawasan dan pengetahuan bagi ibu ibu PKK dan menambah kemampuan ketrampilan mereka. Selanjutnya dalam kegiatan ini juga melibatkan mahasiswa asing yang bertujuan untuk mengenalkan nilai-nilai lokal serta dapat memahami karaker dan budaya dari warga setempat sehingga dapat bersosialisasi dengan masyarakat setempat. Selain itu juga akan terjalin kerjasama yang baik antara pihak STIE Malangkuҁeҁwara Malang dengan  Desa Tumpak Rejo Kecamatan Gedangan Kabupaten Malang. Kata-kata kunci: Kewirausahaan, Pemberdayaa

    Cinta Merek Sebagai Mediasi Antara Kepercayaan Merek, Gairah Merek Dan Niat Beli Kembali

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    The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of brand passion, brand trust on repurchase intention and brand love as a mediating variable. Brand passion, brand trust and brand love directly have a significant and positive effect on repurchase intention. Brand love is a variable that mediates the influence between brand passion and repurchase intention, with the nature of mediation is full mediation.Brand love is also a variable that mediates the influence between brand trust and repurchase intention with the full mediation nature of mediation. Increased passion and trust in the brand will increase the love for the brand which will ultimately make consumers make purchases.</p