229 research outputs found

    Optically trapped atom interferometry using the clock transition of large Rb-87 Bose-Einstein condensates

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    We present a Ramsey-type atom interferometer operating with an optically trapped sample of 10^6 Bose-condensed Rb-87 atoms. The optical trap allows us to couple the |F =1, mF =0>\rightarrow |F =2, mF =0> clock states using a single photon 6.8GHz microwave transition, while state selective readout is achieved with absorption imaging. Interference fringes with contrast approaching 100% are observed for short evolution times. We analyse the process of absorption imaging and show that it is possible to observe atom number variance directly, with a signal-to-noise ratio ten times better than the atomic projection noise limit on 10^6 condensate atoms. We discuss the technical and fundamental noise sources that limit our current system, and outline the improvements that can be made. Our results indicate that, with further experimental refinements, it will be possible to produce and measure the output of a sub-shot-noise limited, large atom number BEC-based interferometer. In an addendum to the original paper, we attribute our inability to observe quantum projection noise to the stability of our microwave oscillator and background magnetic field. Numerical simulations of the Gross-Pitaevskii equations for our system show that dephasing due to spatial dynamics driven by interparticle interactions account for much of the observed decay in fringe visibility at long interrogation times. The simulations show good agreement with the experimental data when additional technical decoherence is accounted for, and suggest that the clock states are indeed immiscible. With smaller samples of 5 \times 10^4 atoms, we observe a coherence time of {\tau} = (1.0+0.5-0.3) s.Comment: 22 pages, 6 figures Addendum: 11 pages, 6 figure

    Cold atom gravimetry with a Bose-Einstein Condensate

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    We present a cold atom gravimeter operating with a sample of Bose-condensed Rubidium-87 atoms. Using a Mach-Zehnder configuration with the two arms separated by a two-photon Bragg transition, we observe interference fringes with a visibility of 83% at T=3 ms. We exploit large momentum transfer (LMT) beam splitting to increase the enclosed space-time area of the interferometer using higher-order Bragg transitions and Bloch oscillations. We also compare fringes from condensed and thermal sources, and observe a reduced visibility of 58% for the thermal source. We suspect the loss in visibility is caused partly by wavefront aberrations, to which the thermal source is more susceptible due to its larger transverse momentum spread. Finally, we discuss briefly the potential advantages of using a coherent atomic source for LMT, and present a simple mean-field model to demonstrate that with currently available experimental parameters, interaction-induced dephasing will not limit the sensitivity of inertial measurements using freely-falling, coherent atomic sources.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures. Final version, published PR

    Optically guided linear Mach Zehnder atom interferometer

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    We demonstrate a horizontal, linearly guided Mach Zehnder atom interferometer in an optical waveguide. Intended as a proof-of-principle experiment, the interferometer utilises a Bose-Einstein condensate in the magnetically insensitive |F=1,mF=0> state of Rubidium-87 as an acceleration sensitive test mass. We achieve a modest sensitivity to acceleration of da = 7x10^-4 m/s^2. Our fringe visibility is as high as 38% in this optically guided atom interferometer. We observe a time-of-flight in the waveguide of over half a second, demonstrating the utility of our optical guide for future sensors.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures. Submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Relativistic Quantum Mechanics and Relativistic Entanglement in the Rest-Frame Instant Form of Dynamics

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    A new formulation of relativistic quantum mechanics is proposed in the framework of the rest-frame instant form of dynamics with its instantaneous Wigner 3-spaces and with its description of the particle world-lines by means of derived non-canonical predictive coordinates. In it we quantize the frozen Jacobi data of the non-local 4-center of mass and the Wigner-covariant relative variables in an abstract (frame-independent) internal space whose existence is implied by Wigner-covariance. The formalism takes care of the properties of both relativistic bound states and scattering ones. There is a natural solution to the \textit{relativistic localization problem}. The non-relativistic limit leads to standard quantum mechanics but with a frozen Hamilton-Jacobi description of the center of mass. Due to the \textit{non-locality} of the Poincar\'e generators the resulting theory of relativistic entanglement is both \textit{kinematically non-local and spatially non-separable}: these properties, absent in the non-relativistic limit, throw a different light on the interpretation of the non-relativistic quantum non-locality and of its impact on foundational problems.Comment: 73 pages, includes revision

    Scaled penalization of Brownian motion with drift and the Brownian ascent

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    We study a scaled version of a two-parameter Brownian penalization model introduced by Roynette-Vallois-Yor in arXiv:math/0511102. The original model penalizes Brownian motion with drift hRh\in\mathbb{R} by the weight process (exp(νSt):t0){\big(\exp(\nu S_t):t\geq 0\big)} where νR\nu\in\mathbb{R} and (St:t0)\big(S_t:t\geq 0\big) is the running maximum of the Brownian motion. It was shown there that the resulting penalized process exhibits three distinct phases corresponding to different regions of the (ν,h)(\nu,h)-plane. In this paper, we investigate the effect of penalizing the Brownian motion concurrently with scaling and identify the limit process. This extends a result of Roynette-Yor for the ν<0, h=0{\nu<0,~h=0} case to the whole parameter plane and reveals two additional "critical" phases occurring at the boundaries between the parameter regions. One of these novel phases is Brownian motion conditioned to end at its maximum, a process we call the Brownian ascent. We then relate the Brownian ascent to some well-known Brownian path fragments and to a random scaling transformation of Brownian motion recently studied by Rosenbaum-Yor.Comment: 32 pages; made additions to Section

    An Atlas of human kinase regulation

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    The coordinated regulation of protein kinases is a rapid mechanism that integrates diverse cues and swiftly determines appropriate cellular responses. However, our understanding of cellular decision-making has been limited by the small number of simultaneously monitored phospho- regulatory events. Here, we have estimated changes in activity in 215 human kinases in 399 condi- tions from a compilation of nearly 3 million phosphopeptide quantifications. This atlas identifies commonly regulated kinases as those that are central in the signaling network and defines the logic relationships between kinase pairs. Co-regulation along the conditions predicts kinase-complex and kinase-substrate associations. Additionally, the kinase regulation profile acts as a molecular fingerprint to identify related and opposing signaling states. Using this atlas, we identified essen- tial mediators of stem cell differentiation, modulators of Salmonella infection and new targets of AKT1. This provides a global view of human phosphorylation-based signaling and the necessary context to better understand kinase driven decision-making

    Precision atomic gravimeter based on Bragg diffraction

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    We present a precision gravimeter based on coherent Bragg diffraction of freely falling cold atoms. Traditionally, atomic gravimeters have used stimulated Raman transitions to separate clouds in momentum space by driving transitions between two internal atomic states. Bragg interferometers utilize only a single internal state, and can therefore be less susceptible to environmental perturbations. Here we show that atoms extracted from a magneto-optical trap using an accelerating optical lattice are a suitable source for a Bragg atom interferometer, allowing efficient beamsplitting and subsequent separation of momentum states for detection. Despite the inherently multi-state nature of atom diffraction, we are able to build a Mach-Zehnder interferometer using Bragg scattering which achieves a sensitivity to the gravitational acceleration of Δg/g=2.7×109\Delta g/g = 2.7\times10^{-9} with an integration time of 1000s. The device can also be converted to a gravity gradiometer by a simple modification of the light pulse sequence.Comment: 13 pages, 11 figure

    Experimental comparison of Raman and RF outcouplers for high flux atom lasers

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    We study the properties of an atom laser beam derived from a Bose-Einstein condensate using three different outcouplers, one based on multi-state radio frequency transitions and two others based on Raman transitions capable of imparting momentum to the beam. We first summarize the differences that arise in such systems, and how they may impact on the use of an atom laser in interferometry. Experimentally, we examine the formation of a bound state in all three outcouplers, a phenomenon which limits the atom laser flux, and find that a two-state Raman outcoupler is the preferred option for high flux, low divergence atom laser beams.Comment: 8 Pages, 5 Figures, Submitted to PR

    Linear-Accelerator Program

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    Contains reports on one research project