96 research outputs found

    Untersuchung der Anwendungsmöglichkeiten mikrovaristorgefĂŒllter Feldsteuerelemente in der elektrischen Energietechnik

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    MikrovaristorgefĂŒllte Polymere stellen eine innovative Technology fĂŒr felsteuerende Systeme dar. Deren Charakterisierung hat gezeigt, dass die elektrischen Eigenschaften im Wesentlichen durch deren Schaltpunkt bestimmt werden. DafĂŒr wurden besondere MikrovaristorgefĂŒllte Phenolharzlacke mit einem Schaltpunkt von 5 kV/cm sind grundsĂ€tzlich geeignet, als mögliche resistive Feldsteuerung in einem Endenglimmschutzsystem eingesetzt zu werden. Sie zeigen sowohl elektrisch als auch thermisch ein besseres Verhalten als vergleichbare Systeme, die SiC-gefĂŒllt sind. An Verbundlangstabisolatoren werden erstmals mikrovaristorgefĂŒllte Feldsteuerelemente untersucht. Besonders geeignet haben sie sich zur lokalen Feldsteuerung gezeigt. So konnte das Einsetzen von Wassertropfenkorona wĂ€hrend Wechselspannungsversuchen unter Regen reduziert werden. Globale Steuerungen der Potentialverteilung lĂ€ngs des Isolatorstrunks sind mit den untersuchten mikrovaristorgefĂŒllten Silikonen nicht beobachtet worden. FĂŒr einen direkten Freilufteinsatz ist das mikrovaristorgefĂŒllte Silikon aufgrund seines hohen FĂŒllgrades und der damit begrenzten KrichstrombestĂ€ndigkeit nicht geeignet. Darum wurden Isolatoren mit einem doppeltextrudierten Strunk untersucht, der neben der mikrovaristorgefĂŒllten Schicht aus einer zusĂ€tzlichen konventionellen SilikonhĂŒlle besteht. Diese konnten erfolgreich getestet werden, wenn auch die beobachteten Effekte nicht so deutlich wie bei reinen mikrovaristorgefĂŒllten StrĂŒnken ausfielen. Feldsteuerelemente fĂŒr MittelspannungsendverschlĂŒsse werden als weitere Anwendung fĂŒr mikrovaristorgefĂŒlltes Silikon untersucht. Im Vergleich mit konventionellen Steuerungen zeigen sie vor allem Vorteile bei der Begrenzung von hohen Überspannungen. Gerade bei den eingesetzten FeldsteuerschlĂ€uchen und den Endenglimmschutzlacken haben sich thermografische Untersuchungen bewĂ€hrt, die aufgrund der entstehenden ErwĂ€rmung deutlich zeigen können, in welchen Bereichen ein Material leitfĂ€hig wird. Bei beiden Anwendungen wurden keine AusfĂ€lle mikrovaristorgefĂŒllten Polymere aufgrund der ErwĂ€rmung beobachtet. Eine Variation der Schaltpunkte mikrovaristorgefĂŒllter Polymere muss anwendungsabhĂ€ngig durchgefĂŒhrt werden. Möglichst niedrige Schaltpunkte sind fĂŒr den Einsatz der lokalen Feldsteuerung an Verbundisolatoren besonders interessant. Sie sind notwendig, um die benötigten Effekte bei den im Vergleich zu den Feldsteuerungen bei den Gleitanordnungen niedrigen FeldstĂ€rken zu erreichen. WĂ€hrend bei den Endenglimmschutzsystemen ein Schaltpunkt von 5 kV/cm sehr gute Ergebnisse erzielt hat, scheint dagegen bei den Kabelgarnituren ein Schaltpunkt von 12 kV/cm ausreichend zu sein, um auftretende FeldstĂ€rken ausreichend zu begrenzen. Zudem erlaubt er gegenĂŒber einem geringeren Schaltpunkt kompaktere Feldsteuerelemente

    Verdeckte Datenerhebungsmassnahmen in der polizeilichen Praxis

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    Am 26. Januar 2011 hat der rheinland-pfĂ€lzische Landtag eine Novelle des Polizei- und Ordnungsbe-hördengesetzes (POG) beschlossen. Ziel des Änderungsgesetzes ist die Schaffung eines modernen und effizienten POG, um die Sicherheit der BĂŒrgerinnen und BĂŒrger weiterhin gewĂ€hrleisten zu kön-nen. § 100 POG enthĂ€lt eine erneute Evaluationsverpflichtung, die vorsieht, dass die Landesregierung dem Landtag ĂŒber die Wirksamkeit bestimmter eingriffsintensiver Maßnahmen berichtet. Hierzu gehören ‱ die Datenerhebung durch den verdeckten Einsatz technischer Mittel in oder aus Wohnungen, ‱ die Datenerhebung durch den Einsatz technischer Mittel zur Überwachung und Aufzeichnung der Telekommunikation, ‱ Auskunft ĂŒber die Telekommunikation, ‱ Auskunft ĂŒber Nutzungsdaten, ‱ Datenerhebung durch den Einsatz technischer Mittel in informationstechnischen Systemen, ‱ Funkzellenabfrage, ‱ besondere Formen des Datenabgleichs. Das Institut fĂŒr GesetzesfolgenabschĂ€tzung und Evaluation wurde vom rheinland-pfĂ€lzischen Minis-terium des Innern, fĂŒr Sport und Infrastruktur mit der DurchfĂŒhrung der Evaluation beauftragt

    Influence of 68Ga-DOTATOC on sparing of normal tissue for radiation therapy of skull base meningioma: differential impact of photon and proton radiotherapy

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    Background: To evaluate the impact of 68Ga-DOTATOC-PET on treatment planning and sparing of normal tissue in the treatment of skull base meningioma with advanced photons and protons. Methods: From the institutional database consisting of 507 skull base meningiomas 10 patients were chosen randomly for the present analysis. Target volume definition was performed based on CT and MRI only, as well as with additional 68Ga-DOTATOC-PET. Treatment plans were performed for Intensity Modulated Radiotherapy (IMRT) and proton therapy using active raster scanning on both target volumes. We calculated doses to relevant organs at risk (OAR), conformity indices as well as differences in normal tissue sparing between both radiation modalities based on CT/MRI planning as well as CT/MRI/PET planning. Results: For photon treatment plans, PET-based treatment plans showed a reduction of brain stem Dmax and Dmedian for different levels of total dose. At the optic chiasm, use of 68Ga-DOTATOC significantly reduces Dmax; moreover, the Dmedian is reduced in most cases, too. For both right and left optic nerve, reduction of dose by addition of 68Ga-DOTATOC-PET is minimal and depends on the anatomical location of the meningioma. In protons, the impact of 68Ga-DOTATOC-PET is minimal compared to photons. Conclusion: Addition of 68Ga-DOTATOC-PET information into treatment planning for skull base meningiomas has a significant impact on target volumes. In most cases, PET-planning leads to significant reductions of the treatment volumes. Subsequently, reduced doses are applied to OAR. Using protons, the benefit of additional PET is smaller since target coverage is more conformal and dose to OAR is already reduced compared to photons. Therefore, PET-imaging has the greatest margin of benefit in advanced photon techniques, and combination of PET-planning and high-precision treatment leads to comparable treatment plans as with protons

    Prospective phase-II-study evaluating postoperative radiotherapy of cervical and endometrial cancer patients using protons – the APROVE-trial

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    Background: The prognosis for patients with cervical or endometrial cancer has improved over the last decades. Thus, reducing therapy-related toxicity and impact on quality of life have become more and more important. With the development of new radiotherapy techniques like IMRT (Intensity-modulated radiotherapy) the incidence of acute and chronic toxicities has already been reduced. Nevertheless, rates of complications requiring medical treatment range from 0.7–8% according to literature. 7.7% of patients develop severe complications after 5 years with an increasing risk for complications of 0.3%/year. Particularly, the volume of the small and large bowel receiving low doses (15 Gy) has been shown to be a predictive factor for the development of higher bowel toxicity. With the introduction of proton therapy into clinical practice, there are new opportunities for optimization of organ at risk-sparing thus possibly reducing toxicity. Methods/design: The APROVE study is a prospective single-center one-arm phase-II-study. Patients with cervical or endometrial cancer after surgical resection who have an indication for postoperative pelvic radiotherapy will be treated with proton therapy instead of the commonly used photon radiation. A total of 25 patients will be included in this trial. Patients will receive a dose of 45–50.4 GyE in 1.8 GyE fractions 5–6 times per week using active raster-scanning pencil beam proton radiation. Platinum-based chemotherapy can be administered if indicated. For treatment planning, rectum, sigma, large and small bowel, bladder and femoral heads are defined as organs at risk. The CTV is defined according to the RTOG consensus guidelines. Discussion: The primary endpoint of the study is the evaluation of safety and treatment tolerability of pelvic radiation using protons defined as the lack of any CTC AE Grade 3 or 4 toxicity. Secondary endpoints are clinical symptoms and toxicity, quality of life and progression-free survival. The aim is to explore the potential of proton therapy as a new method for adjuvant pelvic radiotherapy to decrease the dose to the bowel, rectum and bladder thus reducing acute and chronic toxicity and improving quality of life. Trial registration: Registered at https://clinicaltrials.gov , ClinicalTrials.gov Identifier: NCT03184350 , registered 09 June 2017, enrolment of the first participant 19 June 2017

    Identifying core MRI sequences for reliable automatic brain metastasis segmentation

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    BACKGROUND Many automatic approaches to brain tumor segmentation employ multiple magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) sequences. The goal of this project was to compare different combinations of input sequences to determine which MRI sequences are needed for effective automated brain metastasis (BM) segmentation. METHODS We analyzed preoperative imaging (T1-weighted sequence ± contrast-enhancement (T1/T1-CE), T2-weighted sequence (T2), and T2 fluid-attenuated inversion recovery (T2-FLAIR) sequence) from 339 patients with BMs from seven centers. A baseline 3D U-Net with all four sequences and six U-Nets with plausible sequence combinations (T1-CE, T1, T2-FLAIR, T1-CE + T2-FLAIR, T1-CE + T1 + T2-FLAIR, T1-CE + T1) were trained on 239 patients from two centers and subsequently tested on an external cohort of 100 patients from five centers. RESULTS The model based on T1-CE alone achieved the best segmentation performance for BM segmentation with a median Dice similarity coefficient (DSC) of 0.96. Models trained without T1-CE performed worse (T1-only: DSC = 0.70 and T2-FLAIR-only: DSC = 0.73). For edema segmentation, models that included both T1-CE and T2-FLAIR performed best (DSC = 0.93), while the remaining four models without simultaneous inclusion of these both sequences reached a median DSC of 0.81-0.89. CONCLUSIONS A T1-CE-only protocol suffices for the segmentation of BMs. The combination of T1-CE and T2-FLAIR is important for edema segmentation. Missing either T1-CE or T2-FLAIR decreases performance. These findings may improve imaging routines by omitting unnecessary sequences, thus allowing for faster procedures in daily clinical practice while enabling optimal neural network-based target definitions

    PSMA-PET/CT-guided salvage radiotherapy in recurrent or persistent prostate cancer and PSA < 0.2 ng/ml.

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    PURPOSE The purpose of this retrospective, multicenter study was to assess efficacy of PSMA-PET/CT-guided salvage radiotherapy (sRT) in patients with recurrent or persistent PSA after primary surgery and PSA levels < 0.2 ng/ml. METHODS The study included patients from a pooled cohort (n = 1223) of 11 centers from 6 countries. Patients with PSA levels > 0.2 ng/ml prior to sRT or without sRT to the prostatic fossa were excluded. The primary study endpoint was biochemical recurrence-free survival (BRFS) and BR was defined as PSA nadir after sRT + 0.2 ng/ml. Cox regression analysis was performed to assess the impact of clinical parameters on BRFS. Recurrence patterns after sRT were analyzed. RESULTS The final cohort consisted of 273 patients; 78/273 (28.6%) and 48/273 (17.6%) patients had local or nodal recurrence on PET/CT. The most frequently applied sRT dose to the prostatic fossa was 66-70 Gy (n = 143/273, 52.4%). SRT to pelvic lymphatics was delivered in 87/273 (31.9%) patients and androgen deprivation therapy was given to 36/273 (13.2%) patients. After a median follow-up time of 31.1 months (IQR: 20-44), 60/273 (22%) patients had biochemical recurrence. The 2- and 3-year BRFS was 90.1% and 79.2%, respectively. The presence of seminal vesicle invasion in surgery (p = 0.019) and local recurrences in PET/CT (p = 0.039) had a significant impact on BR in multivariate analysis. In 16 patients, information on recurrence patterns on PSMA-PET/CT after sRT was available and one had recurrent disease inside the RT field. CONCLUSION This multicenter analysis suggests that implementation of PSMA-PET/CT imaging for sRT guidance might be of benefit for patients with very low PSA levels after surgery due to promising BRFS rates and a low number of relapses within the sRT field

    Development and Validation of a Multi-institutional Nomogram of Outcomes for PSMA-PET-Based Salvage Radiotherapy for Recurrent Prostate Cancer.

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    IMPORTANCE Prostate-specific antigen membrane positron-emission tomography (PSMA-PET) is increasingly used to guide salvage radiotherapy (sRT) after radical prostatectomy for patients with recurrent or persistent prostate cancer. OBJECTIVE To develop and validate a nomogram for prediction of freedom from biochemical failure (FFBF) after PSMA-PET-based sRT. DESIGN, SETTING, AND PARTICIPANTS This retrospective cohort study included 1029 patients with prostate cancer treated between July 1, 2013, and June 30, 2020, at 11 centers from 5 countries. The initial database consisted of 1221 patients. All patients had a PSMA-PET scan prior to sRT. Data were analyzed in November 2022. EXPOSURES Patients with a detectable post-radical prostatectomy prostate-specific antigen (PSA) level treated with sRT to the prostatic fossa with or without additional sRT to pelvic lymphatics or concurrent androgen deprivation therapy (ADT) were eligible. MAIN OUTCOMES AND MEASURES The FFBF rate was estimated, and a predictive nomogram was generated and validated. Biochemical relapse was defined as a PSA nadir of 0.2 ng/mL after sRT. RESULTS In the nomogram creation and validation process, 1029 patients (median age at sRT, 70 years [IQR, 64-74 years]) were included and further divided into a training set (n = 708), internal validation set (n = 271), and external outlier validation set (n = 50). The median follow-up was 32 months (IQR, 21-45 months). Based on the PSMA-PET scan prior to sRT, 437 patients (42.5%) had local recurrences and 313 patients (30.4%) had nodal recurrences. Pelvic lymphatics were electively irradiated for 395 patients (38.4%). All patients received sRT to the prostatic fossa: 103 (10.0%) received a dose of less than 66 Gy, 551 (53.5%) received a dose of 66 to 70 Gy, and 375 (36.5%) received a dose of more than 70 Gy. Androgen deprivation therapy was given to 325 (31.6%) patients. On multivariable Cox proportional hazards regression analysis, pre-sRT PSA level (hazard ratio [HR], 1.80 [95% CI, 1.41-2.31]), International Society of Urological Pathology grade in surgery specimen (grade 5 vs 1+2: HR, 2.39 [95% CI, 1.63-3.50], pT stage (pT3b+pT4 vs pT2: HR, 1.91 [95% CI, 1.39-2.67]), surgical margins (R0 vs R1+R2+Rx: HR, 0.60 [95% CI, 0.48-0.78]), ADT use (HR, 0.49 [95% CI, 0.37-0.65]), sRT dose (>70 vs ≀66 Gy: HR, 0.44 [95% CI, 0.29-0.67]), and nodal recurrence detected on PSMA-PET scans (HR, 1.42 [95% CI, 1.09-1.85]) were associated with FFBF. The mean (SD) nomogram concordance index for FFBF was 0.72 (0.06) for the internal validation cohort and 0.67 (0.11) in the external outlier validation cohort. CONCLUSIONS AND RELEVANCE This cohort study of patients with prostate cancer presents an internally and externally validated nomogram that estimated individual patient outcomes after PSMA-PET-guided sRT

    Brain metastasis and survival outcomes after first-line therapy in metastatic melanoma: a multicenter DeCOG study on 1704 patients from the prospective skin cancer registry ADOREG

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    Background Despite the availability of effective systemic therapies, a significant number of advanced melanoma patients develops brain metastases. This study investigated differences in incidence and time to diagnosis of brain metastasis and survival outcomes dependent on the type of first-line therapy.Methods Patients with metastatic, non-resectable melanoma (AJCCv8 stage IIIC–V) without brain metastasis at start of first-line therapy (1L-therapy) were identified from the prospective multicenter real-world skin cancer registry ADOREG. Study endpoints were incidence of brain metastasis, brain metastasis-free survival (BMFS), progression-free survival (PFS), and overall survival (OS).Results Of 1704 patients, 916 were BRAF wild-type (BRAFwt) and 788 were BRAF V600 mutant (BRAFmut). Median follow-up time after start of 1L-therapy was 40.4 months. BRAFwt patients received 1L-therapy with immune checkpoint inhibitors (ICI) against CTLA-4+PD-1 (n=281) or PD-1 (n=544). In BRAFmut patients, 1L-therapy was ICI in 415 patients (CTLA-4+PD-1, n=108; PD-1, n=264), and BRAF+MEK targeted therapy (TT) in 373 patients. After 24 months, 1L-therapy with BRAF+MEK resulted in a higher incidence of brain metastasis compared with PD-1±CTLA-4 (BRAF+MEK, 30.3%; CTLA-4+PD-1, 22.2%; PD-1, 14.0%). In multivariate analysis, BRAFmut patients developed brain metastases earlier on 1L-therapy with BRAF+MEK than with PD-1±CTLA-4 (CTLA-4+PD-1: HR 0.560, 95% CI 0.332 to 0.945, p=0.030; PD-1: HR 0.575, 95% CI 0.372 to 0.888, p=0.013). Type of 1L-therapy, tumor stage, and age were independent prognostic factors for BMFS in BRAFmut patients. In BRAFwt patients, tumor stage was independently associated with longer BMFS; ECOG Performance status (ECOG-PS), lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), and tumor stage with OS. CTLA-4+PD-1 did not result in better BMFS, PFS, or OS than PD-1 in BRAFwt patients. For BRAFmut patients, multivariate Cox regression revealed ECOG-PS, type of 1L-therapy, tumor stage, and LDH as independent prognostic factors for PFS and OS. 1L-therapy with CTLA-4+PD-1 led to longer OS than PD-1 (HR 1.97, 95% CI 1.122 to 3.455, p=0.018) or BRAF+MEK (HR 2.41, 95% CI 1.432 to 4.054, p=0.001), without PD-1 being superior to BRAF+MEK.Conclusions In BRAFmut patients 1L-therapy with PD-1±CTLA-4 ICI resulted in a delayed and less frequent development of brain metastasis compared with BRAF+MEK TT. 1L-therapy with CTLA-4+PD-1 showed superior OS compared with PD-1 and BRAF+MEK. In BRAFwt patients, no differences in brain metastasis and survival outcomes were detected for CTLA-4+PD-1 compared with PD-1
