140 research outputs found

    Signatures of an invisibly decaying Higgs particles at LHC

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    The Higgs particle can decay dominantly into an invisible channel in the Majoron models. We have explored the prospect of detecting such a Higgs particle at LHC via its associated production with a gluon, Z or W boson. While the signal/background ratio is too small for the first process, the latter two provide viable signatures for detecting such a Higgs particle.Comment: (e-mail: [email protected]) LaTex; No. of pages 12, no. of figures 3 (available on request

    Resolving Octant Degeneracy at LBL experiment by combining Daya Bay Reactor Setup

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    Long baseline Experiment (LBL) have promised to be a very powerful experimental set up to study various issues related to Neutrinos. Some ongoing and planned LBL and medium baseline experiments are - T2K, MINOS, NOvA, LBNE, LBNO etc. But the long baseline experiments are crippled due to presence of some parameter degeneracies, like the Octant degeneracy. In this work, we first show the presence of Octant degeneracy in LBL experiments, and then combine it with Daya Bay Reactor experiment, at different values of CP violation phase. We show that the Octant degeneracy in LBNE can be resolved completely with this proposal.Comment: 4 pages, 8 figure

    Bayesian Model of Behaviour in Economic Games

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    Classical game theoretic approaches that make strong rationality assumptions have difficulty modeling human behaviour in economic games. We investigate the role of finite levels of iterated reasoning and non-selfish utility functions in a Partially Observable Markov Decision Process model that incorporates game theoretic notions of interactivity. Our generative model captures a broad class of characteristic behaviours in a multi-round Investor-Trustee game. We invert the generative process for a recognition model that is used to classify 200 subjects playing this game against randomly matched opponents

    Effect of heating rates on the synthesis of Al2O3–SiC composites by the self-propagating high-temperature synthesis (SHS) technique

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    Various aspects of insitu formation of Al2O3–SiC composites by the self-propagating high-temperature synthesis (SHS) technique have been investigated using thermal analyses (TG/DTA) of a powder mixture (4Al, 3SiO2, 3C) and pellets in an argon atmosphere at different heating rates. Both the reaction initiation and peak temperatures are found to increase with the heating rates. At lower heating rates, the powder samples do not reveal any exothermic peak possibly because of poor reactivity and sluggish exothermic reaction. The appearance of exothermic peaks in the DTA plots after melting of aluminum indicates reduction of silica by liquid aluminum. Conversion of aluminum is found to decrease marginally with an increase in heating rates. The apparent activation energy of the process compares well with the interdiffusion activation energy of silicon and oxygen, indicating that oxygen diffusion in Si formed at the reaction front may be the rate-controlling factor for this SHS process. From SEM studies it appears that the formation of SiC whiskers is through liquid-phase mass transfer

    NLO Corrections to lepton pair production beyond the Standard Model at hadron colliders

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    We consider lepton pair production at a hadron collider in a class of effective theories with the relevant operators being four-fermion contact interaction. Despite the nonrenormalizable nature of the interaction, we explicitly demonstrate that calculating QCD corrections is both possible and meaningful. Calculating the corrections for various differential distributions, we show that these can be substantial and significantly different from those within the SM. Furthermore, the corrections have a very distinctive flavour dependence. And finally, the scale dependence of the cross sections are greatly reduced once the NLO corrections are taken into account.Comment: 23 pages, 14 figures, few typos corrected, written in JHEP styl

    Large evolution of the bilinear Higgs coupling parameter in SUSY models and reduction of phase sensitivity

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    The phases in a generic low-energy supersymmetric model are severely constrained by the experimental upper bounds on the electric dipole moments of the electron and the neutron. Coupled with the requirement of radiative electroweak symmetry breaking, this results in a large degree of fine tuning of the phase parameters at the unification scale. In supergravity type models, this corresponds to very highly tuned values for the phases of the bilinear Higgs coupling parameter BB and the universal trilinear coupling A0A_0. We identify a cancellation/enhancement mechanism associated with the renormalization group evolution of BB, which, in turn, reduces such fine-tuning quite appreciably without taking recourse to very large masses for the supersymmetric partners. We find a significant amount of reduction of this fine-tuning in nonuniversal gaugino mass models that do not introduce any new phases.Comment: Version to appear in Phys.Rev.D. Insignificant changes like a few typos corrected. 26 pages, 7 figures, LaTe

    Brane Dynamics in the Randall-Sundrum model, Inflation and Graceful Exit

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    We study the averaged action of the Randall-Sundrum model with a time dependent metric ansatz. It can be reformulated in terms of a Brans-Dicke action with time dependent Newton's constant. We show that the physics of early universe, particularly inflation, is governed by the Brans-Dicke theory. The Brans-Dicke scalar, however, quickly settles to its equilibrium value and decouples from the post-inflationary cosmology. The deceleration parameter is negative to start with but changes sign before the Brans-Dicke scalar settles to its equilibrium value. Consequently, the brane metric smoothly exits inflation. We have also studied the slow-roll inflation in our model and investigated the spectra of the density perturbation generated by the radion field and find them consistent with the current observations.Comment: Revised version, Accepted in Class. Quant. Gravit
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