49 research outputs found

    Lavbundsarealerne ved Fussingø

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    På engene ved Fussingø Hovedgård blev der i 1997-2001 gennemført en tværfaglig undersøgelse af forskellige græsmarksstrategier, som afgræsning, slæt eller driftsophør, ud fra ønsket om at kunne øge naturkvaliteten under miljøvenlig græsmarksdrift og samtidig forbedre landbrugsproduktionen under sådanne forhold. Med henblik på at få en generel beskrivelse af engarealerne er der indsamlet nøgledata vedrørende geologi, afstrømningsforhold, arealernes driftshistorie, klima, hydrologi og vegetationen på arealerne. Der er benyttet en kombination af ældre beskrivelser og nye registreringer. Engområdet er beliggende i en tunneldal, som stort set følger Skals å forløbet. Der er tørveaflejringer med mindre lag af ler og kalkgytje indlejret lokalt. I den øverste meter af jordlaget er humusindholdet ca. 60%. Der var et højt N-indhold i jorden, men med stor variation indenfor området (1,8-2,7%). Den potentielle netto kvælstof mineralisering var betydeligt højere end det niveau man normalt finder på mineraljord. Afstrømningsoplandet ved Fussingø er på 1948 ha, og det består af fire del-oplande, der afvander til Skals å systemet. Lavbundsarealet på 411 ha udgør 21% af det samlede oplandsareal. Lavbundsarealet består bl.a. af 44% vådområder, som ikke udnyttes landbrugsmæssigt, og af 20% vedvarende græsningsarealer. Engarealerne, som indgik i forsøget, blev i perioden før 1955 og i perioden efter 1987 drevet med græsmarksdrift. I den mellemliggende periode var der mere eller mindre intensiv drift af arealerne med både græsmarksdrift og salgsafgrøder. Klimaet i forsøgsperioden var specielt ved at nedbøren i forårsperioden var stigende gennem de år forsøget varede, og arealerne blev mere og mere fugtige i vækstperioden. Med hensyn til fugtighed var der betydelige forskelle i vandstand fra græsningsfold til græsningsfold. Vegetationen var kulturpræget på østarealet og naturpræget på vestarealet. En forklaring på dette forhold kan være, at der på østarealet var en højere N-mineralisering og et højere indhold af plantetilgængeligt K. Danske lavbundsarealer kan variere meget, og der er ikke grundige beskrivelser af alle lavbundsarealer som af arealerne på Fussingø. Man kan derfor ikke sige, hvor stor en del af de danske lavbundsarealer, der har samme forhold som arealerne, der indgik i undersøgelsen. Ud fra gamle kortoptegnelser er det tidligere vurderet, at en tredjedel af Danmarks lavbundsarealer har humusjord og dermed tilsvarende jordtype som engene ved Fussingø

    Advanced receptor modeling of near–real–time, ambient PM2.5 and its associated components collected at an urban–industrial site in Toronto, Ontario

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    AbstractPM2.5 and other atmospheric pollutants were continuously monitored at high time resolution for 1 year at an urban–industrial location in Toronto, ON, Canada's largest city. The data collected for these pollutants were examined to determine seasonal trends and potential sources. Advanced receptor models including residence time weighted concentration (RTWC) and simplified quantitative transport bias analysis (sQTBA) trajectory ensemble models (TEM) and conditional probability function (CPF) were applied to these data to identify potential local and regional sources of pollution impacting this receptor site. Seasonal trends showed that concentrations of PM2.5 were more frequently high in winter than in any other season. Median concentrations of lead and arsenic were highest in fall while median levels of chromium were not significantly different over the four seasons. The black carbon–derived measurement commonly known as Delta C (i.e., BC370nm–BC880nm) had its greatest abundance in winter and lowest levels in summer. The seasonality of Delta C is indicative of the impact of residential wood combustion near the receptor site. CPF indicated that lead and iron had the most unidirectional radial plots with sectors located west–southwest of the receptor being the most likely local source regions. Winter CPF for Delta C is almost of equal strengths in all directions suggestive of near–uniform isotropic local impacts. The sQTBA model provided the most satisfactory spatial representation of impacting sources. The strongest sources of PM2.5 identified by the sQTBA model were both local and transboundary in origin. More potential source regions were found in winter and summer than in spring and fall

    Den danske dyrkningsjords tilstand og kvalitet - konsekvenser af trafik og jordbearbejdning

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    Et alsidigt sædskifte og/eller tilførsel af organisk stof til jorden giver en god jordkvalitet (her defineret som en gunstig jordstruktur). Ensidige driftsformer kan i sig selv give anledning til en dårlig jordkvalitet. Jordpakning via trafik på jorden kan eliminere de gode effekter af et godt sædskifte og tilførsel af organisk stof. Trafik på jorden og i endnu højere grad intensiv jordbearbejdning øger risikoen for, at jordens lermineraler dispergeres til vandfasen. Dette kan give tilslemning og skorpedannelse på jorden og indebærer endvidere en risiko for nedvaskning af de vigtige lermineraler fra dyrkningslaget. Der bør foretages undersøgelser af omfanget af denne proces med de i dag anvendte bearbejdningsteknikker. Komprimering af jorden under normal bearbejdningsdybde via pløjning med hjulet i furebunden og via kørsel med meget tunge maskiner er i dag en realitet for stort set hele den danske landbrugsjord. Det anbefales stærkt, at landbruget overgår til pløjesystemer med alle fire hjul ’på land’ (’on-land’ pløjning). Det anbefales ligeledes, at belastningen (vægten) ved kørsel på forårs- og efterårsvåd jord ikke overstiger 6 tons på enkelt-aksel og 8-10 tons på boogi-aksel. Anvendelse af bæltekøretøjer er muligvis en løsning på pakningsproblemet. Det forudsætter dog, at de anvendte maskiner giver anledning til reelt meget lave marktryk (<50 kPa) over hele trædefladen. Der bør gennemføres flere undersøgelser af, hvorvidt de i dag tilgængelige bæltekøretøjer opfylder disse kriterier ved alle arbejdsoperationer

    Soil biochemistry and microbial activity in vineyards under conventional and organic management at Northeast Brazil.

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    The São Francisco Submedium Valley is located at the Brazilian semiarid region and is an important center for irrigated fruit growing. This region is responsible for 97% of the national exportation of table grapes, including seedless grapes. Based on the fact that orgThe São Francisco Submedium Valley is located at the Brazilian semiarid region and is an important center for irrigated fruit growing. This region is responsible for 97% of the national exportation of table grapes, including seedless grapes. Based on the fact that organic fertilization can improve soil quality, we compared the effects of conventional and organic soil management on microbial activity and mycorrhization of seedless grape crops. We measured glomerospores number, most probable number (MPN) of propagules, richness of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) species, AMF root colonization, EE-BRSP production, carbon microbial biomass (C-MB), microbial respiration, fluorescein diacetate hydrolytic activity (FDA) and metabolic coefficient (qCO2). The organic management led to an increase in all variables with the exception of EE-BRSP and qCO2. Mycorrhizal colonization increased from 4.7% in conventional crops to 15.9% in organic crops. Spore number ranged from 4.1 to 12.4 per 50 g-1 soil in both management systems. The most probable number of AMF propagules increased from 79 cm-3 soil in the conventional system to 110 cm-3 soil in the organic system. Microbial carbon, CO2 emission, and FDA activity were increased by 100 to 200% in the organic crop. Thirteen species of AMF were identified, the majority in the organic cultivation system. Acaulospora excavata, Entrophospora infrequens, Glomus sp.3 and Scutellospora sp. were found only in the organically managed crop. S. gregaria was found only in the conventional crop. Organically managed vineyards increased mycorrhization and general soil microbial activity

    Organic wastes and soil quality

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    Soil management effects on aggregate stability and biological binding

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    In order to improve our understanding of soil aggregation, we have studied the relative importance of bonding and binding mechanisms, especially how they scale according to aggregate size and how they are influenced by farming system and different management options. Topsoil samples were collected from four arable sandy loam soils found as two pairs (FP1 and FP2) of neighbouring fields. One of the fields in FP2 had been grown for decades with annual cash crops without application of organic manures, while the other three fields had been managed with diversified crop rotations and manure dressings. Aggregates were segregated from the bulk soil by promoting brittle failure. The samples of soil structural units were fractionated to 4-8 mm, 0.5-1 mm and 0.063-0.25 mm aggregates during a process of air-drying with minimum energy input (e.g. short sieving times). We measured microbial biomass, ergosterol, clay dispersibility, hot-water extractable carbohydrates, and hyphal length. Generally, all four soils showed no significant differences among aggregate size classes in the content of microbial biomass, hot-water extractable carbohydrates and hyphal length. The FP2 soil grown with annual cash crops had significantly lower values for all soil attributes than its neighbouring soil, while a more complex pattern was observed for the FP1 soils. Our results do not indicate scaling according to aggregate size of the binding and bonding mechanisms studied. Results from the three fields with diversified crop rotations indicate satisfactory levels of bonding and binding agents for creation of stable aggregates. Exhaustion of soil organic matter as found in the cash crop system seems to change the way that clay particles interact with the biotic agents in aggregation